What do women find less attractive?


Mar 3, 2008
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Everyone says I'm built like Bruce Lee. No, I don't have ridiculous, crazy super-defined abs, biceps, triceps, and whatever else that man had...but I'm naturally built to be slim. I do work out so I'm not a shrimp.

But who would a girl rather date? A fat guy or skinny guy?

My weight "problem" is the only thing that bothers me on a deeper level. I'm 5'10'' and with clothes on, I just look skinny. But with my shirt off, I have gotten compliments about how I look. And I have a small waist (28-30).

I know any guy can get a reasonably attractive girl, but most girls are attracted to men 5'11''+ and they weigh like 180lbs+. It seems women pass over me because I just look to darn skinny.

I do have a chronic condition that prohibits me GREATLY from gaining or maintaining weight, plus it doesn't help that my dad had a 28 waist when he was younger (but now he weighs 215lbs).

What type of clothing should I wear to make me look less skinny? Should I even feel upset about not being heavier? Sometimes I get sad because if I was dating Tyra Banks or Beyonce, they'll outweigh me about 30 - 40 pounds.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
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It totally depends on the chick.

In general, skinny is probably better than being fat, as far as options go.

But being a broader guy myself, I hear a lot of women I date saying they don't like skinny guys (especially ones that a few extra pounds on them, as they obviously don't want to be bigger than the dude). But then again, that's a skewed sample because they are with me because they like bigger dudes.

If you can't put on weight or muscle, don't worry about it. A lot of dudes would kill for that problem. There are girls out there that like skinny or more fit looking guys, you'll just have to seek those out.

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
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Search the net for Anthony Ellis. He has a program for skinny guys to gain mass.


Mar 3, 2008
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MotownMack said:
It totally depends on the chick.

In general, skinny is probably better than being fat, as far as options go.

But being a broader guy myself, I hear a lot of women I date saying they don't like skinny guys (especially ones that a few extra pounds on them, as they obviously don't want to be bigger than the dude). But then again, that's a skewed sample because they are with me because they like bigger dudes.

If you can't put on weight or muscle, don't worry about it. A lot of dudes would kill for that problem. There are girls out there that like skinny or more fit looking guys, you'll just have to seek those out.
I can make my muscles more defined, but I don't know if I'm adding muscle. I don't know much about exercising.


Mar 3, 2008
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MotownMack said:
But being a broader guy myself, I hear a lot of women I date saying they don't like skinny guys (especially ones that a few extra pounds on them, as they obviously don't want to be bigger than the dude). But then again, that's a skewed sample because they are with me because they like bigger dudes.
That's probably what most girls think of me. I never had a chick say "you're too skinny" but I'm sure they thought it. I'm not unattractive... it's just this damn weight problem!


Mar 3, 2008
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Mr. Me said:
Search the net for Anthony Ellis. He has a program for skinny guys to gain mass.
Alright... I usually don't check out programs like these because the website screams "there's a catch" but I'll give it a read.

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
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Find his articles, there's a bunch of them. They'll give you some ideas.

Basically, you have to do weight work outs with compound exercises 3x a week, take in more calories then you need to maintain your weight (to build muscle), have them be mostly lean protein (to build the muscle), complex carbs and essential fats, making them into 6 small meals a day (to effectively digest all the protein). It's really the only way for thin guys to get bigger rather than fatter, and overcome their high metabolisms that's been preventing them from gaining weight.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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There are about 8,000 members on SS who wish they had your "problem." Go look in the Health Forum.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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Dude, when i began uni i was like 10 stone, skinny as a rake. i've been training for a few years now and im like 13 stone (180 odd pounds). I was like you and felt like a rat, so one day i said enough is enough imma do something about it. You got any mates you go gym? it's so much easier with someone there to push you abit.

If your deadicated you can seriously do something about your weight issue, just takes abit of time and focus. look on google for body types, there are 3 principle types, then when you figure it out look for training taliored to your body type. There are scores online.

Gym will certainly do something for your self confidence, would honestly encourage you to give it a serious attempt.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Skinny guys...you lucky fvcks. Hate yall. But once I get cut Im gonna look like a football player. I got the broad shoulders, just gotta get the fat off the middle. Women like men who look like men...hit the iron hard and eat like a madman. Check out www.bodybuilding.com if you need more info on bulking up.


Mar 3, 2008
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Does liquid calories count also?

Let's just say I skip lunch and instead drink 3 Boost drinks (my favorite supplement drinks). Boost ranges from 240 to 360 calories.

I want to add more meals throughout the day, but sometimes I just can't eat and drinking Boost is quick and easy.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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You need to read these two threads:

Where to Start?

Simple starting diet

And no, liquid drinks don't count except for protein shakes. Read those two threads NOW. And what's this chronic condition you have? You can PM me if you don't feel comfortable posting publicly.

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
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Does liquid calories count also?

Let's just say I skip lunch and instead drink 3 Boost drinks (my favorite supplement drinks). Boost ranges from 240 to 360 calories.
Solids are always better than liquids. Real food rules. But yes, you can take liquids for convenience, just don't make your diet mostly liquids or you'll regret it. But NO, "Boost" isn't enough protein with only 10 grams per serving for the 240 calories you'd be taking in, You need protein. Boost doesn't have a good protein/carb/fat ratio to it that will promote a healthy weight gain. It's mostly sugar. I'm looking at its nutritional information, and frankly, I'd stay far away from drinking that stuff. For energy, eat healthy carbohydrates, an apple for instance, not crap.

Use protein shakes, not energy drinks, as a meal replacement. I'm guessing your weight's around 135? You probably need about 2400 calories a day to gain weight, out of which protein ought to be 40%, and the good carbs and good fats 30% each. This way, along with working out regularly, you'll increase your lean body mass while keeping body fat gain to a minimum. Drink plenty of water too.
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Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
Skinny with some muscle on top is considered a good physique. You don't have to be Kevin Levrone to be viewed as having a good body.



Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
If neither are rich she will chose the better looking guy.. If money is a factor the one with more usual can get the girl... But questions like this no longer matter cause modern women wil F the fat ugly handsome, rich and poor guys all in due time..


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
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Allright, you have a somehwat effed up handle, but let me nip this issue in the bud for you.

I am 5' 11" and 145 lbs. I do have a chronic condition so I'm not adding any mass any time soon. And it does not matter.

However, back in the day, I thought it mattered. Then I spent 2 hrs per day in the gym. I ate a lot. And I weighed 175 lbs. I also benched well over 250 lbs. I could do two dozen dips and a hundred push-ups. I could stack any universal machine. I had 6% body fat. I was lean and mean.

Now, at which point in my life did I get all the women?

Yeah, you guessed it. Now. B/c lifting weights to get girls is like playing the lottery to get rich. It works once in awhile. But it's the most indirect path you can take.
Most rich guys get there by working for it. And most DJ's get it by gunning for it.

So, do the workouts for your own sake, b/c it is good for you. But don't think for a second it really matters a lot in the overall game. Sure, in clubs, or another really shallow venue. But in the real world, that's not the issue.

Also, dress well. If you're skinny, wear fitted shirts. Don't be lost inside some big baggy crap. Dress with some style. And if a girl every calls you skinny turn it around on her.

Her: "Damn, you're skinny."
You: "You're just jealous."

Her: "You know what, you don't have a butt!"
You: "So you enjoy staring at my ass?"

Her: "You are sooo skinny!"
You: EC and smile.
Her: "That is sooo cool!"

You got the idea. Now make me proud, skinny boy! :cool:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
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In your hard drive!
Hey I am a girl and my preference would be fat.

I dont like skinny guys, but I am just one girl and every girl has different preferences!


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
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Mr. Me said:
Find his articles, there's a bunch of them. They'll give you some ideas.

Basically, you have to do weight work outs with compound exercises 3x a week, take in more calories then you need to maintain your weight (to build muscle), have them be mostly lean protein (to build the muscle), complex carbs and essential fats, making them into 6 small meals a day (to effectively digest all the protein). It's really the only way for thin guys to get bigger rather than fatter, and overcome their high metabolisms that's been preventing them from gaining weight.
Uh gaining in that way is the exact same principle that everyone gains with. Its true though, most strong, physically fit skinny people just need to eat more. Your diet is your FOUNDATION. Without that foundation you are building a castle on a floor of sand.

WIth that being said though I have the same problem. I can build my strength up quicker than most people but in the end I don't gain much visible mass. The main problem is, I can't increase my caloric intake past a certain point. I can and have pulled 3000 kcal/day, but with my metabolism I should be putting in the low end of 4000 kcalories a day. I'm sure c0nfused and alot of other skinny guys have the same problem.

But...The majority of girls would like a built or "bigger" guy. I've seen it time and time again, fat guy is selected over skinny guy, any day of the week.

The fact is, his "problem" shouldn't be desirable by other guys at all. I've had to trash a whole old style of mine just because I realized my physique was getting in the way (no one had the balls to tell me). There are exceptions of course! With the right game you can pull a fair amount of girls.

The solution? Put on bulk.


Mar 3, 2008
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Thanks for all the responses, so liquid diets aren't good except for protein shakes. I will increase my meals and try to eat 3000 calories a day.

When should I expect results? Is it possible to gain 10 pounds in a month? More?