What do i keep doing wrong


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Well it seem's to me that i have no problem going up to an attractive girl and talking to her, getting her number takin her out on a date etc..But it's like after a while they get all shady and flaky stop calling or answering call's like all of a sudden ther to dam busy. But before that my phone was ringing off the hook and they were always around wtf?

For example girl #3 i get her number an she gets mine, she calls me the next day and say's whats up fast forward to the weekend we go and get sumthin to eat and then go back and hang out at her house we hit off or atleast i think kissin,huggin,hand holdin and that was the first date.

But i actually knew her before i askd her out anway 2nd date we end up back at her place things get a little heated a little breast suckin, lip suckin but that's it so after that day i called her no answer, ok cool ill see if she returns my call 1 week later no call so im like hey maybe she didnt get my first call (hah yea im dumb) so i call again no answer later that night she calls me and say's what's up she is with her friends and will call me later that night fast forward 1 month and she never called rofl so wtf?

So my buddy live's in the same apartment complex as her and i forgot i left a movie ther at her place so since she hadn't answerd any calls or called me i told him to ask her for it when he see's her, so he did and you know what this ***** said Tell him to come get it himself!!! what's that suppose to mean

So tommrow she is gonna get her wish, so what should i do just ask for the movie and then leave or aks her why she hadnt called back i mean if she didnt give him the movie she obiviously wants to see me in person.

Any suggestions would be nice


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
This girl number #3 is busy fvcking other guys.

Just get the movie and say you have a lot of things to do and cant stay.

Go out and meet new girls...best way to understand them is meeting more of them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
Flakey women have low interest. Move on. Go grab her movie say a month from now.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
flexion_ said:
Flakey women have low interest. Move on. Go grab her movie say a month from now.

I wouldn't say that's ALWAYS true but 99% of the time your spot on! Some girls flake to elevate the guy's interest if they feel he isn't paying enough attention to them. While others just flake because your the back up back up back up option on their list. Best to meet more women so you don't have time to worry about these girls.

Oh btw forget about the movie bro, if you liked it that much just go get another copy. I think by going over there after sooooo long it will make it obvious that you still think about her and that's kinda pathetic considering you guys only hung out a twice. Get over it and move on!!

DJ's should always be looking forward, never backwards.
