What should I do?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
Ok. I work with this girl that I really am infactuated with. I really like her, but like most guys on here I can't seem to ask her out. The thing is, I've known her for over a year now. It took me forever to start talking to her because she is shy too. Another thing, her mom is the store manager. Does that matter? I asked her a while ago if she had a boyfriend and she kind of blew the question off, but then said yes. Almost like, no but will you leave me alone now. I would try to always be on the same isle as her(we work at a grocery store).
I use to have real bad acne and now it is mostly cleared up. Do you think if she thought I was ugly with the acne, she could change her feelings and think I'm attractive without acne? And, one time I did ask her to go on break with me but she said she wasn't hungry. What does that mean, was she politelity telling me to back off?
Even though I really like her I can't tell if she likes me. She's always really nice and laughs at almost everything I say. But, I fear that we've known each other for too long and we've just become friends. But, I've never hung out with her outside of work. I guess my question is, should I go for it and just say what the hell "Do you want to go out sometime"? Should I try asking her on break again? Or should I just kick my ass for the rest of the time I work there about going out with her? What would you guys do because I've never had a girlfriend and I have no idea what I'm doing? I'm really beating myself up over not asking her out right now.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
What would you guys do because I've never had a girlfriend and I have no idea what I'm doing? I'm really beating myself up over not asking her out right now.
Calm. Take a few deep breaths.

This is only natural if you've never had a girlfriend before. You've delayed your social "blooming," but no need to worry. You can still get it done quicker than you think.

All the advice you heard about avoiding getting "oneitis" is pretty sound advice. I don't even need to see you interact with this girl to know that she is completely aware of your interest in her. If conversations have been happening like this for a year, she's just not too comfortable around you when you talk about relationship stuff.

If you've already asked out this girl and she has said no, it doesn't necessarily mean "move on," it just means "buzz off... for now." If you keep your cool, you can just keep asking her out until she finally says yes. Think of life as a dumb T.V. sitcom like Family Matters. Steve Urkel eventually got Laura, partly due to his persistence.

I know what I just said sounds "AFC," but it's been proven to work before. It sounds like you're fresh out of other options. Acting like you're disinterested would only make you look stupid at this point.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
1. You work with her.
2. Her mom is the store manager.

That seems like a danger zone to me. You also, asked her is she had a boyfriend but, she kind of blew that question off. You have known her for a year which it could be too late. If you want to try and game her go ahead. I would suggest you meet someone else though.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
at your age and point you just have to live and learn...thats how its done...you may get rejected a few times..but you will learn from that and natural ability will take over with expierence.

believe me man..I could write an essay on how from 15-20 I went from nothing to 15 sex partners by 20 and I had no sosuave.net

just live and learn.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
DrD77 said:
Ok. I work with this girl that I really am infactuated with. I really like her, but like most guys on here I can't seem to ask her out. The thing is, I've known her for over a year now. It took me forever to start talking to her because she is shy too. Another thing, her mom is the store manager. Does that matter? I asked her a while ago if she had a boyfriend and she kind of blew the question off, but then said yes. Almost like, no but will you leave me alone now. I would try to always be on the same isle as her(we work at a grocery store).
It shouldn't matter that her mom is the store manager. Obviously you would feel a little weird because apparently you stalk her daughter by always working in the same isle as her. If she says yes, it pretty much means I'm not available to you.

DrD77 said:
I use to have real bad acne and now it is mostly cleared up. Do you think if she thought I was ugly with the acne, she could change her feelings and think I'm attractive without acne? And, one time I did ask her to go on break with me but she said she wasn't hungry. What does that mean, was she politelity telling me to back off?
If she did think you were ugly, why would you want to be with her in the first place? There are lots of girls that aren't superficial, don't waste time on the ones that are. If she didn't then clearing up the acne wouldn't change her feelings about you.

Maybe she just wasn't hungry. Why are you putting so much thought into her every action? Don't worry, if she likes you she is just as nervous to talk to you as you are with her. You've pretty much given her all the power by being rejected, and now thinking about her all the time.

DrD77 said:
Even though I really like her I can't tell if she likes me. She's always really nice and laughs at almost everything I say. But, I fear that we've known each other for too long and we've just become friends. But, I've never hung out with her outside of work. I guess my question is, should I go for it and just say what the hell "Do you want to go out sometime"? Should I try asking her on break again? Or should I just kick my ass for the rest of the time I work there about going out with her? What would you guys do because I've never had a girlfriend and I have no idea what I'm doing? I'm really beating myself up over not asking her out right now.
Your friends but you've never hung out outside of work? I think that despite the fact you clearly shouldn't ask her out, when you inevitably do make it more of a group thing.