what to do if he actually comes?


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
First of all, im a girl.

Ok, so there is this guy that asked me to tell him when im gunna be working so he can come visit me. He has also asked me when my next day off was gunna be but i had to work alot that week and honestly didnt know. Anyway, im gunna do what he asked me to do and tell him when im working so he can come visit me...but im nervous about what do if he actually comes. I mean he will either come when the place i work at is stil open, or he will come when we are closed and then we will just chill in the office. But im nervous, i mean i wouldnt know what to do or what to say and i dont want to be boring. I want there to be stuff for us to talk about, so its not a waste of a trip for him to come down to see me.

I actually think it would be better for me to go visit him at his work, because it would be more interesting seeing where his new job is and what its like and stuff, instead of him coming back to where he used to work and seeing the same old stuff again. Me going there would give us more to talk about, but everyone says me going to see him would seem like i was chasing him.

I dont know. He asked me to tell him, so im gunna. But what should i do if he comes? Any ideas?


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
first of i would like to say

this is Don Juan discussion forum , not debbie juan, make a site for girls to share theyr problems we have no idea we are men....
Either go to ihaveboyproblems.com or google some site that can help you....

second of all :
dobnt go to his place cuz then hell think ur chasing him...
and talk about what u talk about over millions of topics u can discuss , talk about ur favortie movie for all i care....
Hes not gonna really listen all hes gonna think about is how to get u in his bed naked as soon as possible, he may nod a couple of times to make it look like hes litsning, but in the end men are men we want sex all the time.....

buh bye