You'd rather be strong than loyal, interesting considering you alluded to principles/virtues of days gone by, which tended to lean mainly on truth, loyalty and respect.
I think today's generation is fvcked due to the current mindset of "me above all" which is very ironic considering you have displayed such a childish mentality in your opening post yet purporting otherwise.
Well consider this scenario:
You are opening up your own business. You love your parents, but this is YOU. This is YOUR business, not theirs. You have to build it up yourself. Sure, you’ll take advice when it comes by, but you aren’t going to be bossed around by anyone even if they are your parents because you still have to learn how to do things for yourself. You and them get into an argument about it and in reality they should not be trying to get as involved as they are. You don’t want to disrespect them because they are your parents, but you still have to be strong enough and sure enough that what you know IS the right way.
I would respect a man like this more than I would respect a man who got bosses around by his parents until they both passed away. That’s why I say strength. Even when I was young and weak myself, I valued strength more than anything without even realizing it.
Part of valuing strength over loyalty is because of reasons such as the top thread on SS. Say you are whipped by a girl. You have to have the strength to tell her to **** off and leave her without looking back MORE so than you need the loyalty of sticking with her.
And also, having loyalty requires strength a lot of times too. Most people take whichever side is more popular or has more power just so that they are with the better side. They won’t actually stick to their guns though. They aren’t loyal to themselves. To do that in the face of resistance requires strength. That’s another reason why I value strength more than loyalty, because they do somewhat go hand-in-hand.
As for the ‘me above all’ ideology, there’s a difference. Most people do so out of ego rather than self-esteem (aka weakness rather than strength). It’s not that Jake needs a balloon because he deserves it, it’s because Johnny over there has one even though he doesn’t. Do you see what I mean? There’s a difference and it manifests in other areas as well. They feel that others are below them, rather than they are high up. It’s sabotage rather than competition. Or it’s competition rather than teamwork. That’s the difference.