What now?


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
So I went through high school a virgin, never having kissed a girl and wasted practically the last two years chasing a girl who had far too many problems. I know it's all my on fault but some of the blame lies on this on the group I hung around with during school - bassically a bunch of mostly indians who were in some ways socially retarded haha. I was kind of friends with another group of people as well and they joked about those guys holding me back which is kind of true but despite that i am quite geeky and a bit shy usually (but gaining confidence and not as shy anymore).

Bassically in Australia we have this thing called Schoolies week for after you have graduated high school, almost like spring break i suppose? Everyone is just drinking and it's supposedly easy to pick up lol. I went last week which was another states week (not really, but they call it that and 90% are from there) because most graduates from there are a year younger than the other states - i am still 17 and younger than most people in my grade so that worked out really well as there was organised beach parties and stuff for under 18s.

Anyway i went to schoolies with a few guys from that other group and it was pretty good, i managed to kind of grind with a few girls briefly on the first few nights but i was too scared to approach girls half the time, until i got extremely lucky about day 3 or 4 in. A friend saw a girl (and her friend) he went to primary school with and lives near us back home as we were walking out early (there was a "cool off night" and no real beach party) and just had random convo with them and eventually the convo seemed appropriate for it and for some reason i told them i'd never kissed a girl and i ended up hooking up with that girl twice straight after that lol. We got the girls back to our room, idk how we got them past security - extremely lucky, and one eventually left early (she had a bf who was there) but the other girl stayed and my friend was talking to her for ages, he wanted to have sex with her lol and asked me if it was fine seeing as id already kissed her and i agreed but NOTHING was happening and another friend (there was 3 of us there, 2 others went off clubbing) i think wanted to tell him that and told her to go over and talk to me.

I was pretty nervous about doing it and in my slightly drunken state was pretty sure the other guy was friend zoned or going nowhere so i put my arm around her and eventually touched her ass and within a couple of minutes of her sitting next to me we were hooking up again and i got on top of her on the couch and i was feeling her up and stuff, apparently my friend moved my hand near the area lol but eventually i was fingering her for ages but didn't think to progress as that would involve moving to a room without two guys laughing and saying stuff like "OMG he beat Dean" -.-

The friend who was trying to get in with that girl was cool with it and he ended up having sex twice with some random girl he met anyway so it's all good. Not much happened the lnext few night but on the second last night i was grinding with and hooked up with some girl a bunch of times at the beach party but her friend ended up taking her away - i think it was because i wasn't progressing at all = S. The next night i just got over it and approached heaps of girls, talked to them as much as possible over the music and asked if they wanted to dance a lot said "Not really" and stuff but i just didn't care and that night i hooked up with 3 girls - each multiple times.

I failed with one because she ended up falling over and pulling me down too lmao and then kind of lost her after we got up, another was going pretty well and when i asked her if she wanted to go back to the beach (i.e. have sex) she replied maybe later and kept dancing and letting me touch her so i just wait a few minutes and ended up putting my hand down her shirt lol but her friend took her away a bit after that - oh well. Then there was another girl, it was going extremely good the Dj was playing sexy ***** lol and i was singing parts to her and she seemed to be enjoying it lol, was grinding with her for awhile and we were both really into it i was feeling her up heaps and we hooked up multiple times and she ended up turning around and started front-to-front dancing with me with her arms around my neck after a minute or two of that i just asked her if she wanted to go back to the beach and she told her friend and said yes, so we start trying to get through the crowd which took some time and her friend (a fat ***** who must have been jealous no one was interested in her =S) told the girl i was with that she couldn't go. I was just thinking **** ive been ****blocked and didn't even try to reason with her/her friend and realised my friends had left.

Anyway now im back at home, theres 4 months until i can start clubbing and 3 months until i start university and i have no clue what to do now or when i start uni and can go clubbing. I still dont have a whole lot of confidence but definitely a lot more than before, schoolies went alright but i don't think i would have as much luck in a normal situation without alcohol and if i need to have a complete discussion. Any advice or comments?


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Feels great, right?

Lets do this!
First off, it's all about trying! This guy on the forum did an experiement, and asked 100 girls to have sex, in an indirect way; 10% said yes, and they did it. Some multiple times. Everyone can do it, iff you just get yourself out there enough!

You really just have to bring a girl so somewhere you're alone. You dont even always have to say anything, just lead her. A simple "Adventure time!" Works great for me!

Don't ask girls to dance, just lead them.

So you're basically on vacation for 3 months? GREAT! Here's my tips.
MAKE MONEY!!! Don't pick up a ****ty job, but go out and apply for a couple you're interested in. Bring a resume and express your passion for the job.
You can start a business. It's EASY! I just made one in 2 weeks, almost have it up and running. I can link you if you want (PM me).

Try to spend as little time as possible at home. BE outside. A LOT.
- Take your laptop to a starbucks, hit up the chicks at the beach. Enjoy the vacation and hang out with friends. Read some awesome books. Watch the blueprint. Work out and take on a more concious diet! Change your habits and expose yourself to as much new stuff as you can. HAVE FUN!


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
Btw when i say hooked up i just meant kissing with tongue etc. for awhile, im still a virgin = S It's not quite as bad as before i suppose since i've fingered a chick haha. The actual fingering and even kissing at first was pretty weird lol, but what was awesome was when the girl was touching me and playing with my hair haha.

I have a job, its kind of ****ty but alright pay - i've had it for over a year now. Worked around 9 hours yesterday and today and going in tommorow as well :eek: Im going to start looking around for a slightly higher paying job preferably one where i either get more experience in what i want to do in/after uni or in retail for the experience lol - mainly because i think where i work likes having kids come straight after school and paying under 18 wages so i don't know where i stand for next year. I've been planning starting an online business of some sort for awhile but figured i needed to be 18 lol, i pmed you anyway.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
Jack Wealthy said:
What part of Australia you live in?

Also, did you edit that? I swear it changed between times I read it.
From Sydney, went to Surfers for Schoolies (ofcourse) and nah the only thing i edited was taking one line out of the second post because i was going to write more but forgot to and realised after posting it, so just went back and deleted that line.