wheelin&dealin said:
Trans-fats or hydrogenated oils are probably responsible for 99% of all cancers.
huh? that doesn't even begin to make sense.
This substance does not occur in nature and is very dangerous to ingest.
most of the substances we ingest do not occur in nature. we invented this thing called cooking that changes most of them. not everything artificial that we do to food causes cancer.
trans fats are not linked to cancer (though I wouldn't rule it out), they're linked to heart disease. partial hydrogenation takes normal liquid oil fat and turns part of it into solid saturated fat, but leaves behind some other fats that have been changed into something that doesn't occur in nature. we've figured out that substance (trans fat) is linked to heart disease (and maybe other stuff, but no one has shown it yet).
Fully hydrogenated oils have become saturated fat, the kind you mostly find with animal flesh, and no one has shown that the artificial process used to get there has any ill effects.