Got a date with an HB8 tonight. I met this one at a mutual friends house a few weeks back. We hit it off pretty good. Strong eye contact, good conversation, and a number close (not asking but telling her I'd like to call her
). The only thing I negleceted was kino.
Saw her a 2nd time last Friday since I invited her to a small Labor day party I hosted at my home. I didn't get to give her a whole lot of attention since there were many others there to entertain as well. But this is probably a good thing since I didn't want to be clingy. but I did slip in some kino this time.
So anyway, I called her a couple days after the party and told her I'd like to come out to her place Wednesday night and she happily agreed. I'm a bit nervous though because I don't have a gameplan for the evening. I'm not familiar with the town she lives in so I don't know where to take her or what to do with her. I just said I'd come out there and be spontaneous. So it looks like I'm going to have to put her in partial control of the evening due to the fact that she knows where to go and I obviously do not. Not the ideal situation so I might do some research and suggest that we try a particular place. I'm sure we'll start off by hanging out at her apartment for a while talking, but I don't want that to grow stale.
Incidentally, she lives in Bridgeport (Chicago). So maybe whitesoxbill will read this and offer some suggestions.
Saw her a 2nd time last Friday since I invited her to a small Labor day party I hosted at my home. I didn't get to give her a whole lot of attention since there were many others there to entertain as well. But this is probably a good thing since I didn't want to be clingy. but I did slip in some kino this time.
So anyway, I called her a couple days after the party and told her I'd like to come out to her place Wednesday night and she happily agreed. I'm a bit nervous though because I don't have a gameplan for the evening. I'm not familiar with the town she lives in so I don't know where to take her or what to do with her. I just said I'd come out there and be spontaneous. So it looks like I'm going to have to put her in partial control of the evening due to the fact that she knows where to go and I obviously do not. Not the ideal situation so I might do some research and suggest that we try a particular place. I'm sure we'll start off by hanging out at her apartment for a while talking, but I don't want that to grow stale.
Incidentally, she lives in Bridgeport (Chicago). So maybe whitesoxbill will read this and offer some suggestions.