What are you thinking?


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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On this planet I met people which could pratically know what you're thinking..
I've always asked myself:
"How are they doing this"?

AFAIK, Mind Reading it's not a human skill, but something that scammer would sell for 9,99$ instead...
Btw, Which are the closest things to mind reading we could use to understand what a person is thinking?
How are those people be able to do it?

We know about body language being a reflection of our mind, but which are there other skills we can master in order to fully understand what someone is thinking?

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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There are a few people I know well and I can anticipate what they are going to say before they say it. I can complete their sentences. Often in conversation I am a few steps ahead of them. I'm always wanting them to hurry up.

I also can sense when girls are going to call me. Subconsciously I think my brain figures out the patterns.

I have no idea why. I'm weird.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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Learn micro-expressions.
Plenty of resources, but the best ones?

There are a few people I know well and I can anticipate what they are going to say before they say it. I can complete their sentences. Often in conversation I am a few steps ahead of them. I'm always wanting them to hurry up.

I also can sense when girls are going to call me. Subconsciously I think my brain figures out the patterns.

I have no idea why. I'm weird.
Is this genetics?

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Is this genetics?
Perhaps. Maybe social acuity is partly genetic.

I am as @The Duke described, though not when I was very young. I can now have one conversation and a look-over of someone and assess whether he is a sh-t head or not. My mom’s side of the family also has high social and psychological acuity.

When I was seventeen, a bad-boy friend, whose business I thought I could separate from our friendship, came over my house. All he said to my mom was “hello, nice to meet you.” Nothing else!

After he l left, my mom said, “don’t bring him back.” He was not strangely dressed or strange sounding or looking. At least I didn’t think so. He went to prison the following year. So my mom’s assessment was accurate.
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Senior Don Juan
Jan 11, 2024
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Houston Tx.
There are a few people I know well and I can anticipate what they are going to say before they say it. I can complete their sentences. Often in conversation I am a few steps ahead of them. I'm always wanting them to hurry up.

I also can sense when girls are going to call me. Subconsciously I think my brain figures out the patterns.

I have no idea why. I'm weird.
Same here. I got it from my mother.

I believe that part of it is that I pay attention when talking to people. What they are saying ETC. Most of my male friends do not pay attention and listen. As a rule, most Men are not good listeners.
Not that I care. LOL


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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OP this is something you can partially feel. Go to a place where you know people are angry, and close your eyes when you get there. Notice how it feels and remember it. Now do the same thing at a place where you know people are happy. A place where people are meditating is also a good idea, as the vibes are particularly strong where there's a group in an enclosed room.

This is a start. Get used to doing this and combine it with reading body language and facial expressions and observing voice tone, etc.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Other than facial expressions and body language, I read people a lot based on their reactions to things that are said and done around them. There are dozens of these I use. I will give a examples:

- If I say "I like X" and they say something negative about X. Then I say something else laer about "Y" and they say something negative about Y, I conclude that they either do not like me OR they are just unhappy in general. I will look for people elsewhere to talk to. People who can only find the BAD in every topic and never see the GOOD in anything are not people I want to be around.

- Another example is if a person always changes the subject to be about themselves. I might say "I won $100 on a Lotto ticket this morning" and they say "Back in 1980 I won 50 cents", and change the subject to be about THEM, and completely derail my good news with something abotu themselves, this is a narcissistic trait. It doesn't mean they are a narcissist per say, but enough to put me on guard and watch this person closer. Same is if a person can never admit they are wrong. That is also a narcissistic trait.

- I also see people that really brag hard about themselves a lot are insecure deep down. This one is pretty well known.

- People who talk a lot about their problems especially financial may be someone who has motives to get in your wallet, somehow.

These are just a few examples of many. In summary, people are not that hard to read. Assesing someone quickly to see if they are going to be someone you want in your presences is one of the most important things you can do, in any context.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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- Another example is if a person always changes the subject to be about themselves. I might say "I won $100 on a Lotto ticket this morning" and they say "Back in 1980 I won 50 cents", and change the subject to be about THEM, and completely derail my good news with something abotu themselves, this is a narcissistic trait. It doesn't mean they are a narcissist per say, but enough to put me on guard and watch this person closer. Same is if a person can never admit they are wrong. That is also a narcissistic trait.

- I also see people that really brag hard about themselves a lot are insecure deep down. This one is pretty well known.
This is very true. I have worked on that basis after observation so it’s good others have come to the same conclusion. Although this could be interpreted as me now making this about myself so I’m worried!

Another thing to watch for:

Glib, superficial charm. There’s a particular charm covert narcissists have, it’s hard to describe but it’s unmistakable when you see it.

It’s sort of a set of polished pre-rehearsed lines which lack any depth or meaning. What comes with this often is overt altruism. They are invariably egalitarian leftists and loudly so. Or they very publicly do charitable works.

there’s a reason so many charities and churches have evil people in their ranks. They crave the cloak of altruism and being above suspicion.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
This is very true. I have worked on that basis after observation so it’s good others have come to the same conclusion. Although this could be interpreted as me now making this about myself so I’m worried!

Another thing to watch for:

Glib, superficial charm. There’s a particular charm covert narcissists have, it’s hard to describe but it’s unmistakable when you see it.

It’s sort of a set of polished pre-rehearsed lines which lack any depth or meaning. What comes with this often is overt altruism. They are invariably egalitarian leftists and loudly so. Or they very publicly do charitable works.

there’s a reason so many charities and churches have evil people in their ranks. They crave the cloak of altruism and being above suspicion.
ha didn’t check your user name. Not sure if this means you’re a left winger or left handed.

if it’s the former that wasn’t a veiled insult BTW. Curious to know what your username means.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
OP this is something you can partially feel. Go to a place where you know people are angry, and close your eyes when you get there. Notice how it feels and remember it. Now do the same thing at a place where you know people are happy. A place where people are meditating is also a good idea, as the vibes are particularly strong where there's a group in an enclosed room.

This is a start. Get used to doing this and combine it with reading body language and facial expressions and observing voice tone, etc.
The most wild is being around tons of drunk people when you're sober, it's astonishing how stupid they act.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2018
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Here's a good YouTube channel. It helped me better read people and situations.
