What the h$ll does she want?


Don Juan
Oct 12, 2003
Reaction score
Well, I was dating this girl for about a month. She wasnt really giving me the attention that I wanted. She said she felt bad that she was not really ready for a relationship right now. I said fine, I can't talk to you right now cause I dont really have friend feelings. I said I would contact her when I was ready to be her friend.

She said she is extremely attracted to me but she cant figure out why she is so hesitant to get into the "relationship" more. She is going through some medical issues right now, so that could be affecting the scenerio.... This girl is hot as f@ck, I cant just hang out with her and act like her friend. I dont think its healthy for me. So i told her I would contact her in the future when I was ready to talk. One week goes by with no contact and I get this email.......basically saying that it sucks we cant even talk and that she never thought it would be like this.

Now i dont know what to think. I told her I cant be her friend, yet she still is contacting me. I dont know what this b!tch wants. Obviously some attention but in the form of what I dont know.

Please advise....


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Sounds similar to the same deal I'm in.

I was sorta seeing this girl for a while (we were friends for years before this), and after giving blatant signals (that just about everyone I know took as a green light), and even telling one of my friends flat out that she wanted to have sex with me, she flaked. We were drunk, fooling around, and before things got too fun she went cold and rambled on for a half hour about the reasons why we shouldn't do the ol' in out.

Such examples as:

"We've known each other for too long"
"I'm attracted to your personality, but I don't think we're sexually compatible"
"If we fvck, you're gonna want to be in a relationship" (this I think was the strongest reason, and my thinking is that SHE'S the one who might want a relationship in the end, but she's too concerned with some schooling she's got coming up, of which she never shut the fvck up about!)
"This is too awkward"
"I like hanging out with you, and I don't want to screw that up"

Blah blah blah... who gives a sh!t?

I told her, "Fine, we can still be friends", even though I had zero intention of ever talking to her again.

A few days later I get a text message asking me if I was going out to the pub that night. I, already planning to go there with my roommates responded with a yes. To this she told me that I didn't have to come out on her behalf. The nerve of some people.

After I get there she tells me that she felt "dissed" that I went off to a table with my roommates and not her. Then she asked me what time I was gonna pick her up next week to go to this concert. I dodged the subject.

Later on I finally get it out of her that right before we started hanging out as "more that friends", she had sex with this one particular lowlife. This is the type of person who never shuts up about his drug connections, how much money he makes, how high he got over the weekend, how awesome he thinks he is, his bad tattoos, ect..., but I always had fun calling his bullsh!t and making him look even dumber in front of everybody.

Anyway, I about blew a gasket. She essentially took my manhood, held in in her hand, and smashed it with a well timed strike of a sledgehammer. Thanks for telling me that I'm not "worthy" of you, but this douchebag is more than good enough. It sickens me to think my mouth touched hers, probably only days after hers lips had been.... I don't even want to think about it. Kunt.

her: Are you mad.
evoke: Of course not.

Now, the classy thing for me have done right there was to excuse myself to the bathroom, and not come back, but I still had a few hours of drinking left in me.

She eventually left, and after a few more rounds, I took out my cellphone and started typing up something. Something to effect of, "I think your standards suck. Good luck with school. Goodbye.".

She responded at first with an "I don't understand" SMS, followed by a phonecall (I didn't answer), followed by an angry rant about how I shouldn't judge her (but it's ok for her to judge me?), followed by some more unaswered phonecalls.

I sat and drank my beer, content.

Last night my one roommates' girlfriend ran into her at some bar. She told her what had happened (The "I just wanted to be friends" deal), and then went on about my good qualities for a good hour. If she thinks so highly of me, why couldn't she just give me what I wanted? It's not like I wanted to sever the line between her and me, but she pushed those pins a little too far.

To this my friends GF responded with "It sounds like you lead him on. I would have done the same thing if I were him.".

I hope she gets it through her head that it's not cool to fvck about with a person's feelings. I know one of her ex's, and he's a lunatic of her creation. He still thinks the two of them will get back together, and she eggs him on by calling him up to ask quick questions every couple of months. Just to make sure she stays in his mind.

The moral, stick those attention wh0res as quickly as possible, run, and don't look back.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
evoke, I feel ya, I can't deal with women right now, it's gotten to the point that my motivation has fallen to an all-time low.


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Wow I feel for ya, that's a messed up story:(
Yeah I think she doesn't know what she wants herself as it's evident in her actions.
If you see her again and she presses you for why you are not friends anymore, I'd tell her that you use to think highly of her but your opinion of her changed in the downward direction. She is free to do all the $hit she wants but you are still free to judge her on that in your own mind.

I think it boils down to this:
She likes you and wants to be in a GF/BF type of "close friends" relationship yet without the sex for some reason. So her closeness of her relationship with you does lead you on to thinking she wants more.
I dunno I think some chicks who have great guy friends are afraid that if they turn the gusy into BF then eventualy things can/will go wrong and they will break up. So they'd rather avoid sex between you just so that they don't get a chance to loose you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Originally posted by drake
Well, I was dating this girl for about a month. She wasnt really giving me the attention that I wanted. She said she felt bad that she was not really ready for a relationship right now. I said fine, I can't talk to you right now cause I dont really have friend feelings. I said I would contact her when I was ready to be her friend.

She said she is extremely attracted to me but she cant figure out why she is so hesitant to get into the "relationship" more. She is going through some medical issues right now, so that could be affecting the scenerio.... This girl is hot as f@ck, I cant just hang out with her and act like her friend. I dont think its healthy for me. So i told her I would contact her in the future when I was ready to talk. One week goes by with no contact and I get this email.......basically saying that it sucks we cant even talk and that she never thought it would be like this.

Now i dont know what to think. I told her I cant be her friend, yet she still is contacting me. I dont know what this b!tch wants. Obviously some attention but in the form of what I dont know.

Please advise....
Ok, certainly she misses you, but that doesn't necessarily mean she wants to get into a relationship. Most likely, she just wants things her way, that is to be your friend. She might have a case of low IL --> some regret, keep dropping her as an open option, as this one, who's not showing enough interest, might not be worth the trouble. If she were REALLY REALLY interested, there's no way she'd let you go. Just remember that, and do consider moving on.



Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
this is how the ljbf happens.
do you see the zone?
do not walk into the light .
walk away.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Sometimes dealing with girls is the hardest until you realize that some girls are just plain stupid, no matter what DJing you do, how you act, or what you do, they are just too picky and dont understand how the real world works. With that in mind, it is sometimes easier to NEXT a girl as she is not worthy or a relationship, and if it takes this much work to get in her pants, then that much work is not worth it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
Chalk this up to immaturity. Girls in their early 20s (and some even in their later 20s I'm sure) have a very different perspective when it comes to dating/relationships. The mindset is to not be too tied down and to be pickier. They get bored fast, which accounts for why they fall for the bad boy during this time because it's a challenge and there's that notion of unattainability which apparently counteracts their boredom. Furthermore, don't ever forget that girls in general are boring people, meaning that they usually have nothing better to do than just talk about boys all day. They usually don't play sports, don't have a lot of responsibilities that aren't taken care of for them, and in general, spend all their time analyzing relationships. I know that sounds pretty sexist and general, but it's pretty close to the truth.

Last girl I went out with was 22, and she was pretty immature for 22 because she was not very experienced in relationships and was relatively sheltered. She was very high maintenance, meaning that you had to be on fire ALL the time, or else you were history. That's just too much after a while, and it's a lesson that she will eventually learn as she gets older, but for now, she won't give a crap and just continue to want whatever she wants and be a brat about it. This is what puts these girls in the "stay away from her" category, unless you want to go through some serious headaches. She'll put you through the wringer, and not even think twice about it.

Bottom line is, just hook up with these girls if you can do so without getting attached to them. If you can't, you're better off staying away and keeping it very mellow between you guys until she decides that she's willing to put aside her immaturity. Until then, don't give her any relationship other than friendship at most. You should see these girls BEGGING you to get into a relationship before you even consider it, and even then, I'd be on guard.


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by drake
...She said she felt bad that she was not really ready for a relationship right now. I said fine, I can't talk to you right now cause I dont really have friend feelings. I said I would contact her when I was ready to be her friend.

She said she is extremely attracted to me but she cant figure out why she is so hesitant to get into the "relationship" more...

...I told her I cant be her friend, yet she still is contacting me. I dont know what this b!tch wants...

Please advise....
1 month. Relationship? Why is that word -- or even discussions like that -- coming up? Waaaaaaayyyyy toooo heavy this early, dude.

Date her. Date others. Have fun. Keep it light. Let her bring up being a GF at, oh, like, 3 months into it. You shut up about "relationship" in the meantime.

Instead of "I can't just be a friend right now, I'll call you when I can" replace with "Hey! No problem." and then disappear and get another date with someone else set up immediately.

Keep it light, keep it fun. That's your mantra - burn it into your brain cells: keep it light, keep it fun.

If she comes back (and she will) she goes back to the end of the line. Don't worry, she'll work her way back up.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
Agree with that, there will be no harm in not contacting the girl for a while. If anything, it's no harm no foul. You're not obligated in any way to call her all the time because you're not a couple, you're just dating. To me, that means you are both seeing other people.

I have a girl right now who I've gone out with a few times, had fun, and I've called her sporadically at best, and for sure never that often. She calls me now, and tries to set things up all the time, and sometimes I say I can do it, sometimes I say I can't. If anything, I'd say this girl is pretty interested in me, probably more so than any other girl I'm dating. Problem is that I'm not sure if I can handle a girl like her as a girlfriend because I find her personality a bit on the annoying side at times.