What does self improvement mean to you?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 27, 2002
Reaction score
"In this day and age, it is the male who is the fool. Fooled by nature, fooled by themselves, whatever you want to call it, today’s male so often thinks himself great for fulfilling his greatest desires, his greatest "purpose" in life. This is the greatest shame of our age, that men cease being men and neglect their very purpose to be great."
-the fool, sosuave.com

"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it."
-George Moore

Every true man has had at least one trying time in his life. A time where he finds himself at the brink of a major decision. At this point, he realizes that he has essentially two choices: to change his life in some way -- face the unknown and violate that which he is comfortable with, or accept defeat and sink into a self-wallowing pit of victimization and despair. The first choice of change may seem so distant, so alien to him, but the real man knows it is something he must do for his own sake. With the resolve gained from this realization, he will start on his journey on shady roads to a new, better existence.

For me, this experience came a few years ago. I had been rushed to the emergency room in an episode of internal hemorrhaging, and after multiple blood transfusions and diagnostic tests, pronounced to have Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is an ailment which can affect anywhere on the digestive tract, and causes pain, inflammation and tissue decay. Currently, western medicine does not have a "cure" or much less a certain idea of what causes the disease, and it can only be treated when the symptoms flare up.

I spent a week at the hospital that first time, and then went home to stay and recover. Things were looking up, but a month later I started bleeding internally again and was back in the hospital on high dose steroid treatment. I became terrified to eat anything, afraid that it might start the bleeding again. I stayed a few more days and went home in an uncertain state to recover. This next week of recovery was one of the worst weeks of my life. I felt helpless and trapped, lying there in bed, taking some forty to fifty pills a day, and praying that I would stop bleeding so I could return to my normal high school life. It was the ultimate sense of betrayal -- even my own body had turned against me it seemed. I remember wondering if dying would be any better.

I read up on the disease quite a bit, but in doing so only convinced myself of the uncertainty of the whole situation. I was paranoid with every action I took and every thing I ate. A week and a half of this passed and the bleeding started once again, and once again I was rushed to the emergency room. At this point, the doctors recommended the option that terrified me -- surgery. They were unsure how much of my intestines they would have to remove. I was told in a matter-of-fact way that I could wake up and have no large intestines at all and a ostomy bag instead. It ended up that I had 8 inches taken out. I can clearly remember the conversation I had with my surgeon a day or so after the procedure. He came in and said that since there is no cure, they have no idea how long I will be well before I'll have to go through this again. He said it could be 10 years, it could be two weeks. This was my turning point. I refused to let my existence be dictated by a disease. I had seen others sitting and wasting away in their hospital beds, and I refused to live in this state of despair. I decided that I would need to change my life around completely. I changed my diet, learned about how to care for my body with help from a naturopathic doctor, and started exercising. I no longer take medication for the disease, nor suffer symptoms.

And thus comes the core of the issue: I did this basically out of my own survival and freedom to grow unhindered. I had no external reasons for deciding to change my life in this way, and I attacked the change with a vigor and fearlessness previously unheard of. This was my first true taste of true and lasting growth. Most importantly, I realized that I could also generate this desire to change and improve internally, instead of relying on a dire situation to force me to change.

Another thing that I realized is that very few will actually venture out into the unknown looking for a better tomarrow, and even fewer will take the above realization out of the experience.

Furthermore, many will take up a self-improvement routine without examining their motives behind improvement. This is like the man that looses weight so he can get more girls, or the person who goes to college to get a high-paying job. True and lasting improvement starts in the self and ends in the self, or at least leads to the realization of this concept. While the ends of these two very different mindsets MAY be the same (e.x. a very successful job, many friends, a big house) the means are TOTALLY different. One man gets a high paying job and a house for their own ends, while with the enlightened man, these types of earthly comforts will happen as a RESULT of his self growth. To the first man, his earthy goods and pleasures define him, they are his master. The enlightened man, however, defines these things through his growth -- he is the master of them. This distinction is what makes the difference between the euphoria of fulfillment and the pang of emptiness when one is on their death bed looking back upon their life. I myself am only just starting to feel this truth.

To the impatient eye, this site preaches snagging chicks. However, stay and learn long enough, and you'll realize what many others have come to see: getting chicks is not a matter of tactics and gimmicks, it is like everything else in life, a consequence of becoming great. If you approach a woman with the goal of "getting" her, you see success as getting her and failure as not getting her. If you approach a woman with the goal of improving yourself, YOU HAVE ALREADY SUCCEEDED BY SIMPLY APPROACHING. Nomatter what the outcome, you will have learned and improved, you will be a winner in any case! Let your motivation be true self-improvement, and you will become great.

So get out there, and whatever you do, examine your motives behind it to find the origins of your desire. Ask yourself WHY you do what you do, and if the origins of your actions do not lie internally, perhaps they should be altered. Personal growth should be seen as an activity as essential to life as breathing and eating, it should be the trait by which you identify yourself. Only out of this philosophy does true and lasting happiness come.

Let the words of the Buddha guide you: "Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it".
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Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Great Points!

Originally posted by rbd:

True and lasting improvement starts in the self and ends in the self, or at least leads to the realization of this concept...One man gets a high paying job and a house for their own ends, while with the enlightened man, these types of earthly comforts will happen as a RESULT of his self growth...getting chicks is not a matter of tactics and gimmicks, it is like everything else in life, a consequence of becoming great.
Exactly! Why should we settle for anything less but greatness. But what is greatness? Greatness is being able to overcome any and all obstacles that stand in the way of our path. Women are just one of these obstacles. Look at the boy, coming to this site to solve his women problems:

"The love of my life dumped/cheated on/rejected me! Oh, I don't know how to solve my troubles!"

His 'path' is obviously set. His goal is to have a real woman (women) to (LTR/STR/ONS) with. A lesser man would settle for the (fat/ugly/slutty/crazy) chick. A great man desires more. Greatness never settles. Greatness steps up to the challenge, for what is life if there were no challenges?

So, this boy comes to this site and realizes that the 'problem' was him. He learns that if he improves himself, he will improve the women that he attracts. He becomes a 'man'.

Self Improvement

Much is said about 'self-improvement', but it is never really defined. There are two things that make up reality: the self and the environment.


You can improve your body. Many people try to downplay looks, but they are important. Aren't you attracted to the hot chicks more then the "mediocre" chicks? Why should girls be any different? (Hush you evolutionists preaching 'alpha male', for that is just a definition of 'man'.) This is not to say you cannot get a hot chick if you are not hot yourself. Think of your "hot" guy friends (oh, you know them, the ones the girls are always going on and on about!) they have probably slept with some 'dawgs'! If the girl was cool enough, they probably would even start a relationship with them, even though the girl is average. My cousin (who has HOT chicks practically RAPE him when he walks out the door -- NOT exaggerating here, I don't know how he does it :) ) was in a relationship with a '7' for about a year or so. (I had seen 9.5's swoon when they were around him!) When they finally broke up, he was pretty upset. Looks are not everything, but they do help, and you can ALWAYS improve them. (Excercise, diet, wardrobe, etc.)

You can also improve your mind. Your personality can be improved. What woman would want that boring/stuck up/dorky/quiet/meek guy? (No matter how 'hot' he is.) Wouldn't you dump that b*tchy hot chick? You can improve your personality in many ways: read books, talk to people, change your ATTITUDE on life (quit being a pessimist), go out and do FUN things (not the regular old drinking, smoking stuff -- although THAT can be fun ALSO! :D )


Once you change yourself, the world will change around you. Your environment will change to suit what you are. If you become a social happy person, the people that you interact with will become more social and happy. If you become an athletic and energetic person, you will do more athletic and energetic things. It is quite simple really.

The Origins of Actions

Ask yourself WHY you do what you do, and if the origins of your actions do not lie internally, perhaps they should be altered.
Good point. I have always noticed that whenever I did something that was to get something else, I did not really attack it with the same ferocity as I did when I did something for myself. You need to follow your own goals and desires, and not someone elses. Do not go to school just to make money, you should want to go to educate yourself. (Although, making money IS a requirement! :D ) Do not 'hit' on chicks for the sole purpose of impressing your friends with the quickness you get laid. For ego boosting is a sad state of being.

All in all, good post. Never stop making yourself better.