What meaning do you find in ONS's


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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My friend and I were pretty much debating this for the whole entire night. Me for LTR's and him for ONS's. I personally cannot see the point of one night stands. Sure you get your sexual urge out but jacking off can do just the same, a lot quicker and a lot cheaper and no one's feelings gets hurt. For me the first time you kiss or whatever feels like nothing, like you're just going through the motions. It gets better and better every time. For me one of the best feelings one can feel is laying together with someone your care about deeply, in bed just completely intertwined with one another, like you've become one entity. There is such little feeling with a person you don't know. Yes it may be fun but that only goes so far. Someone please explain to me the point and meaning of one night stands / short term relationships, because I sure can't figure it out.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
paulwis said:
.... Sure you get your sexual urge out but jacking off can do just the same, a lot quicker and a lot cheaper and no one's feelings gets hurt.
So what if you knew how to have a ONS without the cost overhead and its a mutual want without having to misrepresent anything?
paulwis said:
For me the first time you kiss or whatever feels like nothing, like you're just going through the motions. It gets better and better every time. For me one of the best feelings one can feel is laying together with someone your care about deeply, in bed just completely intertwined with one another, like you've become one entity.
Difference between lust and love. Sure, you could have either independently but I've found that love is even better if you can lust after one another. Unfortunately, a lot of people who go after love first don't often get to the lust part nearly as often as people who first lusted after one another and then ended up falling in love.

Consider this too, how often do you hear about couples who were in love that complain about the relationship losing passion? How often do you hear about couples who lust over each other complaining about passion?
paulwis said:
There is such little feeling with a person you don't know. Yes it may be fun but that only goes so far. Someone please explain to me the point and meaning of one night stands / short term relationships, because I sure can't figure it out.
The thrill of being completely in the moment with another person. It's a thrill that not everyone can understand. Another thing is that if done well, there's a very good chance of multiple return engagements. ;)


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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yeah this is kinda how I feel. Often after ONS I feel dirty and kinda empty or lame...dunno why. I never say this to the girl or anyone, but yeah I know what you mean. But then again it's not like I'm going for ONS all the time.


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2003
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Potbelly said:
yeah this is kinda how I feel. Often after ONS I feel dirty and kinda empty or lame...dunno why. I never say this to the girl or anyone, but yeah I know what you mean. But then again it's not like I'm going for ONS all the time.
That's exactly how i feel, and im sure a lot of guys feel the same way and dont admit it. But im sure if we were to have a ONS with a 10 we wouldn't feel as bad.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
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Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
I personally, will never have a ONS, doesn't mean i'll be getting into a relationship, I just decide to keep talking to the ONS, building a relationship(friendship/****buddy/whatever) and getting the most out of life.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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Sex is meant to cement love and create children. There is no point to a ONS, except maybe to kill off your desperation, I guess. But I don't believe in ONSs. Beware the hor matrix!

I heard recently that condoms fail 80% of the time. Is that true?


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
Obsidian said:
Sex is meant to cement love and create children. There is no point to a ONS, except maybe to kill off your desperation, I guess. But I don't believe in ONSs. Beware the hor matrix!

I heard recently that condoms fail 80% of the time. Is that true?

Yes, it's true, sex is really simply an act which we are "wired" to perform. And the "purpose" (if you want a label) is procreation. Sociopsychological stuff is all intertwined with sex, and that is BECAUSE it's important for us to want to have sex, so that we reproduce (i.e., the "Selfish Gene" commands us. -- this is not about our selfishness, but the gene's)

So, what do we have? An act which we find pleasurable, and to which we attach all kinds of stuff, in order to have a society which "works." There are frequently consequences to the act, and because we are human, with higher reasoning skills than the "lower" animals, we make up all kinds of rules about sex. Dogs just f*ck, they don't worry about what f*cking means. And, the fact that some SMALL number of animal species are "monogamous" is irrelevant. The sex "means" nothing to them, They are simply playing by the instinctual drives that they have inherited.

Sex "means" nothing, in reality. It's a biological function. We, as humans, have attached a lot of stuff to it. That's not WRONG, but it is what it is. Stuff we've made up. And we made it up in a sort of "evolution" of culture, in a collective attempt to give ourselves the best chances of survival, reproduction, and raising the products of that reproduction.

So, when you ask "what meaning is there in a ONS?," one can answer --- nothing, or everything, or whatever one wishes.

What's the "meaning" of a beautiful sunrise, or a shot of 20yo scotch, or, closer to home, the sound of the laughter of one's children? What we find meaning in, we find meaning in. Sex is sex. Everyone has their answer.

(I like ONS's a LOT, BTW. But I like the sounds of my kids laughing more.)

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
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I'm not a fan of ONS's, but I've had a few and actively search them out anytime I'm out.

You never know.