What do you think about this woman's response about dating Chinese women?


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Everyone knows that if you get an Asian wife you are giving up on life--you're telling the world you didn't have what it takes to get a beautiful woman from your home country (Assuming of course you're not asian).

And from her point of view why would she prefer to end up with someone who doesn't share a native or dominant language with, has different (and weird--we all have weird cultural things) habits and eats different foods!
Men everywhere are philanderers because they aren't good enough to handle a Real Woman with her own opinions, thoughts and wishes.

These Chinese men have been coddled as Little Emperors since birth and now that they have to go out into the world they're seeing that women are strong, sassy, sarcastic and have a mind of their own so they panic and go running into the arms of a kareoke hostess or a prostitute because theyr'e not man enough.

Chinese women shouldn't have to put up with that attitude. Chinese men should realize that a woman needs a man like a fish needs bicycle and that anything a man can do, a woman can do better!

Its not bad for the women, its bad for the men--they're just outing themselves as overgrown children incapable of having a loving nurturing affair where they treat women like a princess. Chivalry must really be dead in China if they have to have a second woman.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
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It's just typical female entitlement, cynicism and solipsism...i.e. "All men are philanderers, men can't handle a strong, independent woman." etc. Whatever. I don't have the time to debate or try to change the minds of people who deal in absolutes and black/white thinking. It's nothing new under the sun.

It should be dismissed just the same as a guy who has a bad breakup or whatever and starts blaming the entire female gender for his experiences, and says stuff like "All women are heartless b#tches." Different side of the same coin.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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I find it laughable that in the age of 'feminism' and 'equality' women still LECTURE MEN ON WHAT TO FVCKING THINK

old bitter overeducated BISHES STFU!! no one told you to get a PHD in womyns studies instead of learning how to make baked alaskas and perfecting your bloojob techniques :)

thats what equality means..you do YOUR THING AND I'LL DO MINE

If I want to singularly meet dress size 0-2 girls with round asses then cvm on their faces all over the world while spending my money on italian cars and bespoke jermyn street clothes I'll fvcking do so...and I'll like it :)


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
This article is mostly bull****... China is not represented by the overly westernized Shanghai (Sheng Nu)...means LEFT OVER WOMEN. Ya here they have a term for these westernized *****es and that is the literal translation both men and their parents give them. Half of Shanghai's female population is considered to be Sheng Nu, too spoiled to bother with.

Its funny but you always find Sheng Nu are the most educated women in the world. You can always hear them in the office, complaining loudly that they can't find a man, yet there are single men everywhere.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
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LiveFreeX said:
Its funny but you always find Sheng Nu are the most educated women in the world. You can always hear them in the office, complaining loudly that they can't find a man, yet there are single men everywhere.
Goddamn, if that isn't universal truth I don't know what is!


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
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My biggest issue with "modern" women is their opportunism and hypocrisy - when progressive, feminist values are no longer to their personal advantage they're only too happy to rely on traditional, patriarchal values, i.e. a man pays, a man provides, a man protects. And I think because they're able to cop out like that when it suits them, their growth as humans ends up being somewhat retarded.

I want women to be my equal! I want them to be as well-rounded, productive, self-sufficient and self-aware as I am. I want them to solve their own problems. My dating pool would expand enormously if that happened.
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