What should I do now...anything..or wait for her to call?


Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
I was seeing this girl for about 2 months. We'd see each other pretty much every weekend. She lived about 45 minutes away in a small town. Her best Friend lives in my city so she would be up every weekend and we met in a club a few months back. She continued to come and see me and we went on plenty of dates. I never really asked too much about her friends (but I met her very best friend already) or went to see her in her town since it was small and there was much more happening where I'm from. There was one weekend were she had invited me up to her town for a party, but I had had a big day and was really tired so I called her and told her I couldn't make it, but that I had really wanted to meet them. But she met all my friends and we spent quite a bit of time together on the weekends. Even though I know that we are different kinds of people(I'm more serious and she likes to joke around more) The dates were fun and we were basically like a couple and were sexually intimate and everything like that. We also emailed back and forth throughout the week and I would plan the weekend dates.

By the way, I'm muslim and she's not. Not that it makes a huge difference to me, but it's important to my family even though I don't practice it. Just have my grandmother left and my brother and sister(both married to other muslims). My sister was visiting from out of town the other weekend and she I told her so she wanted us to do something with her. I told her that it wasn't such a good idea since my sister was only coming for one day and would just want to do stuff with the family. She didn't seem superhappy about it, but seemed to understand.

This past weekend, she came to see me for a date, but then she sat me down for a talk and asked me if it bugged me that she wasn't muslim. I explained to her that it didn't bug me, but that it was kind of important to my family. SHe asked if she would mee them and I told her that it wouldn't be anytime soon. So she kept talking about that the relationship couldn't be going anywhere if I wouldn't be able to introduce her to my family. I kept telling her that it was important to them, but not to me. I remained calm and also asked why it had to be so serious so soon. I said that we could continue hanging out and maybe things would be ok later on. But she still wasn't satisified with the uncertainty of my answer. I had told her awhile back that I was muslim, but not practicing it. Though that was enough. Anyway, after about 20 or 30 minutes of our talk she told me that she didn't think things would work out and she said bye. I just said bye to and she left. That was that.

Anyway, I guess she's right that it would be a problem for my family since they are very religious. They are important to me also. I know her family is very important to her too. Never gave it too much thought beforehand since that last serious girlfriend I had was non-muslim, but she lived out of town far away so we never really had the family issues come up so much. Anyway. I don't feel like I did anything wrong. SHould I just wait for her to contact me again(even though I know that there's probably no chance that she would continue to see me) or see if she still wants to be friends? Let me know what you think.



New Member
Nov 8, 2005
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I think what she heard in the conversation between the two of you was that she wasn't marriage material because she wasn't muslim so the relationship would never be serious.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
Be very thankful she is upfront and mature about relationships, other girls are passive and say nothing while hoping that things will maneuver to their manipulative ways It's too bad it didn't work out, when you meet a mature woman who knows what she wants instead of being all sissy girlie all over the place- that's kinda hard to let go.