What do you guys make of this? Need expert advice!


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, I already posted about this chic I met online with the kid who drove over an hour to meet me.

I'm telling you guys, the date went smooth as silk. She was playing with her necklace and hair the whole time during dinner. I was making her laugh like crazy. We came back to my place watched a movie and made out.

I KNOW this girl likes me...but here's the kicker.... she emailed me the day after the date saying "i left something at your house I'll have to get it sometime"

So I replied to her and got nothing back.
So I have called her twice this week. Once
on Sunday got her v/m. Just said was "wondering if you are free next weekend, bye"...

Called her last night and left another short message, can't remember if I asked her to call me back or not.

So now it's Thursday, no emails, no callbacks, nothing.

What do you make of this? Is she not interested, or is she playing games? Making me crazy thinking about her and reeling me in?


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Don't call her anymore, it's the ...

... sh-t test Rollo was talking about. I almost fell into this trap with a broad here, had the off-the-charts first date. E-mailed her too quick, she e-mailed back, then I responded then the black hole of no response from her.

I got wise to this and didn't e-mail for awhile, got another one a few days later wondering what I'm doing.

Be a mystery, make her wonder what you're doing. Next time she calls, spin a white lie and say you were out with some guys and gals you knew ... she'll suddenly wonder about the gals part.

I hate playing games, but the ONLY way women re-gain interest is if you're seen with another woman or they hear about other women. Sadly, it works like a charm. Mention another woman or women, come up with a name or something.

Definitely drop a woman's name ... no question about it. You have to it back to where YOU are the prize, not her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Don't call her anymore, it's the ...

Originally posted by WestCoaster
... sh-t test Rollo was talking about. I almost fell into this trap with a broad here, had the off-the-charts first date. E-mailed her too quick, she e-mailed back, then I responded then the black hole of no response from her.

I got wise to this and didn't e-mail for awhile, got another one a few days later wondering what I'm doing.

Be a mystery, make her wonder what you're doing. Next time she calls, spin a white lie and say you were out with some guys and gals you knew ... she'll suddenly wonder about the gals part.

I hate playing games, but the ONLY way women re-gain interest is if you're seen with another woman or they hear about other women. Sadly, it works like a charm. Mention another woman or women, come up with a name or something.

Definitely drop a woman's name ... no question about it. You have to it back to where YOU are the prize, not her.

I was thinking about calling her one more time tonight, if I get the v/m that's it... i'll just hang up and lose her #.... so you say don't call tonight? You think she's playing a game?


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
any time you start calling a woman a lot she just loves that attention (if she likes you). shes got all the incentive in the world NOT to call you back (so that youll keep calling).

unfortuantely they tend to take this too far and the guy ends up getting pissed off.

at this point you just gotta walk away.

if shes truly interested she'll come back around. if shes not, she was never going to be and you saved yourself a lot of hassle.



Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Well, maybe her kid got sick or something came up.. That's possible I guess... cuz the guy is always secondary to her kid.

Due to the fact she has a kid, I'm going to try ONE more time tonight, in order to get a date for Saturday... I can't call Friday ofcourse, so I'll give it one more shot. Who cares? I'm already the prize. I'm free, younger than her, no kids, have my own place.

She lives in a town where everyone knows everyone, WITH her family, is bored off her arse every day, and was telling me all this.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Here's my pills, you're one-itis is getting worse. Take two now, two in the morning and tomorrow night go out sarging.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
Here's my pills, you're one-itis is getting worse. Take two now, two in the morning and tomorrow night go out sarging.
I wish I had some pills right now.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Immaculate
I wish I had some pills right now.
Look, I'm not saying she's isn't worth keeping on your list but come on, you've posted about having reservations. Why keep her so high on the list? You could have other options y'know.

Treat this one like any other woman, judge them by their actions. So what she's made out with you twice, she can't do something simple like return a phone call?

Like you said, it's possible that she has something really important going on in her life, fine. Instead of waiting by the phone to find out, go out and continue living your life, meet more women. She can easily leave you a message.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Immaculate, you fall too easy

Just last week you were proclaiming your love to an ex and had a serious case of "oneitis."

I can just feel your desperation over cyber-space.

Take a few breaths and please, please, please do a search for "oneitis" on this site. Read Rollo's great take on it (I cut and pasted it for this board).

You need to build up a bullpen of four or five women and go from there. No offense, but with each woman you sound incredibly desparate ... or at least that's how you're explaining yourself.

Be a little more elusive ... and get reading up on oneitis.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Immaculate, you fall too easy

Originally posted by WestCoaster
Just last week you were proclaiming your love to an ex and had a serious case of "oneitis."

I can just feel your desperation over cyber-space.

Take a few breaths and please, please, please do a search for "oneitis" on this site. Read Rollo's great take on it (I cut and pasted it for this board).

You need to build up a bullpen of four or five women and go from there. No offense, but with each woman you sound incredibly desparate ... or at least that's how you're explaining yourself.

Be a little more elusive ... and get reading up on oneitis.
I hear ya

I just got out of a LTR so I haven't built
up a l ist of chics yet... plus working 6 days a week ain't helping.

I did NOT call the b!tch last night, and I don't plan on calling her again. Thought I had one in the bullpen after our hot ass date but she dissapeared... who the hell knows.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
no more calls or e-mails or anything.

Let her get back to you.

You can't expect anything more then a casual fling every couple months due to the distance so don't make it anything more than that...


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by flexion_
no more calls or e-mails or anything.

Let her get back to you.

You can't expect anything more then a casual fling every couple months due to the distance so don't make it anything more than that...
I lost her #, so even if I want to call her now I can't LOL.

Yeah no more emails either I agree. If I never hear from her again I'll just write it off as another psycho chic.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MightyMate
You shouldnt call her 2 times and leave message. That was a big mistake.

who cares?

she's the one 30 yrs old single never married with a kid.

She should be counting her blessings a young man like me is pursuing her.

I was willing to give this girl a chance.

Much luck to her finding a nice guy to raise her kid.

She lost out big time playing games. I'm not into that, and I have officially nexted her. Her loss , not mine. I don't need that drama.

The thing is I don't care if I turn her off by my messages. I just wanted her to know I was interested, and cared, and was willing to give her a chance because I liked her.
Her loss not mine.

BTW, as soon as our date finished she hid her profile on match and she was a "new" user. Her profile is still hidden. What is she doing?


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
OK I hate to bump this up again, but if nothing else, perhaps I can gain some insight on the female mind.

1) She hid her profile on match RIGHT after our date. She was a "new user" too, which means she couldn't have met that many other guys.

2) Still haven't ANY response from her since last Sunday when she emailed me "I left something at our house, I'll come get it sometime".. She has pulled a Harry Houdini on my ass and dissapeared.

3) Her profile is still hidden

4) She still checks out MY profile on match, but no return calls, no return emails, nothing.

So guys, girls, just wondering, not stressing. How long do girls play this "sh!t test"... more than a full week?


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
I remember when i meet one of 'woman of my life'. We dated, everythign was dope. Then for a week she didnt send any message. After a week she did, and then she became mine.
Also i rmemeber once i sa the hottest girl i ever seen. I mean, there are many hot *****es, but she had something special. I was so int ohe that i did Your mistake and been calling to much. Now we are friends. It was long time ago tho. But still. Dont call, **** it and chase other chicks.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
the chic is a pothead, and I have this hookah pipe I didn't want anymore so I gave it to her...

she took all the parts to it but left the pipe... now I want my sh!t back! I'm gonna email her and tell her to give my sh!t back. She can mail it if she wants. I'm not even interested in this girl anymore... she has completely turned me off by her actions...or lack thereof lol!


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Too much energy

Immaculate, you're over-analyzing women you don't even like. She's smoking weed and has a kid? Uh, NEXT. You're spending too much time wondering about these broads.

Let her keep the stupid pipe, it's sh-t anyway.

Just date and have fun -- FUN being the No. 1 priority. Don't analyze, just have fun. If it doesn't work out, move on. Don't go back for your stuff or whatever. Just have FUN, make that priority numereo uno ... if you analyze one more situation, I'm gonna go nuts.

Of course on the main DJ board it's all, "Why this, why that? How, what, where, why, etc." ... totally IGNORING all the DJ principles put forth on this board by Allen Thompson.

Quit worrying, quit analyzing, and start relaxing. Man, if you're driving me nuts, think what's happening to the women ... on second thought, don't THINK.

Just chill out.l


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Too much energy

Originally posted by WestCoaster
Immaculate, you're over-analyzing women you don't even like. She's smoking weed and has a kid? Uh, NEXT. You're spending too much time wondering about these broads.

Let her keep the stupid pipe, it's sh-t anyway.

Just date and have fun -- FUN being the No. 1 priority. Don't analyze, just have fun. If it doesn't work out, move on. Don't go back for your stuff or whatever. Just have FUN, make that priority numereo uno ... if you analyze one more situation, I'm gonna go nuts.

Of course on the main DJ board it's all, "Why this, why that? How, what, where, why, etc." ... totally IGNORING all the DJ principles put forth on this board by Allen Thompson.

Quit worrying, quit analyzing, and start relaxing. Man, if you're driving me nuts, think what's happening to the women ... on second thought, don't THINK.

Just chill out.l

I hear you man

But I just don't get it! Had an off the charts first date w/ this girl, next day she emails me saying she wants to come over again, and she is never to be heard from again!

Did this girl just want me to f@ck her? We made out but I didn't initiate f@cking her... it was the first date.

Anyway this expierience ddidn't help my attitude about getting back in the game, but I'm going to sarge on.. screw that hoe.