what is the problem here...


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
Hello All Dj's:

I want opinion here, I don't know what's going on here but, i had some ok relationships, and the last one wasn't too good, i brook it of but i still hung out with the ex basically just for sex ( to the side) mostly nothing else, but what i want to know is I am not excite to meet new woman anymore, it's like i don't want to go through the dating process anymore, i mean if they come to me without working to get them yes i get them.

Is that because I am still hunging out with the ex and getting sex easy that what making me lazy or do i have just to push myself to meet woman and then the excitement will come, can somebody give an insight please?



Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
I completely understand what you are going through, because you sound exactly like me a couple of months ago!
After going through many relationships, you have a period of time where you just want to take things easy and you start to consider it was "work" to meet other women.

You just need to meet somebody who is not so easy to get. It seems to me that you are simply getting bored because you have women coming to you left, right, and center! Over time you will meet that HB9, who will pose a challenge for you, and than your interest will spark again; it did for me. ;)

Also, good relationships come when you least expect it. About a year ago I was LOOKING for the right girl for me, but I never found her. It was only until I stopped looking that a girl that I had attraction for came about. Just something to consider..

Hope I helped.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
You right Axcell about what you said, it make sense I think what i am going to do is slow things down with the ex and start seeinf her less while in the meantime not pay too much attention to look for girls and focus on other things, and maybe a good one will come,....