What do you actually think of women?

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
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London, UK
Seriously, I think too many guys on here actually hate on women, which is really not going to help.

Don't judge women on your own standards, they will do some things that won't make sense but it doesn't mean they're b!tchs or slvts.


Don Juan
May 12, 2013
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I don't hate women at all, but I do hate that women hold most of the power in the dating game and that more and more women are coming to realize this. I hate that media and social media has contributed to women's overly inflated egos, where 5's think they are 10's and 10's think they are 20's.

Women think and act differently than men, but they lie and play games much worse than us as well. It's so true that women base everything on emotion, and in order to play the game I now realize that I have to totally change my game to tap into this emotional thought process.

Being smart, being a good man, being a nice honest man, being someone of value and high morality does not get you women. I used to think it did, but it doesn't. You have to be fun, you have to be a challenge, you have to stimulate their emotional brain and then you will get the woman.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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CaliMan007 said:
Being smart, being a good man, being a nice honest man, being someone of value and high morality does not get you women. I used to think it did, but it doesn't. You have to be fun, you have to be a challenge, you have to stimulate their emotional brain and then you will get the woman.
Morality is not an attraction factor. As a man, you are attracted to a nice body, and a pretty face. Morality may come into effect as something you (or a woman) screen for. A low class woman may actually screen for a lack of morals. But screening in general is less important to women than men, since they go off of emotion more. In any case, boring is not sexy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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Mr Wright said:
Seriously, I think too many guys on here actually hate on women, which is really not going to help.
It's true, there's a pretty sad series of posts going on in the - ironically enough - "mature" man section. It's earned me my negative reputation points you see under my name on the left ;)

Learning to be a challenge and how to evoke women's emotions (and yes, how not to take sht and not pedestalize them) while becoming a stronger, independent man is what it's all about... But actually respecting women is going to take you the rest of the way.

Think about the kind of women who go out with guys who deep down hate women and think of them as inferior. If that's the type of woman you want to date, then I guess a lot of guys here are on the right track...

But I'm attracted to a woman who respects herself. Things wouldn't last very long if I didn't respect her too.

Of course, people come here for different things... If you're looking to go to a club and "bang" some "ho" then by all means - disrespect women and enjoy the club sluts.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
What do I think of women? The same thing I think of men --> Some are decent people and some are azzholes. Some are giving and generous while others are self-centered and manipulative. Some are kind and nurturing while others are abusive and cruel.

They are people after all.

The main problem in the dating game today is society encourages and rewards careless and abusive behavior towards men. Its even a badge of honor sometimes when a woman can use or abuse a man. So women as a group are losing their femininity and becoming increasingly bold, abusive and b!tchy.

Men are devalued these days and viewed as the main cause of all that is "bad" in the world. Even on this site loads of men turn on each other to protect women. So that's a perfect example.

Abusive, cruel and sociopathic women are protected by the state, other women and white knights.

I don't "hate women" at all. I enjoy being around them and sleeping with them. HOWEVER, I hold some resentment towards their undeserved royal treatment in society as well as the moronic men who let women's anti-social behavior go unchecked while demonizing any man who attempts to put them in their place.

If I "hate" anyone, its white knights. Not women. Women will do what men let them get away with.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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I think the reason that some men, and yes I'm one of them, tend to be sensitive towards any type of behavior that could be construed as misogyny is the same reason why this "royal treatment" and protect-the-female culture exists in society...

And that is that it's not men who get raped. It's not men who are physically weaker and get hit by women (although, it happens). It's not men who get paid less for doing the same job. It's not men who didn't have the right to vote within the past century.

If you feel that society is over-correcting itself a little bit then, yeah, you're probably right. But who cares? For all of our personal frustrations and petty first world problems with women, men have had it better than women for a long time. And we still do.

A poster on SoSuave being derogatory to women does not mean he's going to rape one or hit one... but those comments are born of a similar attitude. Not the same, but similar. And that's why, if you are truly a lover of women, you should get your back up when you see someone speaking about women as if they are animals. It's not about being a white knight, it's about speaking out against a way of thinking that is the basis for certain injustices that women (who, as humans, are equal to men) have had to go through - and still go through, particularly in Middle Eastern countries.

Some may call this post out as being beta, but anywhere in this post you can sub out the word woman for black person or gay person. It's not a defense of women, it's an offense against hate.

IN SUMMARY: Treating ALL PEOPLE with respect regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation should be a priority for anyone wanting to make themselves a better man or better human. People make excuses for their comments and attitudes so that they don't have to label themselves as sexist, racist, or homophobic.

Bible Belt Americans: have at me. :)


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Agreed with the OP. Some people here seem to hate them. And it's not really a surprise to be honest.

I only hate close-minded / un-interesting people that can do so much more with their lives but chose not to. Weather those people come in the shape of a man or woman , it's irrelevant.

People who hate women hate them for one of two reasons:

1. They never had them. They're weak nature leaves them slaves to their ego. They try to self-validate and justify their lack of success by pointing fingers. There's obviously something wrong with the other side.
2. They had a few bad experiences. Who doesn't ? Again , you can either let yourself rot in the misery of bad memories , or you can get up and keep walking. Life isn't easy. But then , what is anything worth making an effort for ever easy ?

You can argue endlessly about why they are who they are , why are men de-valued and so on , but to me , the way G. Carlin put it is the best possible way. "Women are crazy and men are stupid." Simple as that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Ironic considering your name, too. What could POSSIBLY be more misogynistic?!?!?
"C" is the initial of my first name ;)

IN REPLY TO PlayHer Man below: Reached my post limit so going to leave one more reply here...

The mistake you made here is comparing 100% of women to the top 20% of men. Of course the TOP men have always had it better than ALL women. But the bottom men have always had it WORSE than ALL Women.
I think that's a really good point, Play. Let me ask you this, though, and I hope you take it in the spirit it's intended: even if women have overall had it better, does that mean that we have to treat them as lesser people? As some sort of revenge? I am not, repeat NOT and NEVER will, advocate putting women on a pedestal, or chasing them, or seeing them as a prize... but why can't we consider them our equals? Game them, don't put up with their sht, but still see them as humans deserving of respect.

Judging by other posts of yours, I think you do see them as equal. But it's some of the other guys on here who I fear will read posts like yours and be like, "Yeah... women have had it better than men... I'm going to treat them like they are inferior, and get vengence on behalf of the entire male gender!"

It's a lot like gun-ownership (I might as well hit all the liberal talking points today). A lot of people are responsible with their weapons. But some people are morons and get their hands on a gun and misuse it. It's similar to the wealth of information that's on here... If you are a sound-minded individual, it's all good. If you're a little messed in the head, it's easy to read some of the pro-man posts and misinterpret them as anti-woman.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
TheCWord said:
I think the reason that some men, and yes I'm one of them, tend to be sensitive towards any type of behavior that could be construed as misogyny is the same reason why this "royal treatment" and protect-the-female culture exists in society...

And that is that it's not men who get raped. It's not men who are physically weaker and get hit by women (although, it happens). It's not men who get paid less for doing the same job. It's not men who didn't have the right to vote within the past century.

If you feel that society is over-correcting itself a little bit then, yeah, you're probably right. But who cares? For all of our personal frustrations and petty first world problems with women, men have had it better than women for a long time. And we still do.

A poster on SoSuave being derogatory to women does not mean he's going to rape one or hit one... but those comments are born of a similar attitude. Not the same, but similar. And that's why, if you are truly a lover of women, you should get your back up when you see someone speaking about women as if they are animals. It's not about being a white knight, it's about speaking out against a way of thinking that is the basis for certain injustices that women (who, as humans, are equal to men) have had to go through - and still go through, particularly in Middle Eastern countries.

Some may call this post out as being beta, but anywhere in this post you can sub out the word woman for black person or gay person. It's not a defense of women, it's an offense against hate.

IN SUMMARY: Treating ALL PEOPLE with respect regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation should be a priority for anyone wanting to make themselves a better man or better human. People make excuses for their comments and attitudes so that they don't have to label themselves as sexist, racist, or homophobic.

Bible Belt Americans: have at me. :)
Calling you out as a "beta" would be pointless. I would rather say you lack perspective and are somewhat misinformed.

The reality is, men as a group have NEVER in world history had it better than women as a group. YES.. even with voting rights, unequal pay, rape, abuse, etc.

How is that possible?? You're probably asking. Well.. let me explain:

The mistake you made here is comparing 100% of women to the top 20% of men. Of course the TOP men have always had it better than ALL women. But the bottom men have always had it WORSE than ALL Women.

Compare a white female woman living in 1850 to a BLACK MALE SLAVE for instance. Compare women living at the time of the Pyramids to the SLAVES building them. Compare women living through World War I with the MEN fighting in those wars.

Women as a group have always had it better than men AS A GROUP. The TOP men have always had it better than 100% of women.

When we only focus on the TOP men.. we get a warped perspective.. don't we? :yes:


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
But the bottom men have always had it WORSE than ALL Women.
The only impairment a bottom man has is his own self. All man can be successful. Every single one.

"Having it better" is a complex term though.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
TheCWord said:
"C" is the initial of my first name ;)
That makes no difference. You are still playing upon the phrase that uses a vulgar term for the female sex organ. I find this very telling.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
These threads are silly. How can anyone have an emotion for an entire gender? Some women are cool, some are sh*t. Just like men.


Apr 9, 2013
Reaction score
I love ****ing them, but I don't like them as a person. Too many women have ****ed up my life.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
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zekko said:
Morality is not an attraction factor. As a man, you are attracted to a nice body, and a pretty face. Morality may come into effect as something you (or a woman) screen for. A low class woman may actually screen for a lack of morals. But screening in general is less important to women than men, since they go off of emotion more. In any case, boring is not sexy.
So the moral/etiquette/ethic stuff that was RAMMED down our throats in our school days from our elders was all BS?

Perhaps we can't control physical attraction, but many people are morons and that doesn't help things. As has been discussed on here before, if some women are not attracted to a man the resentment for his existence goes far beyond lack of attraction romantically. The man is socially excluded too, and what the first responding poster said regarding the media is an indictment of this phenomenon.

For years I have been in depression and seeking psychiatric help because of poor body image. meltdowns and self-abuse because of social exclusion and how confusing this all is, not being able to find my strengths rather than focusing on weaknesses, and it is hurting my family. It hit me recently that seeking female approval was a terrible mistake.

Big Nuts

Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2013
Reaction score
Is there a Mangina Of The Year Award?

I Nominate Cword. Fk dudette....what the hell are you? You're such a sanctimonious a-hole!

Every young buck on this site...read Cwords posts.....he is a fool....a mangina...a white knight....and a brain washed buffoon.....do the opposite.

Understand that a real man calls out women for bad behaviour....he does not pedestalize nor fear repercussions for "disrespecting her" as our resident mangina seems to fear.

Understand also that normal men understand your real life experiences and frustrations with women and also understand that your frustrations manifest sometimes as "angry at women".

This is normal and you do not need to apologize or walk on egg shells just because some grovelling mangina is too stupid to determine that you are frustrated or disillusioned with some women, whom you generically refer to as women....or slvts....or hors....ya see, a paucity of experience with women means this de-balled eunuch can only feel good if he has more manginas in his stable....more men to call misogynist.....more men to shame....more men to lecture....

The frustration you see men vent on here is real, wimminz behaviour in general is an abomination...what you see and read is real irrespective of this mangina's shaming language.

Some of the experiences on here are worth their weight in gold....read them, understand them, adapt to the new sexual market place or be like this mangina and perish.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
sambwoy said:
So the moral/etiquette/ethic stuff that was RAMMED down our throats in our school days from our elders was all BS?
I don't think it's all BS. I just don't think it has anything to do with attraction.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Redempti0n said:
The only impairment a bottom man has is his own self. All man can be successful. Every single one.

"Having it better" is a complex term though.
Not at the same time. And that's a FACT. All men cannot succeed at the exact same time. There is not enough room or resources at the top to allow for it.

So your statement defaults to being false automatically.


New Member
May 18, 2013
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Zarky said:
These threads are silly. How can anyone have an emotion for an entire gender? Some women are cool, some are sh*t. Just like men.
I agree with Zarky...

... because his name is 60% similar to mine, so he MUST be right.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
Lately I think women are sociopathic compulsive liars, that only search for what makes them feel good emotionally, and will say and do anything to get an keep that thing. When that thing stops making them feel the way, they turn on it, it becomes threat to the existence of there happiness.

But im trying to learn to just not care about this fact, and be above it. Hating something means you still care a lot about it.