what do i do?


New Member
May 23, 2011
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My name is isaiah... i have a question but first let me give you a lil bit of a
background of my situation that i am in... Ya see... I work every weekend (sat, and sun). On my way to work, i stop at a gas station to get a much needed 5hr energy... and every saturday there is this lady behind the counter who apparently is just about ready to begin her shift just as i enter. She's not the prettiest flower in the pot, but lemme tell you.. When i look at her... I just feel enlightened. I feel at ease. She has a smile that can brighten up the whooole damn store you know what i mean?? She's fairly new, and ive only seen her there for the past 3 weekends or so... today is the FIRST time i've even said a word to her. Your gonna laugh when i tell you what i said..
> Me: "i need a 5hr energy"
> Her: Well, which one would you like?
> Me: which would you prefer?
> Her: (smiling) i dunno, i dont drink those. We have grape, orange, citrus.. etc..
> Me: (smiling) you look like you enjoy workin here
> HEr: Im happy all the time.
> Me: well let me have a grape..
> Her: okay here you go.
> Me: If i dont like this one, im gonna come back (jokingly)
> Her: ya. let me kno.
> then i walk out.......... That was this morning... SHE'S BEEN ON MY MIND ALL DAY.... now that i look back at the situation, she was SMILING FROM EAR TO EAR the whole. entire.. time! i feel so stupid... I cant get her outta my head.. CAN YOU HELP ME?
> how can i make this gas station clerk, my new friend or girlfriend?

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
First thing you should do is stop getting all gay about her smile and how "enlightening" she is. She's just a girl. Working at a f**king gas station.

The bigger you build her up, the harder it is to ask her out.

Secondly, you just need to ask her out. Talk about what you do for fun. You say "How was your weekend? I just went to blah blah with my friends. It was fun. You should come with me sometime. You'd like it."