I want to make my first $1 million in 7-8 years. I want to one day be able to support/fund expensive medical research for rheumatoid arthritis. I also have a goal of building a free school to teach the homeless/poor how to make better decisions. Welfare, Medicare, and shelters only make them complacent...poverty is a choice, and we must make them realize that they do have that choice, and how they can make better lives. It will greatly help the country to give them some financial sense. I want to travel the country someday giving speeches. I really love writing, and hope to write a book someday. I would love to teach math, preferrably calculus. I may want to run for some sort of local political office. Basically, I want to make a positive difference in the world. But hey, those are really long-term, like 15-20years down the road, when I'm already wealthy and just trying stuff out for pure fun.
Things I'm doing / short-term goals to get on the right path: (ways I will start making money...)
-starting to establish credit. Unfortunately I started late...just getting my first credit card now. (at age 22!) - but hey, it's never too late
-saving money from my job, and investing it into my eBay store. goal: to reach eBay power seller status ($1000+ in transactions/month) in the next 6-7 months. I also hope to get into a niche product soon. I'm trying to read as many books on the topic of eBay as possible.
-I some innovative ideas as well, which I may try to finance with my store profits. Such as rental properties, and investing in pre-construction condos/apartments.
I want to weigh 180lbs and 10% BF by June 2007.
I started at 134 and 10.7%BF on April 22. I'm 141 and 12%BF now, which is the heaviest I've ever been.