What do you guys think about this?


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Puerto Rico
I never thought I would ever be posting but hey I need help.
I don’t live in the states, I live in the Caribbean and for some odd reason I find it easier to get American girls than people of my own culture.
Anyway point is I met this person. Its really hard to find this person and like I saw her about 2 times in the whole freaking year before I spoke to her on Thursday. It was a good conversation and nothing seemed to be out of place. I was able to get her name and some information but since I was late for my next class I had to leave before I got the chance to say my name. After that I didn’t talk to her on Friday but today (Monday) I did and i said my name and bladibladiblah. Everything was going fine and I even taught her how to do some of my art and gave her a packet of my razors so she could practice it(I do an odd art). Then somewhere in the conversation she said "yeah well I get stressful but I normally go out a lot you know....people invite me and I go, helps to keep the mind off things(in Spanish)". Now this Saturday I’m going to the movies with my best friend so I thought "ahh what the heck let me invite her" and I did but the way i did was in a frendly "want to come along" matter. Now the problem that comes here is the way she reacted. Instead of a no or a yes she just looked surprised and stayed quite then I said that I was serious and if she wanted to go and she said that she'll see(and that answer most of the time means bad things for me). After that I went to my class with her and she told me she liked a guy in one of my classes and she knew he was gay, after that I just went in my class and let her go her own way.

Should I drop the whole girl and NEXT her(which I can do but would prefer not to) or should I keep trying?
Note: The girl is extremely hard to find and to talk to her since I can only talk to her when 1 of my teachers misses and the rest of the time she disappears.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
A few things. First, what sort of art do you do? I was just wandering, cuz at first i thought you were a cutter or something, and that ain't cool. Second, your best bet is to next her, because she will most likely either flat out reject you, or say"Let's just be friends" or some variation of that . Trust me, THAT SUCKS. If you really want her, snoop around and find out where she hangs out and all. I don't mean be a stalker, but ask around. Another question, what part of the carribean do you live in that speaks spanish( I am kind ignorant in this matter)? I live in Ecuador South America and was just wandering what part of the Carribean speaks spanish. Hasta luego.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico...

Well i live in Puerto Rico. Anyways....my art work is kinda like making stencils and people seem to like it a lot becuase it requires a lot of pacience. Actually she seemed to enjoy.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by wavejams007
Second, your best bet is to next her, because she will most likely either flat out reject you, or say"Let's just be friends" or some variation of that . Trust me, THAT SUCKS.
I wouldn't next her if I were you. I've approached girls who have told me to **** off yet have ended up kissing them. It's all probably just tests. DJs are rare, and when a girl meets a DJ she will test them to see if they really are a DJ or are just fakes. If you next now then you were just a fake. Persistance is key to getting hot girls, just don't go stalker on her ok.:D


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Puerto Rico
Yeah thats what i was thinking also. Im just going to ask tommorow(thursday) since i havent talked to her since (monday) agian and just see if she made up her mind and then just go with the answer. Im fine with whatever happens so it really doesnt matter what she anwers, im still going with or without her :D