What NOT To Do When A Woman Flakes Out On You


Sep 14, 2015
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A reader sent me a question wondering how to handle a woman who flakes…

If she is interested in you, but cancels the third date to test you, how would you handle it? I simply refuse to contact with her and when she sent a text message, I ignored for four days to show her to stop her silly games. What do you think?

Playing a game with a woman because you believe she is playing one against you means you’ve already failed her “flake” test.

First of all, if she doesn’t know how you responded she won’t know WHY you’re doing it which makes your “punishment” fairly useless.

Some women will get it but why trust she’ll make the connection when there’s other options in dealing with a “flaky” dating situation.

I’d say “punishing her” fails her test ( if it actually was one ) because she’ll only learn this from it…

You can’t handle her every changing emotions and when things happen which are beyond her control, your first move is to disappear.

Remember: We normally fail her “test” when we respond in a way she was expecting.

let’s go a little deeper to figure this all out.
NUMBER ONE: A woman’s REAL tests are subconscious.

She does not always know they’re happening and they can manifest themselves in many ways.

Missing a third date could be a self-defeating action which manifests as a test to assure the guy she’s dealing with is a step above the rest BUT is going to stick around.

From that standpoint – something ALWAYS happens around the third or perhaps fourth date depending the nature of the relationship.

Quick and deep connection you’ll get this test on possibly the first or second date.

Light and short connections may take five or six dates before it happens.

Like maybe she’s not satisfied with her clothing options. She reached out to a friend and wouldn’t you know it, that friend needed help that night.

She suddenly feels bloated and is thinking about sex, and now doesn’t want that to happen so she flakes out.

I could go on because woman have a ton of “oops” excuses to explain backing out on a date and sometimes they are self-sabotaging moves which look like a test.

Sometimes of course it works its way out to actually be one too so…

Subconscious = TEST.

A conscious move to elicit some kind of response, mostly negative = GAME.

That’s how I see it.

If she’s doing it on purpose AND it’s usually negative or overly dramatic then it’s a game.
NUMBER 2: Women use these TESTS because it’s her best way to get to know the real us.

It’s a simple and efficient way to get past the bull**** and break through our persona or the persona we’re trying to represent to a woman we’re attracted to.

Most of the time they work extremely well and blend in seamlessly in the relationships.

The early tests are done so we inadvertently disqualify ourselves saving her time and energy with a dead end date.

On the other hand as we slowly reveal ourselves to her and knowingly or not, pass them, they shift deeper and more elaborate until they reach a breaking point.

I’ve found after that they get so subtle and blend in to the relationship quite well. But don’t quote me on that just yet.

Now that we’ve cleared up the difference between game playing and actually testing and how they might cause a woman to flake out on us, let’s clear up one more misconception on how to respond to a “flaker ” – the Alpha way.

Most assume the “Alpha” responds with brute force tactics – or in this case “ignoring” her as a punishment.

Like they have to stand up and put her in her place or else she’ll walk all over you.

But in reality…
The real Alpha Male doesn’t let it affect him either way. He’s not driven by her actions. He’s not easily upset or feels like he must play a game to get his point across.

A real alpha male never feels the need to prove himself especially to a woman who may or not be flaking out on her.

If you’re still not sure what being a real Alpha Male is then read one of the best description I’ve found. What The Alpha Man Is.

So to pass her flake test…

We’re not allowed to have it affect our manhood or our masculinity.

We’re not allowed to demand a reason or feel we’re owed an excuse.

Tough response I know and until I started dating more women I wasn’t running into any flake tests.

A long time passed before I was tested on this.

My first time I thought a lot, perhaps too much about it.

I went from being hurt to being angry to feeling like giving up on her altogether. I took it as a huge sign she was not a woman I wanted in my life. You know, put my nose up in the air and thought “screw her then… *****!”

But since I knew it felt wrong I went and talked to someone who has been through it a lot.

He offered this advice…

Do nothing.

Act like it didn’t even happen. Don’t even shake your head at her in disgust.

If you have to, pretend you didn’t even notice she had flaked out. You can even bust her ass a little but mainly – as far as you’re concerned – “We were supposed to meet up? Ooops! My bad.”

Carlos Xuma

The whole “flaking” thing then took off.

Tons of guys were asking what to do, how to do it, and wanted to know the exact reasons why women flake out.

It was linked to him forever in this video –> Why Women Flake ( The answer is so good that he requires your email to watch it. )

His advice made sense and I trusted it would work so I tried it…

When she came to me apologizing for her flakiness I simply stated,

“Hey…No problem. I ended up meeting a few friends that night and one thing led to another… I got home around four-thirty in the morning… we had a great time.”

Her response was simply amazing because it reminded me of something Manri Kinrys wrote about it in her guest post at DiaLTeG TM –> Why Women Flake And Exactly What To Do

You see, when a woman likes a man there is no way she would cancel plans on him for something else AND if she does cancel she will make certain they have concrete plans in the future.

This girl I’m talking about began rattling off dates to hook up again.

She began kissing my ass.

She was acting quite desperate to make her flaking up to me.

You see to her, a guy who is not affected by her moods or whatever she is doing, is not the type of guy she was used to dealing with.

Some threw fits. Some got angry. Some even begged her not to flake out on again and how it pissed them off.

And yes, every one of them failed her tests.

“Some PUA’s advise the man to ignore the **** test (by changing the subject) – and that’s good advice if you only want to get into her pants. But if you actually want to date her, you should step up and use the **** test as an opportunity to prove that you can handle her… How Women Use **** Tests and Why It’s A Good Thing for You.

She suddenly saw me as a guy she wants to keep around.

It became in HER best interest to try harder and not flake out on me the next time even though I didn’t respond harshly or with a game.

Pretty cool stuff because who would’ve known such an easy response would have worked so well.

Which brings me back to what I mentioned above:

If we respond to her test in a way she was expecting than we have just failed.

I have a rule of attraction because I’m a lazy guy and like to avoid doing more work than necessary. It has worked for me.
Do as little as you can to attract a woman.

Being a **** is hard work.

Too much drama and definitely way too much bull**** to deal with.

Playing a game is also a lot of work.

Too much thinking, planning, etc…

And it usually only leads to more game playing.

Again, a lot of freaking work.

The best option is to simply act from a real Alpha Playbook with a calm cool collected attitude towards women.

“If we refer to our specific set of rules we make then every time we begin to question what to do or how to do it then the answers will ( mostly ) come. How And Why A Set Of Man Rules Can Help You Attract Women.

Less work.

Less thinking.

No scheming.

No games.

Building an attraction which can work with lots of women and lasts a lifetime because less work with women means more time to enjoy BEING with them.

That’s my attitude.

When a woman flakes out on us, of course we can learn from it.

We can try to avoid it in the future.

Learn what signs to look for so we can avoid the women who are more likely to flake.

We can also give them more memorable first impressions with real phone numbers so when we do set up a date she going to make sure she doesn’t miss it.


HOW we respond must be simple.

Something she doesn’t expect or normally get.

And I’ve found having or growing an Alpha Attitude takes care of that for us, this is when and if we know what being Alpha really is.
Before you go and ever try to punish a woman for flaking, or to play a game with her thinking that’ll solve your Ego or her flaky problem, consider everything you’ve read today and do what I’ve done which seems to work wonders… less work, more attraction.


Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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Good stuff! In addition: the response given to the flake in this case - “Hey…No problem. I ended up meeting a few friends that night and one thing led to another… I got home around four-thirty in the morning… we had a great time.” - is vague enough that she isn't sure if part of this "hang out" involved another woman that you may have "spent time with" til such a late hour... Once a woman feels like (a) you're not responding like other guys, and (b) that it's probably due to you having other options, any "flake tests" they may have been throwing your way go away reeeeeeeal quick, lol


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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The point is you should have more women to ask out than just the chick who flaked on you. Guys can't wait to ask out the chick who flaked on them right after the flake. That is wrong, if she is flaking, most likely she isn't wanting to hang out.


Oct 20, 2006
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Last week I told a girl on Monday that I would be at a certain restaurant at a certain time on Thursday and that she could join me (for our second date). She said ok. I did not write again or send any date reminder. That night she didn't show, so when my entrée arrived I sent her a photo of the plate with no caption. She wrote back immediately (I didn't get it until the next day because I shut my phone off). She said she had a death in the family and (in another text) wanted to reschedule for next week.

I figured it was BS, but in general, if they offer a rain check it's ok to try again. However, I didn't reply. She should have told me in advance and I take this as a sign that she forgot (low interest). If she initiates again I'll give her one more chance.

PS - Good post, but the OP needs to learn how to concatenate sentences into paragraphs please.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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what the f@ck, seriously. this is over analyzation at its finest. had a girl flake on me and ignored her, 3 hours later, she was apologizing and asked if she could come later in the night, and I told her no, made other plans. she then asked if she could come over the next day at any time i wanted, and i said sure but if you flake on me again, i won't deal with you because i dont like having my time wasted.

alpha/beta BS, just dont let a girl walk over you and make sure you are respected is all


Oct 20, 2006
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"I said sure but if you flake on me again, i won't deal with you".

Why make threats and issue ultimatums? If you really had options, you'd move on to your next option, not whine to her about her behavior.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2014
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Do NOT call them again for a week! :)
Do NOT try to make up with them. She is really not into you. The girl has to be CRAZY to meet you. If she is not that CRAZY, then she is NOT interested in YOU. Dump her. :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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London, UK
Disagree with OP.

Your time and attention is the currency you offer. Going NC is the best way to show a woman that she does not deserve your attention if she misbehaves.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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"I said sure but if you flake on me again, i won't deal with you".

Why make threats and issue ultimatums? If you really had options, you'd move on to your next option, not whine to her about her behavior.
it's not a threat or ultimatum to me. i don't like dealing with people who flake anymore. it's a fact. and i'm making it known what kind of behavior is necessary in order to deal with me. if she flaked again without a very good excuse, i was done with her. she's the one who proposed hanging out and I told her if she wants to keep hanging out with me she can't flake without a proper excuse and waste my time.

i don't see the big deal dude...it's not like the girl is sitting there thinking "omg he made an ultimatum...i guess that means he isn't alpha and doesnt have other options, i should NOT deal with him"

i just told the girl straight up and she didn't flake since, i dropped her though anyway she wasn't worth my time

who gives a sh1t about mind games, leave that for the girls.


Oct 20, 2006
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Do you call her up and say "I don't want to talk to you anymore"?

If you don't like dealing with people who flake, don't deal with them. When you tell her how much you hate it when girls flake you are letting her know that lots of other girls flake. That can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I can't remember the last time a girl flaked on me before this week, but I had two dates in two nights so when one did flake I couldn't care enough to lecture her. Meanwhile, the other one wrote me a thank-you note and said it was the most romantic date she ever had in her life.

The best policy is not to punish bad behavior, but to reward good behavior. If she doesn't act the way you want, walk away. There is no need to explain yourself. Make her work to get you back.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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I think we are just gonna have to agree to disagree.

bigneil, i respect you so i don't really wanna argue with you but all i said over text is that i don't deal with flakey people and if she's the flakey type, i won't have interest in dealing with her further.

i don't really see the big deal...i've noticed putting girls in their place works well but just been my experience, i'm younger than you


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
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New York, NY
The way I look at it is if you have enough options you genuinely won't care. You laugh it off and set up a date with another broad. It's her loss that she flaked.

Just have enough options and tests/games cease to matter.

But if you don't have options the best way to respond to a test/game is with an indifferent humour.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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even if i had 100 options, i'd care. i don't even look at it as a test. if a girl is a flake, it's an indication of her character.

all girls will play some games, but good girls will do lightweight games just to feel like you want them. girls who genuinely test you all over the place aren't worth your time