what the heck is my problem?


New Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Hi everyone,

Long time lurker here, but there's something that's bothered me and I thought maybe somebody here might have some idea.

I have reason to believe there is something going on with me similar to bipolar disorder, but to a much lesser extent.

It could be because I'm only 20 and I became aware of something a year ago, so it could be that I've caught it before it had a chance to develop.

I thought maybe I had "cyclothymia", but even now I read the definitions and the symptoms, and they are more extreme than what I have.

I have a solid head on my shoulders. My confidence and mood used to shift along with my body, but I have sorted that stuff out- mostly. It's hard to be at your best all the time when you don't know how you're going to feel from day to day.

What I'm talking about are entirely physical sensations. For example, I'll swing from very tired, cloudy mind, and prone to negative thoughts, to a "hypomanic" stage, which simply consists of a sensation of adrenaline (a buzzing feeling in my head), an increased desire to socialize, colors seem brighter, and this type of thing. After this "buzzed" feeling, which lasts for a day to a week, it is followed by mental lethargy, cloudiness, and not feeling like doing anything.

I want to feel normal all the time.

A few weeks ago, I realized I wasn't imagining things and that there was a real issue here, so I made a list of things to do. I started running every day, did stretches every morning, and etc. I also do push ups and pull ups, and take omega-3. Although these seem to have helped, I am still experiencing these symptoms.

The so-called "hypomanic" stages are sometimes disturbing because they make it difficult to concentrate on a thing. I've tried doing a ton of jumping jacks when it comes on, with some success. But obviously you can't do that in the middle of a meeting when you feel it coming on.

Does anyone know of any other things I could be doing (other than taking drugs) to stabilize my body somehow?



Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Dude, everyone has highs and lows, but that is crazy.

You won't get help on here. I think you need to see a doctor of some sort about this.

I don't mean this in a judgmental way, but mental illness is no different to physical illness - you can't help if you have it, and there is sometimes treatment available.

Good luck!

Neon Owl

Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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The best thing for you is to go see your doctor. I highly doubt anyone here can give you any worthwhile advice on this.

I wish you the best of luck with this man. I really hope you feel better soon!