What happened here?


Don Juan
May 6, 2014
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K so I'm going to tell you my journey of being broken hearted because I was an idiot. She was my first love and first gf. I basically met her on CL, she suffered from depression and daddy issues. Even though we were fwb we were getting along great. Really liked her personality, she was like my best friend and lover. We went through some **** though, I got the clap from her but i forgave her since it was something from the past. After that we, well she had an abortion She had daddy issues where her dad would put her down and I would console her. She was also on anti-depressants but she would have bad days and stay in bed. I would come over and help her all the time she got like this. During last summer she did an internship in another country where i came to visit her. We did ldr for 5 months or so. She came back and lived with me and my parents place for a month. Her family is in a different city and she couldnt find a place in time when school started.

So fast forward a few months and my mom and her get into an argument becasue of something silly that I wasnt invited to her family gathering. After that she wanted me to move out, which I agreed too but I am working and going to school full time as well and my University is like 15 mins with my car. So whats the point of getting a ****ty basement to rent. During xmas she starts acting weird and wants me to move out more and more. I finally say that I will later on, after summer to save $ and get something decent to rent.

Fast forward to a few days Valentines and she says "I don't think we should be seeing each other anymore". Me of course I was devastated asking why, how, I thought you love me, blah blah blah. She has no idea why, that its her gut feeling, that she loves me but doesnt know why and all other bs. So we break up and I'm weak and im being a huge ***** about it. I text her asking why and I dont get it. So her birthday is right around the corner when she dumped me so I actually have the gift for her as well. I give them to her as "a friend". She likes them as they are very sentimental ****. After I leave her place I came to peace and accepted the fact that shes gone for good now. Not knowing why.

The next day I get a text saying how nice the earrings are. I ignore it. She texts me at the end of the night and she says that "she now knows why she wanted to break up. She found answers.".... So we meet up nextweek and tells me that its because I live at home and I tell her my plan and we get back together. She grabs me kisses me. She says that we should "take it slow" (whatever the **** that means). So a week into this reconciliation she gets the stomach flu and I take care of her. She has no family here and her friends are not in the city. I clean, cook, bring food and do other Cinderella **** for her. I mean I love her, why wouldn't I take care of my girl? So I do this for 3 days. She gets better and a few days later I get a text that "we went too fast", and its basically over.

I get ****ing pissed off and blast her on facebook (I know, I was drunk, pissed, hurt and angry). She proceeds to block me like I'm scum. Whatever I blasted her on facebook wasn't a lie though, it was the bitter truth of how I helped her in life and how I got repaid by being ****ted on. The sad thing is that I miss her and love her.... Why would she just dump me like that out of nowhere? And to be dumped for living at home while attending school and work. I got no debt becasue of that and shes in some heavy debt.
Jul 12, 2012
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Henuff said:
K so I'm going to tell you my journey of being broken hearted because I was an idiot. She was my first love and first gf. I basically met her on CL, she suffered from depression and daddy issues. Even though we were fwb we were getting along great. Really liked her personality, she was like my best friend and lover. We went through some **** though, I got the clap from her but i forgave her since it was something from the past. After that we, well she had an abortion She had daddy issues where her dad would put her down and I would console her. She was also on anti-depressants but she would have bad days and stay in bed. I would come over and help her all the time she got like this. During last summer she did an internship in another country where i came to visit her. We did ldr for 5 months or so. She came back and lived with me and my parents place for a month. Her family is in a different city and she couldnt find a place in time when school started.

So fast forward a few months and my mom and her get into an argument becasue of something silly that I wasnt invited to her family gathering. After that she wanted me to move out, which I agreed too but I am working and going to school full time as well and my University is like 15 mins with my car. So whats the point of getting a ****ty basement to rent. During xmas she starts acting weird and wants me to move out more and more. I finally say that I will later on, after summer to save $ and get something decent to rent.

Fast forward to a few days Valentines and she says "I don't think we should be seeing each other anymore". Me of course I was devastated asking why, how, I thought you love me, blah blah blah. She has no idea why, that its her gut feeling, that she loves me but doesnt know why and all other bs. So we break up and I'm weak and im being a huge ***** about it. I text her asking why and I dont get it. So her birthday is right around the corner when she dumped me so I actually have the gift for her as well. I give them to her as "a friend". She likes them as they are very sentimental ****. After I leave her place I came to peace and accepted the fact that shes gone for good now. Not knowing why.

The next day I get a text saying how nice the earrings are. I ignore it. She texts me at the end of the night and she says that "she now knows why she wanted to break up. She found answers.".... So we meet up nextweek and tells me that its because I live at home and I tell her my plan and we get back together. She grabs me kisses me. She says that we should "take it slow" (whatever the **** that means). So a week into this reconciliation she gets the stomach flu and I take care of her. She has no family here and her friends are not in the city. I clean, cook, bring food and do other Cinderella **** for her. I mean I love her, why wouldn't I take care of my girl? So I do this for 3 days. She gets better and a few days later I get a text that "we went too fast", and its basically over.

I get ****ing pissed off and blast her on facebook (I know, I was drunk, pissed, hurt and angry). She proceeds to block me like I'm scum. Whatever I blasted her on facebook wasn't a lie though, it was the bitter truth of how I helped her in life and how I got repaid by being ****ted on. The sad thing is that I miss her and love her.... Why would she just dump me like that out of nowhere? And to be dumped for living at home while attending school and work. I got no debt becasue of that and shes in some heavy debt.

You REALLY need to read the DJ bible! I know you are heart broken but you should treat this as a blessing. You're here, now you can learn to be the MAN you are meant to be.

This girl is poison let me point out the screaming red flags. I will highlight them red in my quote.

Those are just a few. I would not curse my worst enemies d!ck on that female.

Do your homework read this forum ask questions read the dj bible and get some passion in life, goals, hobbies, sports.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Before the misogynist, tainted parade waltzes in, I'll ask you one question. How much do you value yourself?

She doesn't love you. You are her emotional tampon. As you continue disrespect yourself, your value decreases. Rudimentary economics, what happens to valueless items? They are disposal.

Strengthen your resolve young man and walk away. Choose self-respect, always. Be valuable. No contact and soldier on with your life; march forward.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Cliff notes: Manipulative, game playing cvnt.

Learn your lessons from this experience OP. It took me a couple painful times to catch on. Maybe you can skip a step.

A lot of that stuff you posted my ex did too. After about 1.5 years together (including plenty of sex, vacations, living together, etc) that we needed to "start over" and "date" and "take it slow." Those are just synonyms for "take a break", "spend some time apart", etc.

What she wanted in the relationship was an ever-shifting set of ideals/goals/etc.

You can't win with crazies and trying to cater to them will make you crazy as well.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Note to all men that are aspiring DJs, the OP is EXACTLY how to do EVERYTHING wrong in a relationship. The red flags ABOUNDED and still, he valued himself way lower than he valued her.

(1) First love and first GF..... from CL.
(2) The clap
(3) Daddy issues
(4) Abortion
(5) Can't live on her own
(6) Makes demands based on where you live
(7) Plays the hot and cold game

I had to stop there. Basically, this woman has everything wrong going for her. I always wonder why men allow themselves to be put into these positions? Because we want to. Because we think with our little head instead of our big one.

Henuff, consider this a HUGE bullet dodged. This could have gone a lot worse had marriage been involved or had a kid been introduced into the scenario. You need to move on... establish healthy relationships that will make you happy. Accept no further contact from this... "woman".

Big Nuts

Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2013
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
Before the misogynist, tainted parade waltzes in, I'll ask you one question. How much do you value yourself?

She doesn't love you. You are her emotional tampon. As you continue disrespect yourself, your value decreases. Rudimentary economics, what happens to valueless items? They are disposal.

Strengthen your resolve young man and walk away. Choose self-respect, always. Be valuable. No contact and soldier on with your life; march forward.
Good advice, but the misogynist dig at others was lame. :kick: There are plenty of things women in today's world do to flat out earn hatred. Your definition of hatred is another man's worldly experience. Men are kicked enough, they don't need one of their own continuing the beat down.