Master Don Juan
I was gonna finish it before I post it but I dont' have alot of time - so I didn't know how long it will take b4 I can finish it.
I haven't been here for a while and I haven't been active for ages. Though I did notice that I'm still in the top 20 posters N sadly, the only one left from 2000. So this will be my 1 DJ post. This WILL be long N intense. I noticed that the board had taken a turn ... for the worst? I don't know. Just another direction. So I decided to write something for the community. This is targeted more to the 'newbies' N to the ones 'try'N' to become a DJ. I'm just tired of all the "I'm wonder'N about this chick - what should I do" posts that can be answered with 3 words - JUST DO IT. This might be just a refresh'N post to all of u DJs out there but if u are new to seduction N u want to become a DJ but u don't have the time to read ALL of the DJ Bible (Which is very long - I know) N u are just so confused with all the different school of thought - this is my gift to you.
I don't know where to start. There is sooo much to only put into one post. There are thousands N thousands of post + replies concerning DJ'N N Seduction but I believe that many are falling off track.
I will try to be as organized N precise as possible. My ideas might be scramble but I will try to find a way to put my thoughts back together. If not in this post, it will be edit'd N update'd in another one.
One last thing - before u even start to read lower,
u must not only be wiling to improve yourself but u must have already started to take actions for your self improvement What is following is theory, if u have not started to take action - reading this will not help u that much. It will only help u understand but not do. So u will have all the knowledge but will not be able to apply it. Do as you will...
Let's go!
What is a DJ? A very hard question to answer. As stated before by Pook N many great one. It is not an equation. It is not a bunch of actions you do N the results that makes u a DJ. I think the most important question is - what MAKES you a DJ, because the way I see it, BE'N A DJ - is a state of mind. If u say - "I'm a DJ! ... I KINO when I talk to women, I initiate convo with strangers, I focus the conversation on my target, I have the wildest intercourse with the most beautiful women on this Earth therefore I am a DJ". Well, ... I'm sorry to bust yo bubble - but you are NOT.' I remember it was stated by somebody on this board (Forgot who, I'd love to give credit but, sorry) When you are a DJ, everything comes smoothly to you. U just do the things such as KINO or compliment or focus the convo on the target ect. naturally. U don't even have to think about it - u JUST DO IT. Well that's not very far off. I tend to agree. The only problem is that it is too vague. That sounds like some hocus pocus shit to me. Yes there are some things that u do so often that it becomes a routine N that's why it seems realisticly possible to achieve - but in order for it to become a routine, u HAVE to do all the time. Sadly, many do not know what to do. They mainly experiment N very few will 'DJ' naturally.
One very important question I remember ask'N when I first got on this board is. Were u always a DJ? Were u born with such great seduction skills. Young as I was, I expected alot of people say that they never really had problems with the opposite sex N I expected alot of people brag, but no. Most of the greatest DJ of all time were nice guys. guys who would get walk'd over all the time, burn'd N got their heart crushed by the 'evil man with tits'. So fear not, u are not born a DJ - u become one.
I never believed in achieving anything easily. I was raised that taking the hardest way is the way. Shortcuts N painless routes were always 'bad' or even 'evil'. That is me though. I don't want to impose on any of you but there is one thing I do know. Thanks to my beliefs, I have come a long way (no pun intented
) N I have become a hard working person. I will pour my heart N soul into something because there is no other way.
Lately I have seen alot of focus on WHAT to do on this board rather then the MENTALITY behind everything. I just feel that we do not go deep enough anymore. It is a shame that the great DJs I have encountered on this board left. I know I will remember them for the rest of my life, even if it is not by their real name, because they have helped me so much. I'll take a pause here to give a shout out to AD, my mentor - Cecil, the big brother who considered me as the 'baby brother he never had' N Adonis, my AZN brother. There are so many more but these are the 3 most influencial individuals in my life. Tomazu, Red XL, Ko-B, Hidden Danjer N others are worth mentionning too.
If there is anything I learned from these people is that being a DJ is a state of mind N a lifestyle. U eat, breathe and live DJ'N. It shouldn't be a problem for anybody because we encounter so many ladies in just one day that it just makes sense. My philosophy is mainly based on AD's school of thoughts. There are others but this is what I believe to be the best. ESPECIALLY FOR NEWBIES.
Meaning that whatever u do, the girl is for you. You are not for her. SHE has to fit YOU. You do NOT have to do ANYTHING for her.
First of all, the most important rule u MUST go by is:
"Protect your heart at all cost".
If u take a look at all the DJ's Tips Tricks N Tactics (Which I will call TTT from now on) it all revolves around this rule. The Interest Level Rule comes from this, the 'waiting 5 days b4 u call her' comes from this. The 'next her' rule ... u get the drift. The reason u guage a female's interest level is just that. If she has low self Interest u will just end up get'N hurt. Why would u want to get hurt anyways? She must bend left N right for u. (No pun intended) Not you. This is very important. U are not there to use C+F or any other TTT on her so u can 'seduce' her. The focus is 'How interested is she into me?'. It is 'What can she do for me' N for the more mature DJs; 'What will she bring in my life - How will she improve myself as an individual, what can I learn from her to better myself'. Here is where the 'next rule' comes in. If she is not interested enough, next. Because u WILL get hurt. I will discuss the IL rule latter but I hope u clearly understand what protecting your heart is - N how important it is. Whatever happends, u are here for yourself N only yourself. If there is anybody that will become suicidal it is you - the one who got hurt. If there is anybody who will get hurt it is you. N I don't think I need to remind u how bad it feels when u get hurt. That feeling u feel, is only felt by you and only you. Not that hot babe, or her boyfriend or her friends or your friends or the stranger on the street. When you don't protect your heart - u get hurt N that is ONLY YOU. Nobody else. That is solely the reason why u have to look out for yourself FIRST N u look out for yourself by giving priority to your heart. Nothing is more important. Although the joy of sex is greater then many on this earth, there is nothing that can make up for your hurt if your heart is not protected. It is not worth risking a divorce, or a girlfriend cheating on you, or a girl toying around with you like her personnal doll, just because you want to fuck that chick or u want a relationship with her. Why? BECAUSE YOUR HEART IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN THAT. So what, how baaaadly u want her. If she is not interested u will end up get'N hurt. Now if we flip this around, the higher the interest level, the happier u will be. Doesn't that sound pleasing? Yes, it is just like a fairy tale but the best part is, it is not fictious. It is possible to have that goddess head over heels for you. However, seduction is a nubmers game. It will take time, patience, dedication N most importantly self control N self respect.
This brings me to the High Interest Rule. (Remeber the first rule though)
If a female has initially a low interest in you - you next her
If a female has initially a good level of Interest - keep her
If a female has initially a good level of Interest but it is fallin - next her.
If a female has a high level of Interest - keep her
It's very simple. Basicly - u keep her as long as her interest level is high. If u see that it is fallin, don't bother - next her. (Protect your heart remember?) How to guage the level of interest? well, alot of posts/replies covers this, so I don't think it is very important to go into details but here are the basic tests.
*post is too long - have to split in 2*
I haven't been here for a while and I haven't been active for ages. Though I did notice that I'm still in the top 20 posters N sadly, the only one left from 2000. So this will be my 1 DJ post. This WILL be long N intense. I noticed that the board had taken a turn ... for the worst? I don't know. Just another direction. So I decided to write something for the community. This is targeted more to the 'newbies' N to the ones 'try'N' to become a DJ. I'm just tired of all the "I'm wonder'N about this chick - what should I do" posts that can be answered with 3 words - JUST DO IT. This might be just a refresh'N post to all of u DJs out there but if u are new to seduction N u want to become a DJ but u don't have the time to read ALL of the DJ Bible (Which is very long - I know) N u are just so confused with all the different school of thought - this is my gift to you.
I don't know where to start. There is sooo much to only put into one post. There are thousands N thousands of post + replies concerning DJ'N N Seduction but I believe that many are falling off track.
I will try to be as organized N precise as possible. My ideas might be scramble but I will try to find a way to put my thoughts back together. If not in this post, it will be edit'd N update'd in another one.
One last thing - before u even start to read lower,
u must not only be wiling to improve yourself but u must have already started to take actions for your self improvement What is following is theory, if u have not started to take action - reading this will not help u that much. It will only help u understand but not do. So u will have all the knowledge but will not be able to apply it. Do as you will...
Let's go!
What is a DJ? A very hard question to answer. As stated before by Pook N many great one. It is not an equation. It is not a bunch of actions you do N the results that makes u a DJ. I think the most important question is - what MAKES you a DJ, because the way I see it, BE'N A DJ - is a state of mind. If u say - "I'm a DJ! ... I KINO when I talk to women, I initiate convo with strangers, I focus the conversation on my target, I have the wildest intercourse with the most beautiful women on this Earth therefore I am a DJ". Well, ... I'm sorry to bust yo bubble - but you are NOT.' I remember it was stated by somebody on this board (Forgot who, I'd love to give credit but, sorry) When you are a DJ, everything comes smoothly to you. U just do the things such as KINO or compliment or focus the convo on the target ect. naturally. U don't even have to think about it - u JUST DO IT. Well that's not very far off. I tend to agree. The only problem is that it is too vague. That sounds like some hocus pocus shit to me. Yes there are some things that u do so often that it becomes a routine N that's why it seems realisticly possible to achieve - but in order for it to become a routine, u HAVE to do all the time. Sadly, many do not know what to do. They mainly experiment N very few will 'DJ' naturally.
One very important question I remember ask'N when I first got on this board is. Were u always a DJ? Were u born with such great seduction skills. Young as I was, I expected alot of people say that they never really had problems with the opposite sex N I expected alot of people brag, but no. Most of the greatest DJ of all time were nice guys. guys who would get walk'd over all the time, burn'd N got their heart crushed by the 'evil man with tits'. So fear not, u are not born a DJ - u become one.
I never believed in achieving anything easily. I was raised that taking the hardest way is the way. Shortcuts N painless routes were always 'bad' or even 'evil'. That is me though. I don't want to impose on any of you but there is one thing I do know. Thanks to my beliefs, I have come a long way (no pun intented
Lately I have seen alot of focus on WHAT to do on this board rather then the MENTALITY behind everything. I just feel that we do not go deep enough anymore. It is a shame that the great DJs I have encountered on this board left. I know I will remember them for the rest of my life, even if it is not by their real name, because they have helped me so much. I'll take a pause here to give a shout out to AD, my mentor - Cecil, the big brother who considered me as the 'baby brother he never had' N Adonis, my AZN brother. There are so many more but these are the 3 most influencial individuals in my life. Tomazu, Red XL, Ko-B, Hidden Danjer N others are worth mentionning too.
If there is anything I learned from these people is that being a DJ is a state of mind N a lifestyle. U eat, breathe and live DJ'N. It shouldn't be a problem for anybody because we encounter so many ladies in just one day that it just makes sense. My philosophy is mainly based on AD's school of thoughts. There are others but this is what I believe to be the best. ESPECIALLY FOR NEWBIES.
Meaning that whatever u do, the girl is for you. You are not for her. SHE has to fit YOU. You do NOT have to do ANYTHING for her.
First of all, the most important rule u MUST go by is:
"Protect your heart at all cost".
If u take a look at all the DJ's Tips Tricks N Tactics (Which I will call TTT from now on) it all revolves around this rule. The Interest Level Rule comes from this, the 'waiting 5 days b4 u call her' comes from this. The 'next her' rule ... u get the drift. The reason u guage a female's interest level is just that. If she has low self Interest u will just end up get'N hurt. Why would u want to get hurt anyways? She must bend left N right for u. (No pun intended) Not you. This is very important. U are not there to use C+F or any other TTT on her so u can 'seduce' her. The focus is 'How interested is she into me?'. It is 'What can she do for me' N for the more mature DJs; 'What will she bring in my life - How will she improve myself as an individual, what can I learn from her to better myself'. Here is where the 'next rule' comes in. If she is not interested enough, next. Because u WILL get hurt. I will discuss the IL rule latter but I hope u clearly understand what protecting your heart is - N how important it is. Whatever happends, u are here for yourself N only yourself. If there is anybody that will become suicidal it is you - the one who got hurt. If there is anybody who will get hurt it is you. N I don't think I need to remind u how bad it feels when u get hurt. That feeling u feel, is only felt by you and only you. Not that hot babe, or her boyfriend or her friends or your friends or the stranger on the street. When you don't protect your heart - u get hurt N that is ONLY YOU. Nobody else. That is solely the reason why u have to look out for yourself FIRST N u look out for yourself by giving priority to your heart. Nothing is more important. Although the joy of sex is greater then many on this earth, there is nothing that can make up for your hurt if your heart is not protected. It is not worth risking a divorce, or a girlfriend cheating on you, or a girl toying around with you like her personnal doll, just because you want to fuck that chick or u want a relationship with her. Why? BECAUSE YOUR HEART IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN THAT. So what, how baaaadly u want her. If she is not interested u will end up get'N hurt. Now if we flip this around, the higher the interest level, the happier u will be. Doesn't that sound pleasing? Yes, it is just like a fairy tale but the best part is, it is not fictious. It is possible to have that goddess head over heels for you. However, seduction is a nubmers game. It will take time, patience, dedication N most importantly self control N self respect.
This brings me to the High Interest Rule. (Remeber the first rule though)
If a female has initially a low interest in you - you next her
If a female has initially a good level of Interest - keep her
If a female has initially a good level of Interest but it is fallin - next her.
If a female has a high level of Interest - keep her
It's very simple. Basicly - u keep her as long as her interest level is high. If u see that it is fallin, don't bother - next her. (Protect your heart remember?) How to guage the level of interest? well, alot of posts/replies covers this, so I don't think it is very important to go into details but here are the basic tests.
*post is too long - have to split in 2*