I just realized that everytime i hang with my g/f we never hang with MY friends.its ALWAYS with her friends (besides when we hang 1 on 1).does that make me a loser without any friends of my own.Thats how I'm feeling.
Most of my friends are HER friends and it pisses me off.all MY friends from before are boring and gay and its like a differ group thing where ill have one friend but that friend doesnt want to hang out with my other friends.so when i wanna hang with my girl and my friends its like 3 of us.
But with her its always me, her, and 20 of her friends.
I start college in about 2 weeks. It is a community colllege so it isnt that big and there aren't frats or anything to join other than some sports.
Other than that all my friends arent very fun and they are too few and too far between (I'll have one friend who hates my other friend and thus I only hang with one or two of my friends at a time).
What can I do to make guy friends this time in the year other than joining a sport for my college?
If you think about it, Don Juan'ing is alot easier to pick up chicks than it is to meet cool guy friends.
Most of my friends are HER friends and it pisses me off.all MY friends from before are boring and gay and its like a differ group thing where ill have one friend but that friend doesnt want to hang out with my other friends.so when i wanna hang with my girl and my friends its like 3 of us.
But with her its always me, her, and 20 of her friends.
I start college in about 2 weeks. It is a community colllege so it isnt that big and there aren't frats or anything to join other than some sports.
Other than that all my friends arent very fun and they are too few and too far between (I'll have one friend who hates my other friend and thus I only hang with one or two of my friends at a time).
What can I do to make guy friends this time in the year other than joining a sport for my college?
If you think about it, Don Juan'ing is alot easier to pick up chicks than it is to meet cool guy friends.