My stats:
I am 6'0'' and weigh 182 lbs. My waist size is 34 in. and my body fat % is about 10.5%. I am 20 years old if that matters.
You guys can probably imagine I am not really TOO lean/thin so a skinny guy program probably wouldn't be good. Yet I am also not fat/chunky, so I don't think I need to lost too much weight.
On the other hand, I am not really super built or muscular either but I came from being a bit bulky and a tad overweight (220lbs, 5'10'', 15% bf, 38 in waist) 2 years ago. That certainly did not look good, and I look better now.
I'm not sure how I should approach improving my physique from here and also where my target weight/body fat should be. I do know I'd like to look a bit more muscular, but not necessarily fatter.
Would the same weight (182 lbs) but with a body fat% of 6-8% be right? I don't know, so I'm asking here.
Thanks in advance!
P.S. (If this is something I should know from having read DIESEL's guides or something and I am just pissing you guys off, then I'm sorry).
I am 6'0'' and weigh 182 lbs. My waist size is 34 in. and my body fat % is about 10.5%. I am 20 years old if that matters.
You guys can probably imagine I am not really TOO lean/thin so a skinny guy program probably wouldn't be good. Yet I am also not fat/chunky, so I don't think I need to lost too much weight.
On the other hand, I am not really super built or muscular either but I came from being a bit bulky and a tad overweight (220lbs, 5'10'', 15% bf, 38 in waist) 2 years ago. That certainly did not look good, and I look better now.
I'm not sure how I should approach improving my physique from here and also where my target weight/body fat should be. I do know I'd like to look a bit more muscular, but not necessarily fatter.
Would the same weight (182 lbs) but with a body fat% of 6-8% be right? I don't know, so I'm asking here.
Thanks in advance!
P.S. (If this is something I should know from having read DIESEL's guides or something and I am just pissing you guys off, then I'm sorry).