What do you DJs think?


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Well I told this friend of mine I like her (I had to do it over MSN cuz she kind of forced it) and she gave me the LJBF talk.
What I was going to do today was...walk up to her and tell her that she was absolutely right and that it is better for us to stay friends . I will find someone else sooner or later and that I don't like her like I used to anymore. I think that this should get her to at least think about everything, and maybe bring on a change of mind. Anything's possible, and by coming down to her level I am going to make her wonder. She is probably going to thin something like "what's wrong with me?" or "why doesnt he like me?". That is my opinion. Do you peole think this is a good idea.



Don Juan
Oct 24, 2005
Reaction score
What made you think that telling her you liked her would get you any where?

Once you're LJBF'd you'll always be friends because she doesn't want to loose "such a great friend". Theres no way of getting out of that.

You either drop all contact with her, or as I mentioned in someone elses post: use her for social proof, take her to parties, hang out with her all that stuff friends do, once other girls see you with her your value will be raised and therefore you will have better chances.

Smooth Player 056

Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
It is possible to get out of the Friends Category, but it is quite advanced...what I suggest is to do as wagna said, use her as a pawn to attract other chicks.

You made one mistake.......we all have, dont worry.

Smooth Player 056


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Yea, SP is right. I've done it before...BEFORE SS so you guys can imagine how long and hard it was to accoplish...but dude go for it...btw what does LJBF mean?


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by toddC
Yea, SP is right. I've done it before...BEFORE SS so you guys can imagine how long and hard it was to accoplish...but dude go for it...btw what does LJBF mean?
Let's just be friends.

To the original poster. It's very hard to seduce a female when seduction never comes in to play. Your plans? Forget your plans. The world doesn't revolve around you. She could care less to see you with another chick because she doesn't want you.

Please, stop talking to this chick. She's in the past now. You want to start learning how to convey a sexual image and not one of platonic friendship.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
what about that article on the so suave website??? it suggests using reverse psychology to get HER to chase ME. that's what i was reffering to when i mentioned that "coming down to her level" thing. Basically tell her that life goes on, that we are better off as friends, and that I will find someone else sooner or later.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
dude if you think that this girl is really worth all the time and effort to get yourself out of the friends zone then go for it.keep in mind the LJBF means, in my terms, that she wouldnt screw you.


New Member
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
It depends I guess....

One thing most males need to acquire, are the techniques such as sub-consciously anayalzing things on the fly, knowing the female's next move, etc..

If a chick, defines it straight out "we're best friends, or friends etc..", movement out of this catergory is pretty restricted.

But, if you pick up that she has classed you as that, but hasn't defined it straight out to you, you've got a bit more room to manuver those beautiful skills of yours.


I mean I was going well with this chinese chick, and suddenly she sets up the limitations that we're friends...out of no-where "your my best friend, don't ever want to lose you..." type of crap. Not defined straight out however...

Pretty pissed, nothing much you can do right?

But she was someone who was "in my eyes" worth the trouble, all you have to do, is tweak the "friendship enviroment".

Remember females are sensual beings, its all about "FEEL".
And also remember always never to think of her as a friend never!!
It's a challenge of power here, who ever's reality appears more real to themself, wins here.

First rule of thumb, treat her like everything's cool (females can't stand men who aren't in control...), even as a good friend, use her as social proof, whatever keeps it going, make sure you keep things warm, she needs to say things like "good, best, greatest friend"...

Second, the cold shoulder, lose contact tatically...
Avoid within reason, spend less time gradually with her all in all...

--She should notice somethings a miss (keep going!)--

Third, there's others out there, have fun with some other females, by now she has alot of questions that need answering, and your involvement with other females is sure to spark some sort of jealousy, and more insecure thoughts on her side...

Fourth, confrontation, she's bound to ask somehow or try to figure out what's wrong, or whats going on, use this to your advantage, you know your enemies aim....set the traps...

Fifth, this requires some skill, messing with her "scent of smell" so to speak, make sure that your intentions aren't apparent, mess with her, give her half-hearted answers, false leads, she could get annoyed, confused, or insecure...

Sixth, the cats in the bag, your in control, direct conversations and release the sex charm.

Pretty sketchy outline, people care to critize and help me perfect this, its worked on 4 people so far....