What do I do when they blow me up?


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2012
Reaction score
So I've got some dates set up this week with different broads. Three of them are blowing me the ferk up with calls and texts. These same three have also been getting really sexual on the phone.

My question is this: I don't have dates with them till later in the week and I have no time to go around fertilizing all of those strawberry patches until then. What do I do with all of their d*mn messages and calls until then? I don't want to lose their interest by going no contact but I don't want to over do it either.

My usual proportion is 2/3, with every 3 contacts they give me I try to give no more than 2 in return. For every 3 positive remarks or actions I try to reward with 2 of my own. The thing is some of these broads are absolutely blowing me the ferk up.

Honestly I like the attention and prefer the women who are highly interested in me, but I don't want to give up my frame.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
silkyjohnson said:
My question is this: I don't have dates with them till later in the week and I have no time to go around fertilizing all of those strawberry patches until then. What do I do with all of their d*mn messages and calls until then? I don't want to lose their interest by going no contact but I don't want to over do it either.
Man if it was me, I'd outsource these texts/calls to a call center in India!


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Even if you had the time to text with all of them you would see your game quickly drying up with every reply. Send them a couple replies and tell them to hold on a sec and wait for the next text from her.

what I would do at least...