What do you make of this situation?


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
I was coming out of Best Buy Friday night around 9pm when they were closing. As I was walking to my car, I casually glanced over and saw some woman sitting in a car...didn't pay attention to who it was. Suddenly, I hear my name called and instantly knew it was my ex. Without stopping, I looked over my shoulder and saw she had got out, I guess wanting for me to go over and give her a hug since I hadn't seen her in over two years since our rough breakup. I threw my arm up and kept it moving. She replied, "Oh, you're good?" I threw my arm up again to let her know I was good and didn't give a damn about seeing her or giving her a hug.

To give a bit of background about us, we went through a bad break up back in August of 2007. She chose some lame over me because I am in the military and worked my ass off for 12-14 hours a day and didn't care much about going out and getting piss drunk with her and her friends. As most of know how break ups go, the phone calls back and forth ensued for a few months. Finally, I got sick of her lies and cover ups so I stopped calling her. Every now and then, I'd get a phone call or some text message asking how I'm doing from her. Stupidly, I'd reply, more hateful text messaging follows and then back to square one. Now, I don't ever respond when she calls or texts me.

My take is...if she didn't care, why in the hell didn't she just keep it to herself that she saw me instead of acting star struck in front of her boyfriend. Plus, why would anyone get out of the car if they were expecting some sort of physical contact?

The reason I ask is because I'm concerned on this broad calling me in the future a little more often. It may be time to change the number and ditch the e-mail addy for new ones.
Mar 16, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Georgia
nah dude no need to change ur number or email.. she was just being a woman brother. in her eyes you are someone she knows and she saw you and wanted to say hi. I really wouldn't sweat it dude.

I don't think I would have walked over and talked to an ex that I broke up with under those circumstances either. you are good man, don't sweat it


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
NO contact means NO CONTACT.. IT also means NO actions by you which initiate contact, and no reaction or response to any attempt by her.
Even raising your arm in the carpark was probably enough to give her some small satisfaction. Women feed off crumbs like that.
Any reaction, however tiny , will feed into her addiction to drama.
Treat her like she is invisisible and act like a statue if she approaches.
Do not feed the beast.

Good luck.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks guys!! I was just hoping that arm raise wasn't enough to set off the beast...