What happened here?


Don Juan
May 6, 2014
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K so I'm going to tell you my journey of being broken hearted because I was an idiot. She was my first love and first gf. I basically met her on CL, she suffered from depression and daddy issues. Even though we were fwb we were getting along great. Really liked her personality, she was like my best friend and lover. We went through some **** though, I got the clap from her but i forgave her since it was something from the past. After that we, well she had an abortion She had daddy issues where her dad would put her down and I would console her. She was also on anti-depressants but she would have bad days and stay in bed. I would come over and help her all the time she got like this. During last summer she did an internship in another country where i came to visit her. We did ldr for 5 months or so. She came back and lived with me and my parents place for a month. Her family is in a different city and she couldnt find a place in time when school started.

So fast forward a few months and my mom and her get into an argument becasue of something silly that I wasnt invited to her family gathering. After that she wanted me to move out, which I agreed too but I am working and going to school full time as well and my University is like 15 mins with my car. So whats the point of getting a ****ty basement to rent. During xmas she starts acting weird and wants me to move out more and more. I finally say that I will later on, after summer to save $ and get something decent to rent.

Fast forward to a few days after Valentines and she says "I don't think we should be seeing each other anymore". Me of course I was devastated asking why, how, I thought you love me, blah blah blah. She has no idea why, that its her gut feeling, that she loves me but doesnt know why and all other bs. So we break up and I'm weak and im being a huge ***** about it. I text her asking why and I dont get it. So her birthday is right around the corner when she dumped me so I actually have the gift for her as well. I give them to her as "a friend". She likes them as they are very sentimental ****. After I leave her place I came to peace and accepted the fact that shes gone for good now. Not knowing why.

The next day I get a text saying how nice the earrings are. I ignore it. She texts me at the end of the night and she says that "she now knows why she wanted to break up. She found answers.".... So we meet up nextweek and tells me that its because I live at home and I tell her my plan and we get back together. She grabs me kisses me. She says that we should "take it slow" (whatever the **** that means). So a week into this reconciliation she gets the stomach flu and I take care of her. She has no family here and her friends are not in the city. I clean, cook, bring food and do other Cinderella **** for her. I mean I love her, why wouldn't I take care of my girl? So I do this for 3 days. She gets better and a few days later I get a text that "we went too fast", and its basically over.

She was always the needy one, asking to be cuddled and to tell her that I love her. Then she just wants to stop seeing eachother. There were no signs of her ending like that. She was affectionate, loving and caring till the end.

I get ****ing pissed off and blast her on facebook (I know, I was drunk, pissed, hurt and angry). She proceeds to block me like I'm scum. Whatever I blasted her on facebook wasn't a lie though, it was the bitter truth of how I helped her in life and how I got repaid by being ****ted on. The sad thing is that I miss her and love her.... Why would she just dump me like that out of nowhere? And to be dumped for living at home while attending school and work. I got no debt becasue of that and shes in some heavy debt. Its funny though, the 2 times we broke up she pulled some stupid line "Maybe one day our paths will cross in the future." and "Goodbye for now.". Like Im waiting for her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Another day, another story confirming everything in the DJ bible ;) at least you can look at your life and relationship truthfully now, accept it, and begin to move forward. Today is a new day my man.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
Read the DJ bible. This is a place for people who have knowledge on game and the way women work. You obviously have done no research on anything which is why you are here asking why everything you did (wrong) didn't work.

Stop being a needy, clingy, predictable, boring, understanding, caring, sweet, loving, white-knighting, emotionally-available, pandering beta faggot to chicks who do nothing to deserve it. Creating Attraction comes first and is most important. Rapport is in a distant second. Those sweet gestures of yours should be used sparingly to show that you give a f*ck once in a while - not as a steady means of supplication to keep her around. Women want to be led by a man not chased by a boy. You lost your frame and lost control. You are absolutely no challenge. That gut feeling of hers was that she isn't attracted to you and no longer want's to fvck you because you are too easy and lame. She molded you into a beta ball of putty and then chucked you out the car window.

This is you ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8teRxOSNHs

Tough love brother. Time to man up and swallow the red pill. This site as well as Chateau Heartiste should straighten you out a bit. This is a blessing in disguise.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
My friend I'm sorry to hear that you are hurting. It seems you did everything you could to be a "nice" boyfriend but I'm going to shoot straight with you: She didn't deserve any of it. Your first paragraph contains a scary amount of red flags (met on CL, depressed, daddy issues, gave you the clap, got knocked up and had an abortion etc). These red flags are not something that you should be striving to overcome or fix, they are simply the reasons that you should move on or never get involved in the first place.

But you did...and what did you get for all your good deeds? All the times you nursed her back to health? Provided a place for her to live? YOU GOT SH*T ON! :mad:

And all because you didn't want to move out with her? I'm going to call BS on that reason but then again it doesn't matter, she's gone.

There's a lot of anger in your post and I want you to know that's a good thing. Now granted you did make a major mistake ("blasting her on FB") but screw it, what's done is done. Now I want you to wallow in that anger, let it wash over you and consume you. Why you say? Because you're going to use it as fuel to power your mission in reclaiming your life and rising above this low quality woman.

It's going to be hard and it's going to take time but it's the only path worth trodding. I'm going to write you a prescription: Strict no contact. DO NOT TEXT, CALL OR MSG HER ON FB. NOT AT ALL! EVER AGAIN!

Also I want you to get outside, see your buddies, visit your family. If she's as crazy as you said they will be overwhelmingly positive about her being gone and that positivity will rub off on you. Also go to the gym, it's a great stess reliever and you'll look and feel better guaranteed. Since you're in college look for a gym that caters to college students, maybe even one on campus if your school has it.

And of course STUDY THE DJ BIBLE. I wish you the best my friend.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2014
Reaction score
If you are broken hearted visit youjustgotdumped.com don't let it out here. Else, it'll fry your brain. Come back when it's the right time.


Don Juan
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Dgwizdal said:
Read the DJ bible. This is a place for people who have knowledge on game and the way women work. You obviously have done no research on anything which is why you are here asking why everything you did (wrong) didn't work.

Stop being a needy, clingy, predictable, boring, understanding, caring, sweet, loving, white-knighting, emotionally-available, pandering beta faggot to chicks who do nothing to deserve it. Creating Attraction comes first and is most important. Rapport is in a distant second. Those sweet gestures of yours should be used sparingly to show that you give a f*ck once in a while - not as a steady means of supplication to keep her around. Women want to be led by a man not chased by a boy. You lost your frame and lost control. You are absolutely no challenge. That gut feeling of hers was that she isn't attracted to you and no longer want's to fvck you because you are too easy and lame. She molded you into a beta ball of putty and then chucked you out the car window.

This is you ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8teRxOSNHs

Tough love brother. Time to man up and swallow the red pill. This site as well as Chateau Heartiste should straighten you out a bit. This is a blessing in disguise.
Hey thanks for the reality check, really. Been reading the DJ Bible and has awesome information. It all makes sense.

I guess I also wanted peoples input and where to start off. Read the bible and just do cold approaches and work my way up?


Don Juan
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Dgwizdal said:
Read the DJ bible. This is a place for people who have knowledge on game and the way women work. You obviously have done no research on anything which is why you are here asking why everything you did (wrong) didn't work.

Stop being a needy, clingy, predictable, boring, understanding, caring, sweet, loving, white-knighting, emotionally-available, pandering beta faggot to chicks who do nothing to deserve it. Creating Attraction comes first and is most important. Rapport is in a distant second. Those sweet gestures of yours should be used sparingly to show that you give a f*ck once in a while - not as a steady means of supplication to keep her around. Women want to be led by a man not chased by a boy. You lost your frame and lost control. You are absolutely no challenge. That gut feeling of hers was that she isn't attracted to you and no longer want's to fvck you because you are too easy and lame. She molded you into a beta ball of putty and then chucked you out the car window.

This is you ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8teRxOSNHs

Tough love brother. Time to man up and swallow the red pill. This site as well as Chateau Heartiste should straighten you out a bit. This is a blessing in disguise.
Hey thanks for the reality check, really. Been reading the DJ Bible and has awesome information. It all makes sense.

I guess I also wanted peoples input and where to start off. Read the bible and just do cold approaches and work my way up?

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Firstly you need to be a man women desire. So you should definitely look at what improvements you can make before you charge uphill at a fortified defensive position.
And read Rollo's blog on relational equity and his pieces on Man Love and Woman Love. Real eye openers which will help you better understand your current situation.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
Henuff said:
Hey thanks for the reality check, really. Been reading the DJ Bible and has awesome information. It all makes sense.

I guess I also wanted peoples input and where to start off. Read the bible and just do cold approaches and work my way up?
In the downloads section on the bible page there's a link called don juan bootcamp. That'll break everything down into an 8-week program.


Don Juan
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
JoeMarron said:
In the downloads section on the bible page there's a link called don juan bootcamp. That'll break everything down into an 8-week program.
Awesome. Cant wait to try it out after exams ><.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Lots of good reading material out there.

DJ bible
No more Mr. Nice Guy
The Game - Neil Strauss
The Art of Secution - Robert Greene
48 laws of Power
The Art of War
The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle


Don Juan
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
The_411 said:
Lots of good reading material out there.

DJ bible
No more Mr. Nice Guy
The Game - Neil Strauss
The Art of Secution - Robert Greene
48 laws of Power
The Art of War
The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
Thanks for the list, I read the game before and I am currently reading the 48 laws of power.
Does anyone else suggest any other articles to check out?


Don Juan
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
As stupid as this sounds... is there a way to have a one up on her. I really ****ed up and I wish I read this stuff before the breakup. I'm thinking of emaiing her and saying
Title: "Need to get this off my chest"
"Thank you!"

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
DO NOT email her. That's just being petty and childish and not how a DJ handles himself.
The best revenge you can have is to become a better man and have her see what she's missed out on. That will eat her up more than anything snarky you say, no matter how satisfying you think it'll be.