what is a "creep"?


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
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What exactly is a creep, and how do you avoid being one?

Recently I had a horrible experience which made me feel like the girl thinks I'm a "creep", yet I'm still not exactly clear on what it means.

Sure, I'm pretty introverted... that's not my fault - it's a freakin' temperament that I was born with and can do little or nothing about. I suspect that introverts are labeled creeps by extroverts, who are the majority in our society.

Any thoughts on this term, what it means, and how to avoid being perceived as one?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
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Sure, I'm pretty introverted... that's not my fault - it's a freakin' temperament that I was born with and can do little or nothing about. I suspect that introverts are labeled creeps by extroverts, who are the majority in our society.
I think you've defined it.

I wasn't always outgoing in larger social gatherings either, and I think the number one way to get labeled in that way is by being a "lurker".

If you're in a social gathering, especially with friends, you need to make an effort to talk to the people, and do it soon. Learn some stories to tell, some interesting conversations, and even if they aren't the best, you still won't be labeled as the creepy guy who is always "hanging around". You don't have to talk to them forever or be the most charming guy they ever met-just be social, ask some questions, and make some conversation so they feel like they know you.

You are absolutely wrong that you can't change it. I am probably twice your age, and I have learned stuff from SS that I have already applied and changed.

Oddly enough, being a lurker was one of these. I am pretty outgoing and rather outspoken at times, but after reading some of this stuff (and some other materials), I learned I was still kind of a lurker at times.

I immediately stopped doing that. I make an effort to talk to people who may not even be that interested in knowing now, just to get more vested in the social circle. They will become warmer towards you, and it will help you later when people come along that you are interested in.

You're introverted primarily because you lack confidence. The best way to start getting some confidence, in your case, is to stop lurking. I promise you that peoples reception to you will change almost immediately.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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wannabesuave said:
What exactly is a creep, and how do you avoid being one?

Recently I had a horrible experience which made me feel like the girl thinks I'm a "creep", yet I'm still not exactly clear on what it means.

Sure, I'm pretty introverted... that's not my fault - it's a freakin' temperament that I was born with and can do little or nothing about. I suspect that introverts are labeled creeps by extroverts, who are the majority in our society.

Any thoughts on this term, what it means, and how to avoid being perceived as one?
someone who is not honest about his intentions.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
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Someone who lacks social skills.

Someone who isn't authentic (see what ChrizZ said).

Someone who is too far out from the 'social norm'.

Someone who doesn't have the confidence to back up what he is saying doing (being inauthentic).

I disagree with the notion that introverts are born. Especially after watching The Blueprint Decoded. Let me ask you this, are you always introverted/shy/quiet or just in large groups? Do you act the same around your close friends or family?

What was your horrible experiance that made you feel like a creep?

When we first begin to integrate new characteristics into ourselves it often comes accross as 'creepy' because it isn't yet authentic. Authenitcity with it comes through repetition as it becomes a part of us.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Basically somebody is creepy when they are different from the norm. If you don't talk as much most guys or you are not as loud, you are creepy.

It also means because of what you are doing you are perceived as low value. Find some ways to raise your value and you can stop being creepy.

As for raising your value, I'm in the process of doing more research on that as I need to raise my own value.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
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When we first begin to integrate new characteristics into ourselves it often comes accross as 'creepy' because it isn't yet authentic. Authenitcity with it comes through repetition as it becomes a part of us.
This is statement is gold, and is pretty much something that you can use in any area of your life.

What was your horrible experiance that made you feel like a creep?
I was curious about this too. What happened?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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An introvert isn't necessarily creepy. An extrovert can also be creepy.

A creepy guy is the guy who hesitates (dictionary: to be reluctant or wait to act because of fear, indecision, or disinclination) and doubts himself. He appears incongruent. His external behaviours and actions don't match what's inside.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Creepy guys do things that most people would not concider socially accpetable. I'll give some extreme examples to nail the point home for you.

If you collect hair from a girl you like but don't know and fashion it into some kind of picture or doll...yeah that's creepy. If you stay up late and cruise the neighborhood you live in, that's cool. If you just cuise the same block over and over again hoping the girl you have a crush on will come out side...yeah that's creepy. If make plans with a girl you barely know or see, then immedately assume you're dating and plan your days around the minutes or so of that interaction from there on...yeah that's creepy. If you get her number and txt or call 14 or more times more then she calls you... yeah that's creepy. If she tells you never to see or talk to her again and you think she's "playing games"...oh my god that's f*ckin creepy!!!

You catch the overall message here. If you can think of something that seems bizarre and outside the norm in a scary way, anyone who does something similar is creepy. Remember, a PUA is never a creepy individual. Keep your emotions and urges under control by keeping your cool. Everything else will work itself out.


Feb 23, 2005
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ive been called a creep or weird. but then ive been called ****y and arrogant. so i got both ends of the spectrum. to me when i go out i will only talk to someone if im in the mood. if i dont it means im tired, bored and just dont care about the person and dont like putting in the effort.
Dec 18, 2007
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wannabesuave said:
What exactly is a creep, and how do you avoid being one?

Sure, I'm pretty introverted... that's not my fault - it's a freakin' temperament that I was born with and can do little or nothing about. I suspect that introverts are labeled creeps by extroverts, who are the majority in our society.

Any thoughts on this term, what it means, and how to avoid being perceived as one?
Actually I believe more than 50% of it is learned behaviors. You learn to be shy. Which is a form of vanity. You focus it all on you. It's all about you.

How you feel introverted and YOU can't do anything about it...it is just the way YOU are.

I used to be like that too until I grew up and grew out of that bullcrap,.

It is a matter of how badly you want it.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2008
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wannabesuave said:
What exactly is a creep, and how do you avoid being one?
If you don't know the answer to that question, you probably are one. But kidding aside, a creep is anybody who is socially awkward, doesn't understand social cues, play too much World of Warcraft...:D But, it's all about perception, you don't think your a creep, but many sociable people and girls alike will think so if you exhibit the behaviors above.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Realize that sometimes people have perception problems. Just because you might get called a "creep" doesn't (necessarily) mean you are one.

I'm reminded this moment of that guy Paul Janka who was on TV recently for his gaming of women in NY and having slept with over 100 women. In the comments section below, comments ranged from "way to go, teach me!" to "wow, what a creep, he should be arrested".

In the bible belt where I live, it'd probably be common to get the occasional creep accusation as a DJ. Many of the women here are extremely conservative.

The accusation most DJs should get from time-to-time is a$$hole. In fact, I'd go so far as to say if you've never been called that at least once or twice, you're probably still too much of a "nice guy".


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2008
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Maxtro said:
Basically somebody is creepy when they are different from the norm. If you don't talk as much most guys or you are not as loud, you are creepy.

gotta say i disagree with that, i know two guys who are both quiet and never really start conversations with others. but they are good guys and are respected by people

but in some cases, yeah i think creeps are often quiet

nothing like this is black and white, just depemds on the person


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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PRMoon said:
If you collect hair from a girl you like but don't know and fashion it into some kind of picture or doll...yeah that's creepy.
LOL. If you can get close enough to her to get some hair she may consider you a DJ.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
What being a creep essentially means is someone doesn't like/understand you and it's their contention you should not be a sexual creature. Why they don't like you usually centers around you being quiet and not friendly and personable to them. The fact that "creep" means a hundred different things and it's not universally clear is just evidence that it really isn't based upon anything of substance.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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ketostix said:
What being a creep essentially means is someone doesn't like/understand you and it's their contention you should not be a sexual creature. Why they don't like you usually centers around you being quiet and not friendly and personable to them. The fact that "creep" means a hundred different things and it's not universally clear is just evidence that it really isn't based upon anything of substance.
Again, sometimes they're actually the weird or quirky one. To a stuck-up, sheltered, bible-thumping, daddy's girl, I'll always be a creep in her mind.

Usually's too strong a word, IMO. "creep" is misused by the accuser approximately half the time in my estimation.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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how can you have fun when you dont get called freak or weird or stupid at least twice a day?