what do girls see in him??


New Member
Mar 20, 2003
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Now keep in mind that the guy im bout to describe is one of my friends. His way with ladies just confuses the he11 out of me.

I had never thought of my friend as being a popular guy till earlier this year me and him were in the running for high school class favorites and he beat me. Now im pretty new to this site but from what ive read, my friend does everything wrong when it comes to girls. That being said he always has some hot girl that likes him or wants to go out with him. As i describe his appearance, personality, and hobbies maybe youll understand why im so confused.

First of all hes a good looking guy, ill give him that, but hes shorter than i am (hes about 5'7'') and weighs maybe 130-135. He plays a couple of sports but hes not good at all. On the other hand he does dress well and usually smells good (unless he forgets to put on cologne then he smells like his cats).

Hes not a funny guy either and always seems like hes trying too hard to be funny. Its not very easy to carry on a conversation with him and it can be very boring to talk to him. He seems very shy around girls (especially if they like him) and doesnt flirt much and never uses kino. Hes almost 17 and has only kissed one girl and that was 3 years ago. One time he had two girls that wanted to go out with him at the same time and when i asked him if he was going to go out with one of them he told me he was going to "wait for everything to cool down" before he did anything.

Hes a procrastinator and is late for everything. If he says hell be ready to go out at 7:00, he wont start getting ready untill 8:00.
His favorite hobbies are video games and the computer. Hell be 17 in a couple of month and doesnt have his learners permit and doesnt have a car to drive either. Hes a slob and very unorganized.

All this being said, for some reason he is one of my friends and always has some hot girl that is just crazy about him but he never does anything about it.

This may make me seem jealous and bitter but i just want to know if there's anything i can learn from him.


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2003
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My best assumption as to why is simply because in high school, girls like to flock around the jocks/good looking people. The entire Don Juan theory seems to apply mostly to college and latter years. Young girls usually go more for looks and popularity than personality, in my opinion.

Stupid conformity....


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
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LA, California
well, the only thing I could imagine would be the mystery aspect. I remember in my HS there was this one guy who was pretty shy..... always reserved, never made jokes, he was smart and what not, but the point is it seemed every girl had a crush on him..... mainly because no one knew anything about him! Mystery is the only thing I could think of...

then again, sometimes **** just don't make sense ;)