What is a DJ?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
What exactly IS a DJ? We know that DJ Stands for Don Juan, but what exactly is a Don Juan?

Is it a guy that can pickup a bunch of women?

Is it a guy that is a dominate Alpha Male?

Is it a guy that isn't afraid of appoaching women?

Is it a guy that can easily communicate, verbually and non, with a women?

Is it a guy that has complete control over women?

It is a guy that is full of testosterone?

From my time being here on the forum, I can say the answer is YES.

I can also say the answer is NO

"yes and no"

Correct, Yes and No.

I'm going to say something, that s going to break this entire site down to 1 sentance, one sentence that I think most people loose site of.


I know, I know, you are saying "yes, we are being men, Men don't take **** from women, men aren't afraid to appraoch women, etc"

But sit down, get away from the computer, seriously... think about that for a second. Let it sink in.

It really is THAT simple. So simple in fact, that we aren't learning something new, but we are in fact teaching ourselves to FORGET the teachings a society has taught us our entire lifetime... I call it "feminism and friends"... The two killers of real men int he 90's (any guy who watches one eposide of friends has to agree that is the most patheic AFC crap you have ever witnessed)

But like i was saying... Being a Don Juan is about benig a man.

I can break it down even deeper than that, once you realize what you are saying, you aren't soo much learning something new, as you are remembering something that is hidden inside of you.

When you were a kid, well, at least when I was a kid, I had no problem whatsoever with girls. I made fun of them.. Played HIde and go seek with them, what later turned into Hide and go get it :D , when all of the girls on my block would come outside and try to play with us, we made them play BASEBALL or BASEKETBALL with US instead of ever doing anything that they wanted to do. I didn't talk on the phone to girls, ever... I didn't give to flying ****s what a girl though of me..

then it hit me...

The first of the killer one-two combo was Friends.. a general term for what I call AFCness on tV. Pretty much every TV show I grew up watching had the "friends" syndrome... Saved by the Bell. Friends. Even cartoons!!! Remmeber Power Rangers?

So at an early age, the thought,something totally alien to my "childish" ways, that women weren't to be treated as women, but as a prize to be won, slowly creeped into my mind.

I remember in the 5th grade, was the frst time I ever liked a girl but was too chicken to say anything to her... Her named was Alice, and she sat right next to me in class. I would bring her candy everyday to school to "win her over"... thinking back it was quite pathetic.

things only got worse, the more TV I watched, and combied with the more generalization that women aren't in fact supposed to be treated as women, the worse I became...

and the sad thing is, I was pretty darn cute as a kid... cute enough at leat to model childrens clothing.

This goes on for years and years, this "Friends" what I like to call it. Damn you friends!!! You should have to send every m an in america a retrobution check

When I was 7, my dad, who was married with my mom, got another woman pregnant (with my now 15 year old little bother, Caleb), and my dad and mom got a divorce.. It was actually as smooth a dirovce as you could expect, no custoy battles, no name spewing or anything along thoose liens, at elast from what I can remember... BUT

It was probably the worst thign that could have ever happened tome.

I saw my dad every day still.. my mom was in school and my dad had me until my mom got out. But my mom is what you call a "feminist"... She believes that women are better then men. She believes that women out to look up to men, believes all the little crap that women feminist believe (looking back on it, I see why my dad left).. From the time I was 7, until I was 19, I had to listen to feminism day in and day out. I listened to 12 years, my mother tell me, with no male in the house to tell me otherwise (by the way, I am the only male on my mom's side of the family... ... the only male, including marrage... pretty telling) that hey, a man is supposed to be a man.

So all thoughout high school I thought that women were supposed to be charished and loved and I should be thankful if a woman is with me and do everything in my power to keep her and make her happy. I loved my dad to death, but I thought he was WRONG (my dad loves women and sleeps around).

Then one day, after sitting down annd putting my almighty powerful brain to work :cool: , I figured out, all by myself, that ALL of the girls that cheated on me, didn't want to be with me, even though I was consiered very good looking weren't stupid... It was more likely that there was something wrong with ME then with them...

That's when I stubmed upon this forum 3 and a half years ago.

I read all of the posts... "Be a man!" they said.. but none of them told you how to be a Man... so we had to figure it out by ourselves.

And then came the learning curve. I tried ****y Funny.. I tried Speed Seduction... I tried being "a mystery", I tried it all.

It wasn't until I stopped doing all of thoose things that I realzied how simplistc this statement really is.

It's not saying "Learn to be a man", meaning you have to learn how to do this... it's saying "Be something you already were".

So to answer the question above, What exactly is a DJ?

It's a man.

so now the question is what exaclty is a man?

Pook said a man is someone who isn't afraid of his testerostone, and that's a very, very good generatzation.

However I am going to try to take it a step father..

A man is, simply put, himself.

To try to make this understandable as possible, this is the problem I see with the forum now:

YOu are putting the cart before the horse.

You aren't a man if you can approach women at any time of the day... But being a man makes it possible to approach women at any time of the day.

In other words, alot of these posts on this site now, are backwards because having women "chase you", having women fight over you, etc, are ALL BYPRODUCTS OF BEING A MAN

This forum should be more like 50% self improvement, IN ALL AREAS OF LIFE, NOT JUST DJING, and 50% on women, not 1% Self Improvement, 99% women.

With self improvement, the more you are being a Man. The more of a Man you are, the more comfortable you are doing all of the things you have trouble with.

Now, I won't answer what IS a man, because that's for you to come up with, but here are some things that in my opinion DESCRIBE a man:

a) Probably the most important thing of all, he is a man of importance. He has a purpose with his life that doens't involve women, that is something he feels very passionately about.

Look at all of the "Men" in the TV... I was use James Bond because he is universal... although he liked women, he had higher prorities then them... imagine how bad the James bond series would be if he spent the entire movie chasing after them instead of the BAD guys.

By doing this, and keeping your prorities in check, you don't have to "play mysterious" or play "hard to get".... you are hard to get, because you have more important things to do, and it's not a game... if she doesn't want to play by your rules, she can shove it, you don' t have time, whereas if you are "playing" hard to get, once it is evidant that you are "playign" the ball is in her court, hence why we get **** tested time in and time out.

b) A man is someone who isn't always georgous, but keeps himself in shape and well groomed.

Now, I've never had a girl tell me I was ugly... even the girls who LJBFed... or better yet, GIRL since it only happened to me really once, told me that I was very good looking... but I have been out of shape before, and trust me when I say, a average-good looking guy that is great shape looks better than a naturally handsome guy that is out of shape..


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
My therory is that it has nothing to do with women why you should keep yourself in shape, it's more because of that's who you see yourself as... I am sure when you imagine yourself being the DJ of the centery you don't have a Beer belly and Body Fat everywhere... Like Pook once said, you can Want a girl with a great body, but to DEMAND it, you have to hold yourself to that regard.

c) One that is goal oriented.

Goals are what wake me up in the morning. Goals are what keep me going in the day time. Goals are what make me be able to sometimes work for 24-36 hours straight, even though I work for myself and I can easily quit and go play Madden or Call a girl or Watch Law and Order.

Out of all of the girls I messed around with, there was one that no one could figure out "why"? I mean, she wasn't ugly, but I have female LJBF's that look better then she does... She is about a 6... a 7 on a good day. And she was married.

But she had something that I had never seen in a women before... Ambition... Real life Ambition. I think Ambition is the sexiest thing a woman can have. Talking to her one day while she was at work, it was like I was talking to a CEO in the making. She knew what she was going to do with her life, and not only knew what she was going to do, was working in Overdrive to do it. Never complained, never gripped, just smiled and said "when I am where i want to be it will all be worth it"

Even when she made it painfully ovbious that she wanted to sleep with me and we started messing around, I never had control over her... School and work came first. If she had a test the next day, she would stay home and review what needed to be reviewed for her test the next day. If she needed money, she worked for it, no matter how tired she was (was a waitress, so she worked off tips)

I had always been ambitious, I mean I did start a comptuer company... but after her, I realized why women like ambitous guys so much and that ambition and zest for life will go farther than any seduction techniques that you can ever teach.

So in Conclusion, I challange every guy her to be a DJ, not a DJ in the sense of tr ying to bag as m any women as possible, but being a TRUE DJ, one that in touch with himself, always trys to improve himself, and one that is goal oriented.

Once you are yourself (the man), suddenly talking to women doesn't seem that hard anymore


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
This is a good post.

A DJ is a man that is at one with himself.

The fact is most guys don't realize how important it is to be themselves until they start looking for a LTR or a wife. When that time comes you have to know who you are. You have actually think about what kinds of traits you want in a woman not the other way around.

When that happens you begin to understand who you are and you start to be very critical of women and their behaviours.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Guys, we've got to start bumping up the good posts, and ignoring the retarded ones

Who's with me;)


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
You can give new meaning to the term if you like, but the term "Don Juan" has a specific history to it. Don Juan was a Spanish nobleman who was rumored to have slept w/thousands of women. I do'nt know if he was an actual person like Casanova, the french "Don Juan", or just a legend. The French playwright Moliere wrote a play about him, which was turned into an opera by Mozart titled "Don Giovanni". Don Giovanni is "Don Juan". He is portrayed as a criminal, lustful, seducer that ends up in Hell. Later, Lord Byron wrote a lengthy poem about Don Juan. I think a "real" Don Juan is simply an irrepresible seducer who goes first w/his passions-lust, the consequences be damned. I've never really met anyone like this.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Yes backbreaker you make sense – but most of you young bastards are living in "The Matrix" - a world defined by Homos, Hors, and Feminists!!!! Many of these young ones have been programmed to be effeminate or to take on less than masculine qualities.

Do you notice the lack of responses to this thread? Sure you do.

The Mods have banned the older males who came from a strong masculine mindset and those older or more experienced DJ’s who were not banned decided to leave because the trivial immature pointless misguided banter is readily allowed to fill the forums at the expense of wise counsel!! So now you have a room filled with only those who have grown up in the matrix taking guidance from those who are in the matrix themselves and thus the circle of misdirection is complete.

The “Discussion forum” is NOW become the “High School” forum --- don’t expect deep and wise revelations from 17 year olds – thus your few responses!