What I Learned the Hard Way (THE UNDATEABLE GIRL)


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
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-So a while back I had a girlfriend. She had came sorta easy i guess. We met through my cousin, went on our first date and then eventually our second. Also she lived with what was basically a 2 to 3 hour drive away from our house. Well after A while I would consistently find her flaking, with legitimate excuses. But It would be things like, "I have to go to my freinds play" or "I have to go to an art exhibition" Or the big annoying one "I got to go to my grandmas house" witch she did a ton.
-Ignoring all the signs of her being the "undateable girl" I continued on anyways seeing her a total of 5 or 6 times before going to the prom with her. Even there she ignored me for a bit to be with her friends. Heck she even left when I went to the bathroom one time and never even texted me where she was at, not to mention it was her prom so I knew next to no one there. Despite all of that earlier in the night I had asked her to be my girlfriend and so I didn't want to be a major jerk so even then, I still didnt break up with her. that later proved to be a mistake I went on one last date with her, and then I left for costa Rica for a 5 week trip even after then she bareley messaged me, with the usuall "Im Busy" bit. So eventually I got home and we got to talking and she mentioned how she wanted to get a job. Normally Id be happy for her, but than she started talking about the hours she hoped to work, witch ultimatley would leave absoluteley zero time for us. We got to see each other about once a month as it was. I had had it at that point. So I finally broke up with her, over text too, and i pretty much haven't talked to her since. The simple fact of the matter was she just didn't have enough time for a boyfriend.
-So I may be in high school but what can you learn from my mistakes? Well for starters
-Every once in a while there will be the girl that I once heard on this site deemed "Undateable". She will flake on you, and with legitimate excuses that actually check out. But the problem with her is that she is a very busy person, so much so that she decides to put you way far back on her list of todo's that you bareley get to see her. If you can avoid this type of girl, almost always do. Heres some sighns to watch out for.
= Shes always talking about how busy she is with sports/arts/freinds/school.
= She flakes for dates frequently
= She seems like the go getter type of person that wants to do seemingly everything all at once and she might freak out if she feels like shes not doing it. \
She might try to convince you otherwise but, its her actions that show what her priority's are. If your not high on that list than its not worth your time.
One of my mistakes was that this girl was my first girlfriend and I didn't know what to do if she was ignoring me, or too not even bother with it in the first place. Chances are if you can convince her that you will walk way and she believes it you just might make it quite a bit higher on her list of todo's (This is probably best early on in the relationship. Its better to just walk away if its farther on)
Going to a new school has taught me just how many girls are out there. Believe me no matter how hot she is there is no way its better to waste your time with her, than to find someone else that's better. You just have to look and you'll find someone that can afford to have a boyfriend
-So in the end I learned about what to watch out for with the go getter types. Heck she wasnt even all that hot maybey about a 4 or 5 looks wise (also a tad bit overweight too). So I hope and pray that you learned from my mistakes and dont make them your own. Good luck
NOTE TO SELF: I was such an AFC :crackup:


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
didirectors said:
-So a while back I had a girlfriend. She had came sorta easy i guess. We met through my cousin, went on our first date and then eventually our second. Also she lived with what was basically a 2 to 3 hour drive away from our house. Well after A while I would consistently find her flaking, with legitimate excuses. But It would be things like, "I have to go to my freinds play" or "I have to go to an art exhibition" Or the big annoying one "I got to go to my grandmas house" witch she did a ton.
-Ignoring all the signs of her being the "undateable girl" I continued on anyways seeing her a total of 5 or 6 times before going to the prom with her. Even there she ignored me for a bit to be with her friends. Heck she even left when I went to the bathroom one time and never even texted me where she was at, not to mention it was her prom so I knew next to no one there. Despite all of that earlier in the night I had asked her to be my girlfriend and so I didn't want to be a major jerk so even then, I still didnt break up with her. that later proved to be a mistake I went on one last date with her, and then I left for costa Rica for a 5 week trip even after then she bareley messaged me, with the usuall "Im Busy" bit. So eventually I got home and we got to talking and she mentioned how she wanted to get a job. Normally Id be happy for her, but than she started talking about the hours she hoped to work, witch ultimatley would leave absoluteley zero time for us. We got to see each other about once a month as it was. I had had it at that point. So I finally broke up with her, over text too, and i pretty much haven't talked to her since. The simple fact of the matter was she just didn't have enough time for a boyfriend.
-So I may be in high school but what can you learn from my mistakes? Well for starters
-Every once in a while there will be the girl that I once heard on this site deemed "Undateable". She will flake on you, and with legitimate excuses that actually check out. But the problem with her is that she is a very busy person, so much so that she decides to put you way far back on her list of todo's that you bareley get to see her. If you can avoid this type of girl, almost always do. Heres some sighns to watch out for.
= Shes always talking about how busy she is with sports/arts/freinds/school.
= She flakes for dates frequently
= She seems like the go getter type of person that wants to do seemingly everything all at once and she might freak out if she feels like shes not doing it. \
She might try to convince you otherwise but, its her actions that show what her priority's are. If your not high on that list than its not worth your time.
One of my mistakes was that this girl was my first girlfriend and I didn't know what to do if she was ignoring me, or too not even bother with it in the first place. Chances are if you can convince her that you will walk way and she believes it you just might make it quite a bit higher on her list of todo's (This is probably best early on in the relationship. Its better to just walk away if its farther on)
Going to a new school has taught me just how many girls are out there. Believe me no matter how hot she is there is no way its better to waste your time with her, than to find someone else that's better. You just have to look and you'll find someone that can afford to have a boyfriend
-So in the end I learned about what to watch out for with the go getter types. Heck she wasnt even all that hot maybey about a 4 or 5 looks wise (also a tad bit overweight too). So I hope and pray that you learned from my mistakes and dont make them your own. Good luck
NOTE TO SELF: I was such an AFC :crackup:

Dude.....you're mistaken here. Out of EVERYTHING you said,the only part that guys here REALLY NEED to focus on for themselves is the VERY LAST sentence....."I was such an AFC". Cause that's what this thread IS REALLY about.

You say this chick is "undateable". No.....she was undateable....FOR YOU. You think no guy is gonna be able to date her? Ok,sooo what....you think she's gonna be single and a virgin for the rest of her life? Never have a boyfriend,get married,or have sex?

You say you were ignoring the signs of an "undateable" girl. No you weren't.

You were ignoring sings of a DIS-INTERESTED girl. Those were signs of disinterest,not undateability. SOMEBODY is going to date her.

This thread is more about YOU......you being either naive to signs of disinterest,being an AFC and willing to to up with disrespectful behavior,or not spinning plates/having other options.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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I had the same with my favorit plate she loved my attention but i couldnt set up a date with her she was abused tho in the past and i was showing sexual interest apushin convos to sex and she backed off dating. I tried to calm her but indifferince is the key..


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Although your concept is not 100% wrong, I will lean towards her displaying signs of disinterest. Yes, there are people out there that do so much shıt that their day is filled back to back. I feel those people are running away from something and keeping extra busy keeps them from dealing with their problems. However, if she was totally into you, she'd make time and her grand-mawmaw will wait!

Don't forget, girls will string you along and have you orbit them, constantly ask them out, mooch off of you, etc., rather than tell you to fück off. It feeds their ego, and they live off of it. Attention is their fuel.

Next time, just recognize that all those unchecked boxes on her to-do list are büllṣhit excuses to keep you at bay. Next her accordingly.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2012
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She's not undateable. Any girl with low interest will act like this.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2013
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dunno about you guys, i know the trend is to lay off uninterested girls, but sometimes i really do like the chase. to make the "undateable" girl datable, and mostly, to bone her :D

there are times when i feel i am in a hunter forum, telling each other to only hunt domesticated ducks, because it is easier. no judging here, just an opinion.

i do the ducks also, AKA the daily plates, gf etc. but i really enjoy hunting down the hard ones. those who are uninterested initially. of course i would NEVER make one of them a LTR, for obvious reasons. but it is a good feeling to chalk them up on my virtual trophy room. even if some of them run away without the lay, the chase itself can be extra fun.

so to be on topic, use these uninterested girls to find out where is the need for you to get better. see them not as failures, but as lessons.

just remember to NEVER fall in love for this kind of game. they are game.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
ye crimson and how do you do that? getting the mixed signal half interested girl that refuses or doubts your date offers to actually go out with you? I love unintersted girls, i love the chase too .


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2013
Reaction score
well, you have to be able to differentiate between hard cases and impossible cases. for example if you are fat, and the girl is disgusted by it, there is no chance in hell the hunt will succeed. (there is, if you are super rich/influential/very smart... something to compensate. still hard.)

the best chases were when the girl was like "meh", she didn't dislike me per say, but also she was totally neutral. so i had opportunities to game her. there was a flaky one that delayed dates for months, i was playing it cool, because i always have some "plan B girls / plates to spin" to prevent any source of desperation.

i am the chooser type, not the chosen one, meaning i am not some handsome stud that can lay girls by my looks alone. i almost always begin at a point close to disinterest/neutral stance. there are of course exceptions, where the girl actually feels attracted from the start, those are the ones i LTR if they pass the red flag/looks tests. the rest are game. chase, learn, bone, dump or keep as FB.

i am also a fan of the signs/horoscope, not the future telling BS, but the one with the personality traits. i consider it all nonsense, but for whatever reason, it works.

to answer TheGambino's question, i usually am persistent, a little pushy, but never crossing the border of good manners, or seeming needy. i create scenarios where they feel lousy for delaying. so they comply. and when they ARE on date, they are lost. when you are face to face with a girl, in two, they work like robots, they respond kind of the same way to a good combination of conversation and kino.
when they are with you, you look good (dress well), smell good, look them in the eye, can uphold a good conversation and initiate good kino, the results are predictable.

for me good kino is testing and adjusting. 2 steps forward, one step back, adjust. 60% success with this. i practice it from the age of 13. make mistakes, learn, evolve.