what to do next


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2007
Reaction score
heres the situation: i was at this party on saturday night and i got to talkin with this real cute chick near the end. i had no time to do anything else other than ask her her number and then i had to leave :( its monday now and i havent attempted to make contact with her. what should i do? ask her out on a date or something or just call to say hi? shes also a freshman in college and im a senior in high school. thanks guys


Don Juan
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
los angeles
Go for it.

I'm a senior too and I'm pulling a college freshmen too. [she's REALLY cute BTW haha]

Dont "ask her out on a date" though.

Call her up, tell her you're going somewhere and that she should come along with you.
[actually have something to do though...as for me, I told her I was going to see my friends band play and that she should come along with me...got there, I know lots of people in the hardcore music scene around here so social proof was pretty easy and then it just went uphill from there.]

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
What's wrong with asking her out on a date?

Call her tomorrow or wednesday and ask her out on a date for friday or saturday night. If you wait much longer you won't be very fresh in her mind. That, and if you wait too long she'll think you're some sort of chump who doesn't have the balls to call. Or you're "just not that into her."

Don't be afraid of the word "date." You meet a girl and get her number, a date is the next step. If she's just hanging around you one night and you haven't made it clear that you're on the first date she might be kind of confused about what's going on, whereas if you go ahead and throw the word "date" out there, she understands what's going on. You don't necessarily HAVE to call it a date, but it doesn't hurt. It makes your intentions clear. (this isn't a hard and fast rule, it's just something I find to be a good idea)

Anyhow, the first time you go out alone with a girl you haven't been LJFBed by, she pretty much assumes it's a date. Roll with it.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2007
Reaction score
well i called her up and shes goin out of town friday and asked me to call her saturday to check if shes back, she definitely seemed interested tho :) hey and if she isnt interested and im just being led on, hers was not the only phone number i got last saturday ;)


Don Juan
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
los angeles
The Forms said:
What's wrong with asking her out on a date?

Call her tomorrow or wednesday and ask her out on a date for friday or saturday night. If you wait much longer you won't be very fresh in her mind. That, and if you wait too long she'll think you're some sort of chump who doesn't have the balls to call. Or you're "just not that into her."

Don't be afraid of the word "date." You meet a girl and get her number, a date is the next step. If she's just hanging around you one night and you haven't made it clear that you're on the first date she might be kind of confused about what's going on, whereas if you go ahead and throw the word "date" out there, she understands what's going on. You don't necessarily HAVE to call it a date, but it doesn't hurt. It makes your intentions clear. (this isn't a hard and fast rule, it's just something I find to be a good idea)

Anyhow, the first time you go out alone with a girl you haven't been LJFBed by, she pretty much assumes it's a date. Roll with it.
That's the reason why I said he shouldnt ask her out on a "date".
Like you said, if she does infact go out with him alone she's already assuming it's a date, so I usually don't call up girls and tell them "hey, lets go on a date!" or something like that.

And to the OP, good job dude. Keep those options open.


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
OK ...
now try to make friendship and if you become friend then there is no need to go any where for dating. i really hate dating and i love friends and true friendship.