I think the reason that some men, and yes I'm one of them, tend to be sensitive towards any type of behavior that could be construed as misogyny is the same reason why this "royal treatment" and protect-the-female culture exists in society...
And that is that it's not men who get raped. It's not men who are physically weaker and get hit by women (although, it happens). It's not men who get paid less for doing the same job. It's not men who didn't have the right to vote within the past century.
If you feel that society is over-correcting itself a little bit then, yeah, you're probably right. But who cares? For all of our personal frustrations and petty first world problems with women, men have had it better than women for a long time. And we still do.
A poster on SoSuave being derogatory to women does not mean he's going to rape one or hit one... but those comments are born of a similar attitude. Not the same, but similar. And that's why, if you are truly a lover of women, you should get your back up when you see someone speaking about women as if they are animals. It's not about being a white knight, it's about speaking out against a way of thinking that is the basis for certain injustices that women (who, as humans, are equal to men) have had to go through - and still go through, particularly in Middle Eastern countries.
Some may call this post out as being beta, but anywhere in this post you can sub out the word woman for black person or gay person. It's not a defense of women, it's an offense against hate.
IN SUMMARY: Treating ALL PEOPLE with respect regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation should be a priority for anyone wanting to make themselves a better man or better human. People make excuses for their comments and attitudes so that they don't have to label themselves as sexist, racist, or homophobic.
Bible Belt Americans: have at me.