What to do with an inexperienced girl?


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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I'm close to dating this one chick, but the problem is that she seems to have limited dating experience. She tells me that she's waiting to "fall in love" before having sex..and that before she was even wanting to wait until marriage. It seems like she's living in a fairytale sometimes.

The point is that even though she is a real awesome person, I am not sure if I should take these kinda signs as signalling a poor future.

Another thing is that she seems to talk to a lot of different guys. As inexperienced as she is, she may be one of those girls who can easily fall out of a committed relationship and quickly get attracted to another guy.

So what would you guys do here?

Cna Got 5 On It

New Member
Nov 18, 2004
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San Jose, CA
Well one way is to let her KNOW that she is beautiful by telling her everytime you see her. You have to make her feel VERY comfortable around you, and she has to be very confident in what you think about her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Originally posted by Cna Got 5 On It
Well one way is to let her KNOW that she is beautiful by telling her everytime you see her. You have to make her feel VERY comfortable around you, and she has to be very confident in what you think about her.
I'm not sure telling her she is beautiful every time he sees her is a good idea. This sends the wrong message that he may be desperate to keep her by throwing compliments all the time (similar to constantly buying gifts) or that she is the prize between the two.

She may be naive regarding relationships. She may just be saying this for religious reasons, or saying it because she doesn't want to come off as a slut. Also, she may be the type of girl that tries to put herself on a pedestal by withholding sex and getting you to act like a wimpy AFC for her to get it...beware!

Your options are simple:

1) If you're only after sex, you're probably wasting time.

2) If you're after a relationship, then give her a chance.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
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Queens Ny
I kinda understand where your coming from. My girlfriend is very inexpierienced and I was her first boyfriend and first love. I've known her for over 12 years and weve been dating for roughly 4 months.
You'll need alot of patience with this girl but remember, if you put her out there, somebody will try to snatch her up. She most likely is naive to about certain situations also. Give her a compliment here and there but NEVER DO IT everytime you see her unless you are really established with her. Because if your not she'll stray REALLY quick. Don't be a kiss ass to her, mix alittle fantasy man and unpredictability. You'll have her wrapped around her finger if you do.
But remeber if your serious about this chick, you have to be in it for the long haul......... Trust me

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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Originally posted by WORKEROUTER
I'm close to dating this one chick, but the problem is that she seems to have limited dating experience. She tells me that she's waiting to "fall in love" before having sex..and that before she was even wanting to wait until marriage. It seems like she's living in a fairytale sometimes.

The point is that even though she is a real awesome person, I am not sure if I should take these kinda signs as signalling a poor future.

Another thing is that she seems to talk to a lot of different guys. As inexperienced as she is, she may be one of those girls who can easily fall out of a committed relationship and quickly get attracted to another guy.

So what would you guys do here?
She's either old-school or a undercover putter-outer.You can't tell till you date her. But observe her dealing with other men closer before you bite.

Girls say the dumbest **** to make you belive she's not a slut.It's usually a sign you are doing the right thing. So either way she's there for your taking.

Mack Bishop

Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
tell her what she wanna hear if u dare but hell really hath no fury like a (ex)virgin scorned


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Queens Ny
Originally posted by AverageFC
What took you 12 years son damn
We were never on the same page. She liked me I didn't like her, I liked her she didn't like me. Vice verse over and over and over again. I got frustrated with her and started dealing with other chicks. I didn't have the patience to deal with all that so I wasn't ready to commit. Now everything is starting to fall into place.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
Just go for it. Guaranteed someone will be in her before you know it.

If she starts messing around move on. It sounds harsh but just because she doesn't know what to do, doesn't mean you go all wussie.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Well one way is to let her KNOW that she is beautiful by telling her everytime you see her. You have to make her feel VERY comfortable around you
WTF??? You've got the right idea, but the wrong vehicle to get there.

So, she wants to fall in love before she has sex. Here's how to make a woman "fall in love" with you...

Like Cna said, you have to make her feel comfortable around you, but words won't make that happen. Women pick up on body language and human touch better than words. Use kino (non-sexual touch) and she'll know that you're comfortable touching her, and she'll also get comfortable.

To make a woman feel like she's known you all her life, tease the 5hit out of her (use ****y/funny). Bug her about anything stupid she does, tease her about stalking you or being sexually attracted to you. Create the illusion that SHE's the one who's persuing you.

Using ****y/funny combined with kino will get you even further. Poke her for no reason. Pinch her cheek (lightly) and say "Awww, you're so cute!". Pat her on the head like a dog and say "there, there" or "good girl!"

Sounds really stupid and childish, and it works!