What is an Alpha Male?


Oct 20, 2006
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The Alpha Male is a term used in ALL species. The Leader, Quarterback, Captain, General, Driver, Boss, Host, Director, Hero, President, Duke, and Most Eligible Bachelor are examples.

When the Alpha Male is in the room, everyone automatically knows who he is. The Alpha Male is typically over 6 feet tall, drives a BMW or Mercedes, makes over $100,000 per year, runs his own business and often has inventions.

If you disrespect an Alpha male he will get in your face and you will back down (unless you are the Alpha male in which case you will kick his ass).

The Alpha Male boils things down to Right and Wrong and gets Angry if things are wrong. Compare this to Beta male who boil things down to Fair/Unfair and Bargains when things are unfair (or Logical/Illogical and reacts with Denial and Dismissal).

The Alpha male is confident, generous, healthy, radiant, magnanimous, and energetic. He is the guy who gets the girl, the guy who runs the pool table, the guy who hits the home run.

The Alpha Male is not nice. Nice denotes beta males (who are “yes men” to Alpha males), which is why women don't like nice guys.

The Alpha man hosts the party that everyone is invited to. Everyone looks up to and loves the Alpha male in person . The Alpha Male has his pick of the litter. Hot women will sooner share him than settle for a Beta.

Important: online there is no concept of Alpha, and it takes one to know one. Betas can become “more Alpha” as Alpha is a relative term. You might be the most Alpha out of 10, or the most Alpha out of 1000.

Note that looks are not mentioned, though the Alpha male is the most attractive.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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So according to your idea whos the alpha male between arthur and lancelot?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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An Alpha Male is a man who appeals at a base level to women. he is assured, has **** together, is subservient to nobody, and is calm and cool and on top of things at all times. he's a natural leader.

modern PC society neglects the fact that women naturally like men who lead. we're too ****ed up and think that men and women are the same, lol.. why would thousands if not millions of years of evolution would disappear because some feminists think it's offensive lol..


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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bigneil said:
The Alpha Male is not nice. Nice denotes beta males (who are “yes men” to Alpha males), which is why women don't like nice guys
This is the only real problem I have with what you wrote. I realize that this is largely dependent on how you define the word "nice", and that in the pickup world for some reason "nice" means "wimpy".

But if an Alpha Male is not nice, what is he then, mean? If he's a mean guy who cannot treat anyone else with any respect, why would everyone go to his parties? Why would they look up to him and love him?

In your scenario, I'm betting this Alpha Male guy you're talking about is nice 90% of the time, but will become confrontational when it is needed. To me, if you say a person is not nice, that means he does not have the social skills needed to relate to other people and treat them with basic respect. Why would anyone want to be around him? How would he make friends?

That's my problem with the way PUAs use "nice" and "jerk" as complete black and white opposites, and paint the world as if you are either one or the other, and there is no in between. In real life, people are always a mix of the two. There is nothing else BUT the in between.

Really, I don't think being an alpha male has any bearing on how nice he is. Put it on a scale of 1-10, he could fall nearly anywhere in there. He could be a rude pig that everyone runs from, or he could be the social guy who's the life of the party.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
The alpha male is the "dominant male" / most powerful in terms of control over the environment in any human social grouping based on traits deemed valuable by the females in that segment


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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I love your use of alpha in a continuous and not discrete sense.

Rather than say, youre either alpha or youre not.
He said, you can be alpha/10 or alpha/1000.
Maybe the question isn't are you alpha or not, maybe it should be, how much 'alpha-ness' do you possess and exude?

perhaps, the more 'alpha-ness' you have, the more likely you are to be THE alpha in any given situation


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
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DonGorgon said:
The alpha male is the "dominant male" / most powerful in terms of control over the environment in any human social grouping based on traits deemed valuable by the females in that segment
the alpha male will use bold text to emphasis his points in a forum post....j/k