What the Fukk is wrong with me???

Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
Hey guys, ever since my last post, I think I have been doing a little better than my first few posts here 2 months ago, but fukk!!!

I went to a club with my friend today, there was this blonde chick, totally my type. She was amazing, from top to bottom, she even looked like a cool girl too, playing around having fun, unlike most of those drop dead gorgeous chicks that think they are too cool for everybody.

so what happened? NOTHING!!!

The worst thing is that she looked like she was into me too, my friend told me that I got her attention/she noticed me.

3/4 of the night, she was somehow in front of me.

Yet I couldn't get myself to do anything. Why am I so scared? Why am I such a wuss?

I had all these stupid reasons and fears going through my head, the club is half empty, so everybody will see me, she is in a group of like 5-7 girls, I'm only with one friend, if I walk up to her she might turn away/walk away, she might laugh.


What the FUKK do I do????



Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
Next time, walk up to the group of hens, while keeping your eyes trained on her, and smile while asking if you could buy her a drink. Now, I know initially buying a girl a drink is considered taboo by some here, but when she's with a group of female friends, you have to give her an additional compelling reason to leave her trusty flock of wenches, or she'll feel bad about "ditching them" for a random guy. If she accepts, she'll get the hint and go to a private area of the bar with you to have that drink.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Stop beating yourself up over this sort of thing. She's one girl, it's A club and most of those people are probably completely shyt faced. So after that night they probably won't even remember you. Heck to them last night they thought was a dream alright? So get the right things through your head. Negativity is the first thing you'll want to get rid of. If at the end of the day, all you have is yourself. Then isn't that the ONE person you want to treat with respect the most?

My advice is to think of treating yourself better and to really think about all the guys in that club who will most likely go home and beat their meat like it owes them money. But really, don't focus on everyone else, focus on you since that is afterall your most important asset. Seperating yourself from the boys and idiots and being someone these girls want but don't get enough of.

Blatant truth

Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by AmIAFC
Next time, walk up to the group of hens, while keeping your eyes trained on her, and smile while asking if you could buy her a drink. Now, I know initially buying a girl a drink is considered taboo by some here, but when she's with a group of female friends, you have to give her an additional compelling reason to leave her trusty flock of wenches, or she'll feel bad about "ditching them" for a random guy. If she accepts, she'll get the hint and go to a private area of the bar with you to have that drink.

AFC's giving advice to AFC's...

Goodbye sosuave

darth yoda

Don Juan
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
a galaxy far, far away
Originally posted by AmIAFC
Next time, walk up to the group of hens, while keeping your eyes trained on her, and smile while asking if you could buy her a drink. Now, I know initially buying a girl a drink is considered taboo by some here, but when she's with a group of female friends, you have to give her an additional compelling reason to leave her trusty flock of wenches, or she'll feel bad about "ditching them" for a random guy. If she accepts, she'll get the hint and go to a private area of the bar with you to have that drink.
Are you serious?

I'm all into trying new techniques and not sticking to "the rules" but this is getting out of control...



Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
Reaction score
Hes right. Shes one girl. Stopp overanalyzing everything. What I do when I see a girl dancing with a friend, I just com up to her, smile sexy , take her hand and dance with her. After the dancing it's much more likely that she'll chat with you. Workes every time. If shes dancing with her friends, shes just waiting for somebody to lead her away and dance with her. I remember a few years ago when people would just say READ THE BIBLE. You see, what you have to do is see this as a learning experience. Look at your mistakes and find out what you did wrong. Now that you know what you did wrong, work on improving those flaws. But first. Read the bible. http://www.jbspencer.com/djb/


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
Reaction score
By tha way. You have low testosterone. Start lifting weights, or atleast try it out before judging weightlifting. How often do you see the health and fitness guys posting here? Im like a different person. A better person who people actually like hanging out with. Seriously, the mental benefits ae amazing. What you need to know to get started: http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=550116


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
You guys are nuts.

What's he supposed to do next time something like this happens? Just ignore it and keep telling himself, "I'm the prize, I'm the prize, I'm the prize."

There's absolutely nothing wrong with approaching a female -- *GASP* -- or even a cluster of them and offering one of them a drink. It's not that he's validating himself; he's asking to have a PRIVATE drink with a female.

And before you ask, I've done it in the past with females sitting at a table, with some success stories. The most harsh response I've gotten was a "No, but thanks." No one laughed, but I'm sure everyone appreciated the offer.

Sometimes I think a lot of you use the less-than-aggressive approach as a security blanket to hide your lack of balls.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
hey, bvoe,

dont worry about it man, your getting there, what i want you to do when your next out or when your next about to approach a girl, remember that rejection is good for you:

if i dont approach i wont get a yes, if i do approach, and dont get a yes, i know how to get a yes next time;
"rejections are answers my friend, answers for how to do it right, how to gain results next time"!
im gaining experience, and taking a few rejections will toughen my shell;
"thats right, by taking these rejections, you will grow to ignore them, your emotions will be cool,calm and collected, and your shell will become indifferent towards rejections!"
taking a few rejections will increase my confidence;
"thats right, each and every girl you approach, your experience will increase and so will your confidence also!

taking a few rejections will give me the knowledge to do it different next time,
to do it with confidence,
to do it with out a care in the world,
to JUST DO IT regardless of weather she rejects me because,
i know rejections are good for my learning experience!

so next time just remember, if you dont approach you will never get anywhere!

just do it!

sarge on...:woo:


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by BiggestVaginaOnEarth
I went to a club with my friend today, there was this blonde chick, totally my type. She was amazing, from top to bottom, she even looked like a cool girl too, playing around having fun, unlike most of those drop dead gorgeous chicks that think they are too cool for everybody.
That is great you have meet a girl you like. Finding girls one is really into is sometimes a problem. Also sometimes when fear of approaching kicks in, people tend to bargain with themselves if the really like her and try to find reasons why she is not that good so that they don´t need to approach. Being honest here with yourself that you really liked her (at least her looks and her appearance) is good.

Originally posted by BiggestVaginaOnEarth
so what happened? NOTHING!!!
I am 100% sure every man - even Tom Cruise - knows what you are talking about here.

Originally posted by BiggestVaginaOnEarth
The worst thing is that she looked like she was into me too, my friend told me that I got her attention/she noticed me.
Interesting thing here is that usually the girls we like most also like us more than girls we don´t like. That´s why it´s always a good idea to go for the girls you really think are hot. (Skip the part of approaching girls you don´t like for training purposes in case you should be thinking of this.)

Originally posted by BiggestVaginaOnEarth
3/4 of the night, she was somehow in front of me.
Yes, you know what to do here. Best advise is here to approach her as soon as possible. Only if you are totally sure there will be a better situation to approach her later, then wait. Otherwise don´t wait for a 'good' situation to approach and try to take the first chance. But even if you have for whatever reason waited longer - maybe you think too long and 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 of the night is passing, you have always the chance and it´s always the best to go for it. Don´t feel guilty here that you maybe have lost a better chance earlier and you maybe come over as a stalker standing there for so long looking at her. It´s ALWAYS the right decision to go for it, if u like the girl.

Originally posted by BiggestVaginaOnEarth
I had all these stupid reasons and fears going through my head, the club is half empty, so everybody will see me, she is in a group of like 5-7 girls, I'm only with one friend, if I walk up to her she might turn away/walk away, she might laugh.
Yes, you have just meet your biggest enemy inside of yourself trying to hold you back and destroying your chance to get to know this beautiful woman.

This will not have been the the last fight against your enemy inside yourself. Probably it also will not have been the last fight you have lost. But I give you permission here to fight against him. And finally you will win this fight. Step by step. But this is a fight you can only win in the field and not by reading the bible or anything else.

After all, it was good you have feel the strong presence of these mental blockers.

Now, try to feel them again and try to overcome them. At first your only goal here is to become active.

How you do this is your choice, every action will be good at this point. Maybe it will help you to design something in the forefront what you can say.

Feel free to say anything what you like and feel comfortable with. And be aware that you will hear the voices in your head even louder. And that is great. Gor for it.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Chicagoland area
Well, first I'd re-examine and reconsider your username.

^^^ What he said. DEFINITELY. Think of how that good-looking broad, ANY good-looking broad really, would react if they learned you were posting here under the username "BiggestVaginaOnEarth". :p Get the self-image thing down first, and then good things will start to happen more frequently. All that having been said, what you did (well actually what you DIDN'T do) at that club is probably nearly a universal experience among men. We've all done it at one time or another. Just froze up or chickened out or whatever you want to call it. Write it off as a bad night, and forget about it. And , if you want to stick to genitalia for your username, try this : "NineInchesLimpByotch". Should put you in a more appropriate frame of mind. (That one was going to be my second choice by the way, if "DinoCassanova" had not been available; and YES, it's true.... :eek: :D )

darth yoda

Don Juan
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
a galaxy far, far away
Originally posted by AmIAFC
You guys are nuts.

What's he supposed to do next time something like this happens? Just ignore it and keep telling himself, "I'm the prize, I'm the prize, I'm the prize."

There's absolutely nothing wrong with approaching a female -- *GASP* -- or even a cluster of them and offering one of them a drink. It's not that he's validating himself; he's asking to have a PRIVATE drink with a female.

And before you ask, I've done it in the past with females sitting at a table, with some success stories. The most harsh response I've gotten was a "No, but thanks." No one laughed, but I'm sure everyone appreciated the offer.

Sometimes I think a lot of you use the less-than-aggressive approach as a security blanket to hide your lack of balls.
This is the problem with this site, some AFC tactic works, and now its gold? I'm not offering a woman a drink just to *possibly* get the chance to talk to her, that is BS.

And I wouldn't use a less than aggressive approach either buddy, learn the Mystery Method and you'd know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, you are an AFC, no question about it.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
If you want to offer her a drink, that´s great. If you don´t want to offer her a drink, that´s great.

If you don´t live in a world of limiting beliefs, everything YOU want to do is great.

Offering a girl a drink or not is not a question of being something you call an AFC. The bigger picture here is the frame you are coming from. And with the one frame offering a drink can be great while with another frame it will not work.

After all, if you think offering a girl a drink will destroy your chances with her, you still have to work on yourself. It´s never a drink offer that will destroy any chances.

Or do you really believe when Mr. Right, the man she is dreaming of her whole live comes across and finally offers her a drink that will destroy everything and her feelings towards him?

Another issue is, that I personally don´t believe offering a girl a drink as the first thing to do is the best idea. But if it works for someone else, who cares.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by BiggestVaginaOnEarth
Hey guys, ever since my last post, I think I have been doing a little better than my first few posts here 2 months ago, but fukk!!!

I went to a club with my friend today, there was this blonde chick, totally my type. She was amazing, from top to bottom, she even looked like a cool girl too, playing around having fun, unlike most of those drop dead gorgeous chicks that think they are too cool for everybody.

so what happened? NOTHING!!!

The worst thing is that she looked like she was into me too, my friend told me that I got her attention/she noticed me.

3/4 of the night, she was somehow in front of me.

Yet I couldn't get myself to do anything. Why am I so scared? Why am I such a wuss?

I had all these stupid reasons and fears going through my head, the club is half empty, so everybody will see me, she is in a group of like 5-7 girls, I'm only with one friend, if I walk up to her she might turn away/walk away, she might laugh.


What the FUKK do I do????

dont fear something that stupid, OH NO SHELL SAY NO

tell me this,
and be honest


when u talk to 0 WOMEN


when u talk to 20 women that all said NO

was it "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
or was it just "no"
im betting all if not just most of them wer "...no..." like a little bunny rabbit.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by milkman
If you want to offer her a drink, that´s great. If you don´t want to offer her a drink, that´s great.

If you don´t live in a world of limiting beliefs, everything YOU want to do is great.

Offering a girl a drink or not is not a question of being something you call an AFC. The bigger picture here is the frame you are coming from. And with the one frame offering a drink can be great while with another frame it will not work.

After all, if you think offering a girl a drink will destroy your chances with her, you still have to work on yourself. It´s never a drink offer that will destroy any chances.

Or do you really believe when Mr. Right, the man she is dreaming of her whole live comes across and finally offers her a drink that will destroy everything and her feelings towards him?

Another issue is, that I personally don´t believe offering a girl a drink as the first thing to do is the best idea. But if it works for someone else, who cares.
That was an intelligent response, which is more than I can say for most of the other replies in this thread. The problem with the scenario presented here is that he had more to gain than to lose by approaching her with an offer for a drink. What he did, instead, was nothing; what happened was, naturally, nothing.

You don't destroy any mystery by approaching a group of hens and asking if one of them wants a drink. If you call that being a chump, then I'll be a chump over suffering a lack of balls anyday. Like I said earlier, people use the dreaded "AFC" policy as a security blanket to cover-up for their own lack of confidence.