m0101 said:
Given women's innate hypergamous and solipsistic tendencies, I've seen men emphasizing the importance of keeping your game "tight", to prevent your object of interest from monkey-branching.
I'm trying to create a thread where there are a few solid responses that articulate this mindset.
So, I'm really curious -- what does "tight game" mean, to all of you? Both, during the seduction phase, before you've had sex, and then afterwards, to continuously be perceived as a high value male and keep the relationship going as long as you want it to.
Responses appreciated, ESP from senior members!
your post is an oxymoron; game gets you in the door and peeks women interest, but it's you that keeps a woman interested. game can't keep a woman interested after the cat's out of the bag so to speak.
the only way you can be preiceved as a high value male for a prolonged period of time is to actually be a high value male; that is a guy that other women of greater or equal value deem datable and this fact is being constantly affirmed by women's actions around you. game gets you in the door but eventually the new car smell of the relationship wears off and she starts seeing more of you and the more of you she sees, the closer you are to what your game tries to convey that you are, the better off you are going to be.
What I have found in my relationships with women is that the longer that a woman dates you, the more she seems to look at outside inductors on the current market value of her man/boyfriend/husband. think of a man kinda like owning a stock on the NYSE and every morning she gets up and tunes in to MSNBC to see what the current market rate of her man is. The NYSE being other women of course; do women hit on you, do her girlfriends think she would be crazy if she left you.
While there are always exceptions, what i have found as a general rule of thumb is that the more that women dig you/you get hit on, the more stable your relationship is going to be. As Rollo often says women want a man who won't cheat.. but could.
And if you are a high value enough man and you keep your appearance of being a high value man up, this really isn't all that hard. Stay in the gym, keep your wardrobe up, keep your debt down, keep moving up in your career. not rocket science.