what can I do?


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
I still havent managed to change my life from this site, I havent even manged to make one single approach. Im basically just like how Viper used to be, except I dont usally sit on the computer and whine about my probelms on forums, I just sit there and whine about them to myself. Then I will be like 'yeah im gonna change all this' but then after a few days I will feel like I cant do it again. Mabey I have Bi-polio or something, I donno. My school doesnt help eithier, most people are either confident good at everything type people or nerds, which means I dont fit in. Its all guys as well, which is really gay. I really have no idea what i can do to fix this, the simplest things seem so hard and I rarley achive anything. I havent been happy about my life since about grade 2 and im in year 9 now. How can I change my mindset? I tried affermations once but they didnt work. Im starting to think mabey I cant be a DJ, mabey I should just give up. Please help me somehow.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
You have to take little steps.. U can do it man..