what do you older guys think about persistence?


Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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what is persistence v.s. being annoying and desperate?? I know girls like persistent guys and they test guys to see if they are for real but this girl I went on 2 dates so far and the last one only for a hour because she had class but anyway she tells me shes was busy last week and this week she could chill so I text her yesterday and got nothing back so far? should I call back tomorrow or friday? and give her the 3 strike rule? what do you guys thik?

Amante Silvestre 2

New Member
Dec 24, 2008
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The difference between persistence and being annoying/desperate is charm and flirtation.

Persistence is a fun, little game where she giggles/laughs while saying "no".
Being annoying is always serious.

Persistence is when you always expect her to turn you down.
Annoying is when you always expect her answer to change.

Persistence is when you can have but don't want someone else.
Annoying is when you keep trying to get her because there is nobody else.

Persistence is a light and playful thing where the outcome doesn't matter.
Annoying is all about the outcome.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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Whenever I catch my mind spinning into endless debates about contingencies and how to have the perfect plan, I remind myself that for anything that is worthwhile to be had, there will always be a degree of risk involved to get it. There is no way that we can know every possible angle before we act, we must weigh the knowledge we already possess and have the guts to pull the trigger.

Teach yourself to thrive in the unknown versus trying to eradicate it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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As a general rule of thumb think about all your past girlfriends and all the girls that were head over heels for you. How long did they make you wait before they returned your call or wanted to hang out with you (prob not very long). Compare that to how this girl is acting and you will have ur answer.

Chances are that if you have to ask this question, then she is not that interested in you. If you pursue you run the risk of her looking at you as desperate and it being counterproductive. And if she is interested in you and is still playing these childish games then that is indicative of a chick that has issues.

Its been repeated over and over by myself and other posters. 95% of the time if a girl likes you and you guys have mutual chemistry with each other, the girl will make it easy for you to hang out with her. In fact shes going to be excited to hang out with you. She might play little coy games in the beginning, but that is anti slut defense fake resistance.

There are tons of chicks out there who will like you for you (assuming you are a non desperate, socially well adjusted guy). You just have to find these girls. It might take you ten girls in order to find one that you click with, but she is out there. Why waste your time with a girl that is acting like this?


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
hustler69 said:
I know girls like persistent guys and they test guys to see if they are for real
I think you should change this to

i know girls like guys that are hard to get and they test guys to see if they will lose their cool under pressure
Sounds like you're losing your cool my older friend.