I don't think it's as much as a set list of things of community standards but it should be a a set of personal boundaries which you're aware of what you're attracted to. It's like I hate being around girls who don't dress well, I just don't like it so to me they are low value, I don't feel good when I am around them and I assume that the girl is sloppy and doesn't look after herself. Another guy might be cool with that and enjoy the casual look. I'd also say a girl who is overly crude is low value but that's just my opinion and how my mind works. There will of course be more generic low value factors like drug taking, alcoholism and mental disorders. But the real differences to most guys on here will come ones they have a bit of introspection and say to themselves, "I don't like girls who are always late because I value my time and it annoys me." So when a chicks late for a first date, it's just getting to the point where the guy is disrespecting own values. At the end of the day, when the crap hits the fan, a man is only as disappointed as how far he allowed his boundaries to be trampled on. A man won't worry about losing a girl because she didn't make the grade but if he let her get away with stuff and he stuck around and she left him, he'll feel much worse because he was not only disrespected by her but he's disrespected himself too. So the signs of a low value woman? There are tons of threads on that but most of it will be things that make you feel negative emotions, that's a pretty good barometer. If you don't feel good around her, to you she is low value. Sorted.