what do you guys do when a relationship gets boring?


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
a couple quick questions guys....

do you guys ever get this where you meet a girl, a sassy, fine, feminine hottie, hit it off and captivate her? well that's exactly what i did a bit over two months ago. now, for some strange reason, i'm getting **** bored of her nad i think she's getting bored of me. i feel it from because, well, she's not stalking me and driving me crazy anymore. what's also a bit of concern is that she isn't too horny these days.

i've kept my game solid in every way, shape and form, but things just aren't what they used to be. the most logical reason i can think of all this going down is proly one of her jealous/**** blocking/sex-starved loser friends.

is it because we moved too fast, too soon? i'm stunned!

cheers to those with the best advice!


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Find something/somebody more exciting.

Not a hard question


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
You guys might be seeing each other way too often. That is a sure way to become bored of someone, no matter how hot or great that person is.

If this is the case, find a way to not meet (and not talk if possible) for a couple of days. It will recharge your passion batteries and you will gain back some of the chemistry u had in your better days.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
this is the thing. she was always chasing me. sending me a million sms messages everyday. she ended up running short on cash this month and didn't buy credit. i thought vacation. i didn't sms her or call her too much but she would always find a way to call me or get a hold of me. we met up twice during that time and i just felt a big dryness between us. i know she's having some problems right now, but still.

the first time we met since her food stamp period, she tried this intuitive personality bull on me and was really shrink about it. made me feel like a emotionally disturbed military experiment. the next time she was begging me to tell her my secrets and what not. the next day i let her know that this stuff doesn't fly with me and that i don't play patient in that sense :)

haven't heard from her in a couple days, either she has my email password, or she's been talking to my vengeful ex. i dunno.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
If you're bored, move on or at least interview some other candidates while you're with this girl. If you're out there looking and you find that none of the girls stack up to the one you're with then it means you need to put in some extra effort trying to make things work with her. If you click big time with somebody else then that means it's time to give her the ole heave ho!


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
The mature thing to do is end it, although in the past its been a challenge to heed my own wisdom:D

Its unfair to BOTH of you when your mind and heart drift-- dont string yourself or the girl along cause she can FEEL when shes losing you and she will start acting up in an emotional way. Her actions will take on an extremely illogical course trying to make you FEEL the way she FEELS in order to get you back to her on an intimate level.

Women cant read minds-- theyre EMPATHIC and can FEEL vibes off guys. When theyre confused and no longer trust their emotional instincts or femininity is when they get dangerous. If she doesnt feel sexy when shes with you any more she will try and **** with your head-- i.e.:cheat, make you jealous, etc.:down: :rolleyes:

Keep in mind my two cents is not RELATIONSHIP material though-- I dont believe in attachment to things that can and will eventually change and flux like a womans emotions;)


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
francisco, you're a f@g. i've browsed this site enough to say that without thinking twice.

moving on...

so guys, i solved it. i was bored out of my mind yesterday afternoon and had to get out of the house. i called all the people i hadn't seen in a while and to my luck, no one was free at that moment. i ended up calling her and shoe told that she'd free up in a few hours becuase she was tutoring a friend in java.

i ended up meeting my friends at a hometown bar for a couple of rounds. it was a quiet hour and people we re just sitting around and waiting for something to happen. it wasn't long before i got some attention from some prospects and started the party. within half an hour people were following me around and i was teaching chicks how to play pool :)) my girl ended up calling and asking if i could come over. i told her where i was and she said she was on her way. she didn't know exactly how to get there so she called on the road and asked me if i could meet her nearby and we walk back to the bar together. know that i had a couple of beers in me so i was playful but completely under control.

so i meet her at the spot i ACT by giving her a big hug and she REACTS to it with a tight hold and warmth, as if nothing has happened between us. we make our way back to the fired up bar, and everybody's still raving. i realised then and there that i had set up the perfect action plan without even planning it!

people were calling me by my name, nick names, following me aroung and highfiving me. i introduced her to people and left to light a smoke. a couple chicks came to me adn i made sure she noticed. i could see she was freaking out. after chatting with them for like 30 seconds i pointed over to her and told them that she was my date. she was reassured and the fire was hot again. that night stayed hot! damn!

sometimes, when you hang out with a girl one on one too many times, she forgets your social value and the jewel you are, the prize that "caught"! sometimes they need to be reminded that you are the **** and can make options for yourself at the drop of a hat.