What should my next move be?


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2008
Reaction score
Hey DJ's, I have a quesion for you? There's this girl that I met 5 months ago, who really started liking me.. I was getting over a break up and wasn't interested. I had to tell her this to not lead her on. She was very cool and said okay lets just be friends. We hung out all the time. She texted me almost everyday for several months and we became really great friends. Her roomates who are her best friends absolutely love me and still do.

After hanging out with her this much, I started to have feelings for her. She being a girl, sensed this and started to be very flirty again. So a couple of weeks ago on monday night I just grabbed her hand while we were watching a movie. She liked this alot. The next day I asked her out and she said she would like to. I said Friday and she said she couldn't cause she was going on vacation. So we decided to go when she got back. Sweet! This is where I get lost.

So she goes on her vacation, with almost no communication, ignores my texts - please note I only sent 2 (kinda weird since we texted eachother everyday and we really seemed to be interested in each other, right?). Anyways, she gets back and doesn't text me or call. I invite her out with me and some friends and she said she's not up for it. But wanted to know if I wanted her roomates to come? I said sure. Wow, slap in the face! What the? Everything was going so good and then BLAM! I never felt like such a deer in headlights before. We both had a lot invested in this, I just dont get it. This is exactly where I am right now. It's like she's totally ignoring me and I did nothing. What happened? Lets pretend that she still does have feelings for me what should my next move be?

true romance

Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
she is playing...stay away from her for a while...she is doing push and pull. No contact

you now go out meet her girlfriend roommate and seduce her....show her how much you are a fun and have a LIFE....

You are a man and our job is to flirt with women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Women's emotions change like the wind. I've said this so many times. Women don't work on logic. Their beliefs and convictions change with their emotions, so they change a lot! Hence why women find it so hard to keep feelings for a guy for a long time.

The thing is, you initiated some attraction but nothing that's going to keep her interest over such a long period of time. The fact that you sent 2 text messages while she is on vacation isn't so bad (I've heard much worse).

I think your right course of action is to forget her for a little while and talk to some other women. She obviously had her emotions blown in a different direction at the moment, but believe me they will most likely blow back to you. Flirting with her roomates may be a short term solution to your problem, but it would be much better to just move onto DIFFERENT women in a different set of people.

The previous poster is right however. You sound like a young man like myself, so go out and use that to your advantage. We have many years left of fun before having to think about relationships and what not.