What the Hell is Going on !??!


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Sup Fellas,

I post on here every once and a while when something interesting comes up or spread advice around a bit to those in need, and well now is a time where something is going on and I need some advice from u old-heads that have been around for a while...

Quick situation, I've had a LTR with my gf for about 3 years great relationship few probs here and there in the sex department, but other factors make up for the probs...

Anyway, I met this other chick (gorgeous no lie the girl is amazing thas all i can say) about 2 or 3 months ago (i posted about how to get her and u guys helped cuz i did) ended up sleeping with her and its been consistent once every week since the first time... sex is good and she doesn't care about my relationship, she just wants to get off... so fine it suits me for now...

The thing is, I'M NOT HAPPY !!! I thought having a really HOT girl, not just the type that is super cute, but socially valuable hot girl that others respect you instantly when ur with her.... was like the key, what i really wanted... and i have the best of both worlds, a gf that I love and spend my major time with and the socially hot chick who i don't even have to lie to...!! But im sitting here now and really im just not happy, i feel really blah and unmotivated...

My mind got me thinking I need more girls or need another conquest and even writing on the board right now makes me feel happier... i don't know what it is... I've got a stable job (good income) relationship status is good with women, could be better with guys (not too many guy friends) but im kind of miserable....

I just don't know what to do, any advice on how to kick this funk it has nothing to do with women obviously, cuz i've got what I thought I wanted... Just really confused and frustrated... I've even been masturbating more now and being away from my gf and kind of shying away from the hot chick (prob still see her this week tho, dont get me wrong) but u know what im sayin...



Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
I'm no angel. But I can look back on my past decisions, and admit that I was wrong. So without getting into details, I'll just say you shouldn't be cheating on your girl.

If you're in the mood to try new women, dump your g/f. If you want to keep your g/f, then control your urges.

I know it's some bulls*** societal construct that tells us that we should belong only to one woman. But you have this girl you "love" sitting at home thinking you're some trustworthy guy, and you're out banging chicks. There's nothing pimp about betraying the trust of someone you care about.

I'm all about banging a variety of girls. But not when you have a girlfriend who trusts you and treats you right.

As far as your other issue. I've been there...you're feeling like life isn't giving you enough challenges. When I get into a funk like that, I normally plan a trip somewhere or start taking up a new interest (yoga/martial art/drum lessons).


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice man and the mini-lecture, appreciate both

Not trying to be 'pimp' just searching for what I really want to be happy and I thought having the other girl would make me happy but it hasn't. I don't feel good or proud about cheating on the woman I love trust me... im being ur basic coward trying to keep something good and find something better to fulfill this void that i can't identify... if the other girl made/makes me happy id dump the first girl, dont want to be greedy or dishonest... I

It's not about not having a challenge, i've got ALOT of challenges especially at work, its something else. Maybe need to get a hobby, i've lost sexual interest in both of them just masturbating now.. almost like i want to be alone but im upset that i'm alone right now... want attention but i don't know from who

more help... tksd


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
You built up hot women as a "false god",met her and realized she didn't really change your life. You aren't any happier than you were before. Thats one of the problems with future goals-I'll be happy when:I do a hot girl,I make a million,etc.etc. When it comes, you aren't happier.The problem isn't the goal-it's the expectation that something EXTERNAL can make you internally happy