what do i do now???

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New Member
Mar 20, 2005
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ok here's the deal. this is my first post and i'm here for a reason :). there is this girl i'm totally in love with but don't know her that well. we talk for a while everytime i see her. anyways she had a boyfriend she was moving in with and was happy with him. all of a sudden i went to the bar where she works and she's all like "he is leaving me and said all these mean things about me." so i talk to her for a while about it because i've been through this recently and she's all touching me and stuff. so in a friendly way i swear, i'm like "well if you ever wanna hang out and talk sometime let me know." she didn't take that well. she's like "umm come back later." i told her i didn't mean it like that but she's not feeling me. i didn't get a chance to talk to her again that night but what can i do now to make sure i tap that later? thanks DJs.


New Member
Mar 20, 2005
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yeah i've read that man but i don't know what to do now that i may have pissed her off.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
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there is this girl i'm totally in love with but don't know her that well.
You dont love something you dont know. Setting yourself up for disaster. You just love the idea of what you think she is or may be or love the way she looks. You do not love her.

anyways she had a boyfriend she was moving in with and was happy with him. all of a sudden i went to the bar where she works and she's all like "he is leaving me and said all these mean things about me."
What the hell did you think being in love with a girl who had a boyfriend she was going to move in with for?

As for the rest of the post. How old are you two? This girl just got dumped and is most likely looking for a guy to have fun with and feed her ego for a bit in exchange for nasty sex. She wants a rebound to make her realize that she is still the sexy wanted girl that she was before her relationship. If you really only want to tap it and wont feel bad when it only lasts for a month then all you need to do is play the rebound card. Bring her on action dates, play the kino game and exude fun and sex appeal.

You seem to be looking at this girl as an LTR. She most likely wont be ready to be in that frame of mind until she is done with her wild phase. Hell that phase could last a long time. On the same token that phase could end to soon and she will be an emotional wreck and a terrible, untrustworthy co-dependant LTR.

Take Schlep's advice and read the bible. Tool around the forums and use the search function to find other threads regarding this. The info is all on here somewhere or another you just need to take the time to find it and then apply what you feel is neccessary. Best of luck with whatever you choose.
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