What to do about being led on


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
It has happened yet again. everytime i find a girl who likes me, and i do my best to get her to like me. she leads me on, and goes for another guy. how can you tell if she is leading you on or not. cause im sick of being tossed aside each time like a sack o potatoes


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Is sh eleading you on, or is she losing interest?

Think carefully. If it's the ladder than you need to make a move. If it's the former than perhaps you're thinking too much about her actions.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
Now you said you "try your best to get them to like you" thats the thing, you try to hard to impress. Just go around like you don't give a damn, live your life, and don't get cought up with them to soon. Give them the idea, that yeah you do enjoy their company, but you could give a damn weather they are around you are not. I love this quote from the movie Scarface "The World is yours." Think in the way, that the worl evolves around you.

Also it helps to flip to script on girls. ex. When I frist meet a girl or have been talking to them for a short while, I say something like"Your a good friend, if you didn't have little quirk about you, I might even let you cook me dinner or take me out."
"Your a good friend to talk to, play your cards right and you might get a date."

I don't suggest doing these unless you get a good rapport with a female, or other than that you'll just sound like a ****y ahole(not thats there is no fun in being one):D

E-Z Rider

Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
Reaction score
Georgia Tech
Originally posted by SuaveStarboy
It has happened yet again. everytime i find a girl who likes me, and i do my best to get her to like me. she leads me on, and goes for another guy. how can you tell if she is leading you on or not. cause im sick of being tossed aside each time like a sack o potatoes
Poor you. These women have complete control over you. They keep you around for as long as they feel like it, then when they tire of you, they toss you out "like a sack of potatoes". Now, is that sad or what?

Has it occured to you that maybe they only lead you on, as you call it, because you allow them to?

The only way you can be lead on is if you do the whole "trying to get her to like" me thing. Like another person replied, you're trying too hard to get their attention.

I'd assume that your first problem is you start "liking" girls (I would you suggest that you develop a new term for attraction, along with a different mindset) before you've ever made any action at all. When you're single, you shouldn't really be at a state where you 'like' a girl until well after you've gotten her number, set up and have gone on several dates. Only then would you really know if she is worthy of you liking her. Until that point, your attitude should be more along the lines of "She's attractive and could be a cool girl, let's find out if she's worth my interest". Then, you have to take decisive (manly) action. Don't puss around with trying to get to know her or trying to see if she likes you first. Just get the number (a genarally unmistakable sign that you're interested) and set up dates that will allow both of you to judge each other, and build attraction.

Trying to get her to like you before you make any moves (so that you can theoretically eliminate the risk of rejection) **CREATES NOTHING BUT PROBLEMS**!. You're putting yourself at her mercy, creating these feelings of getting lead on.

You might think that these girls are mean-harted, and trying to hurt you. But if this has happened several times, then I promise you the problem is with YOU, not them. You didn't do anything that stirred atraction with them, or they may have even been attracted but you didn't make a decision and they got tired of waiting, so they opted for a guy who would make a move. Now, there are a few women out there who get some pleasure out of leading guys on. But most women aren't mean-spirited, they're just being their natural self, and going with the person they feel attraction for. In some way or another, you're not creating attraction.

I'd really suggest reading the bible some more, and practice the stuff in it. And you'll get out of this mindset of liking girls, trying to get them to like you, and then going out.

Best of luck- E-Z