Scion said:
First off I'm not trolling nor do I want to give up completely. But lately I've found that I'm completely uninterested in meeting new women. Add to the fact that I've tired of the club scene, and I don't meet many women through work, school, or my social circle. The only plus is I'm putting more time into my school work. But I'm ****ing tired of always bring without a woman and being a virgin. I don't know what to do anymore.
You're uninterested because you are unsuccessful. It's the best way to not lose the game, not playing. When you really get tired of it, you'll start to not give F and be willing to try any and everything to make it happen. You'll be willing to open sets at the club, you'll be willing to cold approach, you'll be willing to try online dating, you'll be willing to go out of your way to find where women are and meet them. Because you will know in your heart that you have absolutely nothing to lose. When you don't know what to do, that's perfect...your cup is empty and you can fill it up with something new.
Go somewhere new this weekend, and approach women you've never met before. Who cares if you get rejected, they don't know you anyway. Start slow and learn....
In fact, one exercise I had to do was to go up and say Hi to 10 women in a day. Just Hi. That's it. Mission accomplished. Everything after Hi is a bonus point.
The next mission was to hold a conversation with the next 10. Ask for directions, ask whats a good club or what they do for fun. Just ask one question and get one anwser.
The next was a 5 minute conversation with the next 10.
The next was a phone number from at least one girl out of the next 10.
The next was setting up a date with at least one out of the next 10, bonus points if you get multiple dates.
The next was kiss closing with at least one out of the next 10, bonus points if you get multiple kisses.
The next was getting one back to your place. bonus points if you get multiples.
F closing. bonus points if you get multiple F closes.
Spinning plates.
Basically each small mission gives you more confidence to do the next one. You know that you can at least walk up to a strange girl and say hi. You have that confidence behind you already. build on your successes, learn from your failures. Start a journal here and chronicle each success, that way you can go back and look at it for inspiration and to learn from what you did wrong. Good luck!