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What The F*c!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake

i met this girl at the club 2 months ago HB9....she was seriously diggin' me. She even wanted to drive from ORlando to Panama city beach just to see me for Spring break, but i told her no. We only hung out 2ce but we saw each other in the club a lot. Lately she has been actin' really funny, like snobby on the phone every now and then so i stop calling her as much. She just gave me a call at work and told me that she hasnt been honest with me. About 3 weeks ago she saw an old friend from school and they exchanged numbers. She has been spending time with him lately and that is why she has been actin' funny lately. She told me that she likes me still and that she likes him too...the only difference is hes been sleeping with her and i havent!!!!! i played it cool and acted like we were just friends anyway and it was no big deal so what do i do, she wants me to still talk to her and call her..she said that if i am not mad at her then call her, if not then she is sorry.

The Irish Tongue

Don Juan
Dec 13, 2002
Reaction score
Sounds like you played it too cool. You were a challenge, which is good, but too aloof. You basically showed her you weren't interested by not being more cordial at the club. I don't why you wouldn't take advantage of crossing paths with her in a club to further her impression of you. If you had given a little bit more at the right time you could have been banging her, instead of the other guy.

Also, so long as it was only for a day or two and at least one night, I would have said yes to her coming to panama to hang out with you.

Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
If you talk to her again, tell her you're moving on, and tell her "goodbye". Chicks hate goodbyes. You're best bet is to flush her number down the toilet and start fresh.

Strike while the iron's hot, and you'll beat every other guy that's into her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake

i think that i may have been misunderstood...i DO talk to her in the club.we even make out in the club as well :p ! What i was trying to get at was i see her at the club allll the time and thats when we see most of each other. We only hung out once outside the once or twice outside the club. My main thing is this: i acted like we were just friends anyway when she told me of this other if i werent to call her anymore, she would know for sure that i DO CARE about this other guy in the way (which i dont want her to think i care). so when i do see her in the club she will think she got the best of me. So should i give her a call or not call her and make it seem like im to heart broken to speak with her?!

Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Re: reply

Originally posted by DavenJuan
so if i werent to call her anymore, she would know for sure that i DO CARE about this other guy in the way (which i dont want her to think i care). so when i do see her in the club she will think she got the best of me.
Judging from this, you do care what she thinks of you. She's an attention wh0re. Ditch her and move onto some fresh pu55y.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake
bungo...great advice.....but IM the GREAT CATCH!!!..not this other guy who just why let him get the girl? its not so much that i care about HER..shes just another girl, its more so that i care about losing to an AFC. the game isnt over, there is just another player involved (mr. new guy) She told me that she wanted to still hang out, but she just felt "bad" about not telling me about the new guy. i can avoid her easily and NEXT her, but i dont want to bump into her 2x a week and look like the guy SHE NEXTED over an AFC


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Back up

You my friend are the notorious back up guy that some girls keep around just in case things go wrong with their number one dude. She's the coach of the team, she has her starter and the only way you're going in is if he goes down or gets a better deal with another team. Then (unless she drafts another starter) you'll be in.
Do not however count on this happening. As long as she knows she can drag you along by spending some one on one time with her and what not and not giving you the buisness, she's more than likely just going to give you what ever level of affection/attention you need to keep you around while she shops for some one else.
My advice, your valuable time can best be spent in other places.

Pimp For A Living

Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2002
Reaction score
Heartland of America
Obviously this girl knows that you wanted to hook up with her in a sexual way otherwise she wouldn't have been confessing and acting guilty when she told you about the other guy.

Why would you tell her that you consider her just a friend?

Usually that is the reaction that we want to avoid with chicks we are aiming to lay, but you sort of preempted her and said it yourself.

If you really want this chick you are probably going to have to stop worrying about what she thinks about you and just go for the kill.

She may be having sexual relations with this other guy right now, but if you come in and put it on her the right way she might dump the other guy (who is yesterday's news anyway).

Either way just divert your attention to other women and work on them for now.


Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
bungo...great advice.....but IM the GREAT CATCH!!!..not this other guy who just why let him get the girl?
You have not adopted the mindset of a great catch. "The Great Catch lost out on another girl". Does that statement make sense? Doesn't make any fvcking sense to me.

She's not the great catch, you are! She's the one who lost out on a great guy, not you losing out on a great girl.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake

i didnt plan on calling her back, but she gave me a call less than one day later. I think she was expecting me to call her back that same night and i never did. I didnt even answer when she called me back either. But i did return her call about an hour later. (regreting it deeply)...when i called her back she was all upset and saying how she hated liars and how she always makes the wrong decisions. Well, she started crying and rushed off the phone cuz she didnt want me to know she was upset. she called back about 1/2hour later and the whole dam* reason she was upset was because of this other guy. Like i really wanted to hear about her problems with this guy. so i guess you were right in a sense bungo, i did end up the back up starter, especially sense i made myself soooo available to "talk" to about MR. new guy!! NEXT!!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake

well...she came around. she is constantly calling me now but i dont answer her phone calls as mucn as before. She told my friend 2 days ago that she liked me but didnt know why i didnt like her back. What should i do now. Before she threw me to the curve for some other guy but still wanted to keep me around. Now im the number one player. Should i ignore her.


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Well she did play you a few weeks ago.

You don't have to go for her you know.

What do you want from a relationship with her ? Sex only?
If so, then play your cards right, which you seem to have been doing the past few weeks and bang her.

You're the great catch remember ?
Keep on your relations with other chicks anyway, and keep her on the backburner.

What you're doing seems to be working, so don't stop doing it.
Don't act like a wussy just coz she likes you now.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2003
Reaction score
If you don't care about her then why are you posting about her??


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2003
Reaction score
if you didnt care about her then you shoulda posted about what you did wrong and how you could improve it next time.

You obviously like this girl.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake
i care more on the situation than her. And i never said that i didnt care about her, shes hott and definitely f*ck worthy. I was just tryin' to figure out if it is worth it to pursue. Im not lookin' for a relationship with her at all. But i dont want to embarass myself by putting myself out there


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake
more update

well i stopped calling her and pursing her and going out flirting with other girls. And just like i have read in other posts, she is wanting me back. She wanted to come over yesterday to my place, so i kinda left her hangin' there sayin' it was cool, but let me call you back later to figure out what time you can get here. I didnt call her back until late that night telling her that i was tired and she may be able to come over tomorrow! :D . She normally wouldve been REALLY upset but instead she was really nice about it. Im wonderin' if i should really have her come over or not tonight. JUst like someone said a few threads before this one, i may just be the back up guy and thats why shes callin' me. But i really dont want to miss out on some a$$ tonight! What do you think? CAll her tonight..or leave her hangin' to try to see howmuch she really likes me?


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
Obviously this girl knows that you wanted to hook up with her in a sexual way otherwise she wouldn't have been confessing and acting guilty when she told you about the other guy.
I disagree, when she confessed, she was tossing out a question to find out if he was interested. She was looking for his reaction on the subject. He gave her the wrong reaction by telling her it was ok and mentioning the "friends" thing.


1: You told her not to come to see you, which makes you look uninterested. Would you not look for other opportunities if some hot babe that you wanted didn't show any interest or showed signs of disinterest? There is a fine line between showing disinterest and being a challenge. You, sir, crossed that line. Put yourself in her shoes and think what you would do/think if she were to do to you what you did to her. After all, she obviously doesn't have problems getting guys into her bed, so why would she waste her time on some guy who never wants to see her? Genuine challenge is not conscious, it's part of being confident and thus unconscious. If you make challenge a conscious effort you will f<beep>k it up.

2: You mentioned the friends word. Now she has it in her mind that you want to be friends. Not only does this strengthen the idea in her head that you're not interested sexually but it makes you look like an AFC.

3: You didn't make a move! What's the difference between you and old HS friend? Old HS friend made a move sexually and you didn't. If you want a woman, don't think, just do.

4: After all this time she still wants to come over and you're telling her no? Are you some sort of idiot? Get her the hell over and let her know you're interested romantically!! Even if you just a one-nighter, at least you'll get some from her.

5: You're worried about being embarrassed. Truly confident men don't care about embarrassment. They do what they want to do no matter what other people think. This is what makes them attractive to women.



Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake

i appreciate the advice..i never looked at it like that. i never meant for me to come off as not interested. But even though i am she still seems to be interested. she was suppose to come over yesterday but she didnt feel well. so she is suppose to come over sometime this week. With this girl...shes a little "b*tchy" at times. She thinks that she is tough but she really isnt. And by me actin' like i dont really give a f*ck, she may get more interested..but i will keep you posted on whatever happens when she comes over sometime this week.