What are the physical weakpoints in a girl(if any)?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA
ok so this Saturday a girl i like is coming to my house to chill and drink and MAYBE spend the night(parents out of town)

The thing is im gona try to smash. The thing is she is into me but she is really shy(even when buzzed), so i cant just make out with her because she tends to pull away because she is scared. She is 21, and told me she only had sex 2 times in her whole life, and she is GORGEOUS i mean a lot of my friends have tried to hit(but failed)

she knows i kind of like her to but we both arent looking for patterns at the moment so we have moments like this where we chill once in a while. and while she does play hard to get and she is good at that she is affectionate as hell, she always has her arms around me when were lying down and she lets me put my hands on her legs(around knees, no higher)

the thing is i want to make her horny, but i cant just start massaging her thighs and keep moving up because it will be obvious i wana smash, and the way i want to do it is i want her to get wet and horny and kinda give me obvious signs she wants to do it.

So to all you vets and pros where on a female body can i touch or rub or both thats not the thighs, ass or breasts?(if there are any)

any help is appreciated thank you


Senior Don Juan
Jan 26, 2004
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over the hedge
tough one. Its not all bad because she HAS had sex before so be persistent. Reminds me of a situation I was in were the girl was playing hard to get, and I started taking her out more to places were it looked like i put some effort into it instead of just dvds at my house or drinking then my house. Like 2-3 times.. Just fun stuff.. For the first 2 I always bailed and while i escalated kino I always time constrainted on the dates that i would be leaving after in a subtle way. I was REALLY wanting to get this girl home, but i thought it best not to look like im always trying to bone her, or doing things just cos i wanted to bone her later... Now that i think about it, it was probably the comfort that wasnt there and couldve been built without those dates... comfort and kino... run some patterns on her or comfort building kind of convos... you have the attraction already so theres no need for so many negs or playing hard to get... Sometimes i get carried away with this instead of talking normal **** and trying to comfort build.. being sweet here and there etc getting emotions out.. even talking about ur own insecurities (careful)... Sounds like shes ready, but being cautious, which i think is a good trait in a girl. She isnt opening her legs so quick etc


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
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irocknike23 said:
ok so this Saturday a girl i like is coming to my house to chill and drink and MAYBE spend the night(parents out of town)

The thing is im gona try to smash. The thing is she is into me but she is really shy(even when buzzed), so i cant just make out with her because she tends to pull away because she is scared. She is 21, and told me she only had sex 2 times in her whole life, and she is GORGEOUS i mean a lot of my friends have tried to hit(but failed)

she knows i kind of like her to but we both arent looking for patterns at the moment so we have moments like this where we chill once in a while. and while she does play hard to get and she is good at that she is affectionate as hell, she always has her arms around me when were lying down and she lets me put my hands on her legs(around knees, no higher)

the thing is i want to make her horny, but i cant just start massaging her thighs and keep moving up because it will be obvious i wana smash, and the way i want to do it is i want her to get wet and horny and kinda give me obvious signs she wants to do it.

So to all you vets and pros where on a female body can i touch or rub or both thats not the thighs, ass or breasts?(if there are any)

any help is appreciated thank you
hahaha, that was hilarious. When you are saying a girl lets you touch her, but not above the knees. Something is wrong is the dynamic. Why haven't you just asked her out? You don't think you're kind of of skipping a step wanting to feel her up without even kissing her? Making out is huge factor. I can't imagine escalating without doing that, except maybe with... a prostitute? How can you expect to get an inexperienced girl that way?

Honestly, you come off as very young. It seems like your sole goal is to get access to her fun bits, which is fine, but you'll probably need to at least pretend you care about the other stuff. A girl won't fvck you out of pure horniness alone (unless she's reeally drunk) because she could easily just find a guy she's attracted to to fvck.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
irocknike23 said:
So to all you vets and pros where on a female body can i touch or rub or both thats not the thighs, ass or breasts?(if there are any)

Uuuhhh, everywhere else! :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry but I think she will flake! Take her back to your home without even have kissed? With what excuse? She will need an excuse to come over so that she won't feel like a prostitude!

Let's say she comes over, and I hope she will, what should you do?

I would invite her for a movie! I would go out and pick the movie with her so that we will spend some good time first instead of just waiting for her to come over to your house and try to escalate! If and when you start making out, you have plenty of ways to make her horny! Since she doesn't want to be touched (which is akward, cause how are you gonna make out with her? anyway) try kissing her on her neck, having some tongue and be playfull with your hands! She is 21 years old I can't imagine how that would be a problem! Rub her waist, ass, boobs after a while! It's pretty easy you don't need guidance for that! Make yourself look like you are horny and she will get in the mood if you make it there!


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Haha, "physical weak points"... makes it sound like you wanna fight with em or kick their ass!!

Unlike us girls have many different erogenous zones. For most guys the most important zone is our cacks!! Girls, however, have many different areas that can help w/ increasing arousal. Remember that girls love the mental/emotional/psychological side of sex more than us. Anticipation is a big thing for them. Make sure you don't rush things. Keep things slow, smooth and comfortable. Obviously you don't wanna make her uncomfortable, and one of the ways to do this is to slow down physical escalation until you know that she's ready/turned on. DO NOT act like you want sex from her, even though you obviously really do!! As you physically escalate act/give off the impression that you're just enjoying her company. Obviously should the opportunity present itself you need to be ready to get in there!

In my experience the neck/upper chest and lower back are highly sensitive areas. But don't restrict yourself to these areas. Remember women love getting manicures/pedicures, so obviously these are sensitive as well. One of the most successful ways to physically escalate is to give her a massage... Its a super easy way to get her clothes off, make her feel good and get her hormones going. Most women don't get turned on as fast as we do, so massage is a great tool for physical escalation.

After massage you can move onto lightly kissing her neck, etc. Always look for cues that she wants you to go further. I think its crucial to create ambience as well... Girls respond to this kind of shiit big time. Music, candles, etc... just have a chill sensual environment there for her. Don't go overboard though, like don't grow a 70s porn mustache, and wear a bathrobe around! Although I don't like to admit it, alcohol is also a great tool. As a social inhibitor alcohol can really help uptight girls loosen up. I get sex from my fiance any time I want, but when she's drunk she's extra filthy. Not saying you should get her hammered, but a couple of drinks w/ the above mentioned concepts of ambience, slow physical escalation through massage and building anticipation will really help your cause.

Good luck!


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
I find most bosses have their physical weak point in the core. You have to get full power ups and shoot the barriers around the core until they disappear. THEN, you have to shoot the core. Keep at it without getting hit, and you'll advance to the next stage!


Seriously, you don't need an instruction manual. You need to just go for it. That, or give us more relevant details.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
loveshogun said:
I find most bosses have their physical weak point in the core. You have to get full power ups and shoot the barriers around the core until they disappear. THEN, you have to shoot the core. Keep at it without getting hit, and you'll advance to the next stage!


Seriously, you don't need an instruction manual. You need to just go for it. That, or give us more relevant details.
:D that totally reminds of old school games like contra for the NES. http://nintendo8.com/game/60/contra/


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA
appreciate all the advice(outside the troll posts)

One thing about this girl is she sends me SUPER mixed signs.

She is the weirdest girl i ever been around(but very hot)....she is Asian i dont know if that counts for anything.

But yeah she send me mixed signals like when were together she always affectionate some way.(when were haning out in public like walking a boardwalk on the beach she always has her arm around mine)

and then 2 months back i remember she was cold so she put her hand up in my shirt on my shoulder to "warm up" but then she proceeded to grip my bicep and squeeze it for like a good 3 minutes(im not trying to be ****y but i play 3 sports and been working out 5 times a week since i been in the 8th grade)

and then when we drink(just for the record were not alcoholics we have chill drinking sessions like once every 2 months) she ALWAYS puts hear head on my neck and grips me with her arms like im a teddy bear.

and last year when we stayed in San Diego with her sister for a car show she woke me up in the middle of the night saying she couldn't sleep then she curled up next time me and knocked out instantly.

I can give you guys like about 10 more examples but you kinda get it now...

Thats the type of mixed signals she sends me, i honestly don't know what to make out of her but all i know is i want to hit that and this Saturday i will(i will update you guys if i succeeded or failed).

Like i said thanks for the advice i will take it and use it.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
Reaction score
irocknike23 said:
appreciate all the advice(outside the troll posts)

One thing about this girl is she sends me SUPER mixed signs.

She is the weirdest girl i ever been around(but very hot)....she is Asian i dont know if that counts for anything.

But yeah she send me mixed signals like when were together she always affectionate some way.(when were haning out in public like walking a boardwalk on the beach she always has her arm around mine)

and then 2 months back i remember she was cold so she put her hand up in my shirt on my shoulder to "warm up" but then she proceeded to grip my bicep and squeeze it for like a good 3 minutes(im not trying to be ****y but i play 3 sports and been working out 5 times a week since i been in the 8th grade)

and then when we drink(just for the record were not alcoholics we have chill drinking sessions like once every 2 months) she ALWAYS puts hear head on my neck and grips me with her arms like im a teddy bear.

and last year when we stayed in San Diego with her sister for a car show she woke me up in the middle of the night saying she couldn't sleep then she curled up next time me and knocked out instantly.

I can give you guys like about 10 more examples but you kinda get it now...

Thats the type of mixed signals she sends me, i honestly don't know what to make out of her but all i know is i want to hit that and this Saturday i will(i will update you guys if i succeeded or failed).

Like i said thanks for the advice i will take it and use it.
Again, why don't you just ask her out? Thats a sure fire way to find out if she's interested or not.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
With these type of girls, I call them deniers, you have to be very persistent. She might not kiss you the first time, or the second, but she will on the 3rd! I fvcked a girl who was like this and everytime I would go for the kiss she would just move. It wasn't until the 3rd time I saw her that she let it happen, and on the fourth night I smashed! ;)

Funny thing was though, is that she never said no. So moral is, if she doesn't say no, then keep trying. :D


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Chickfight said:
Again, why don't you just ask her out? Thats a sure fire way to find out if she's interested or not.
Seriously, right? OP, you gotta just go for it. Shoot the core!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA
guys i clearly explained im not asking her out because at the moment both of us arent looking for anybody

She is Majoring math in college(thats like the hardest thing you can take up), she is ALWAYS studying or at school except like once in a while

and im plenty busy too with school and football and on top of that i just dont want a GF right now


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
irocknike23 said:
guys i clearly explained im not asking her out because at the moment both of us arent looking for anybody

She is Majoring math in college(thats like the hardest thing you can take up), she is ALWAYS studying or at school except like once in a while

and im plenty busy too with school and football and on top of that i just dont want a GF right now
See that? That's you making things complicated.

My post before wasn't trolling. I admit, that sarcasm on the net, especially on an advice forum, isn't the best way to transmit ideas.

But lemme lay it out for you brother.

No one said you had to "make her your GF." Asking someone out is asking someone out. It's not a marriage proposal, or a contract.

Furthermore, no one in their right mind should ever be LOOKING for someone. You should have stuff going on in your life. Either way, you don't have to be looking to be going on dates. You seem like you have some pretty good priorities with school and sports. My advice is STAY that way, but don't use it as an excuse not to go for what you want. You're treating this like it has some kind of Monday deadline. If you can't figure out logistics without your 'rents being out of town, you don't deserve to get laid.

Finally, she's coming to visit you. You. Just you. If you're not bending the truth, anyway. This situation doesn't get any more rife with opportunity. Just take her out somewhere. Have fun. "Shoot the core." Just go for it.

What do you have to lose? Nothing. You're over thinking, and bringing out the "technique book" when you haven't even gotten her out yet. One step at a time, dude.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
lick the inner part of the ear. **** works every time. circle it with your tongue.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
A quick blow to the 3rd cervical vertebra usually dispatches them quickly and with little mess...oh....OH, you mean sexual weakpoints. :D

Dude you're already lying down with her, "cuddling", so she has to be comfortable with proximity to you.

Usually when I'm on the couch with a girl...and I have a broad couch for this reason...we lay down together, her in front of me, I just "spoon up" against her and put a hand on her waist or hip. Don't be still...movement is stimulating. Run your hands up and down her sides casually. Brush the hair away from her neck and trace the neckline.

People are usually sensitive where a lot of nerves/blood vessels come together. The centers of muscles, for example...run your fingers up the center of your bicep or your hamstring. Tickles a little, doesn't it? The front and side of the neck, along the spine, the underside of the forearms along the wrist muscles, that kind of stuff.

Next time you're lying in bed by yourself, relaxed, just explore your OWN body a little bit...touch yourself and see what feels good, what is sensitive. Chances are that'll give you a place to start.

One thing I love doing is playing with girls' belly-button rings/piercings if they have them, especially on a girl with a nice stomach. For some girls, they'll let you touch their thighs before their stomachs. Kind of like a dog will let you pet its back but it has to REALLY like/trust you before it rolls over and lets you give it a belly-rub.

That, rubbing her thighs (you don't even need to come near her cooch), touching the outside and inside of her upper arm, her forearm, holding hands/playing with her fingers, neck and shoulders, up and down her sides...I dated this one girl a couple of times who went nuts when I ran my fingers down her upper back for some reason. Every girl is different. Breathe on her neck and shoulders, let her feel you right there. Play with her hair (gently) a little bit. Do stuff like pull the strap of her bra down, kiss her on that shoulder, and then pull the strap back up. Little teases.

Don't be to anxious to get on the ta-tas...you can graze them a little as you move your hands along her sides/belly. Also, don't be too quick to get on the cooch. You can get pretty high on the thighs as long as you're only rubbing/teasing as long as you don't actually get on the mound. Also, if she lets you rub her belly, after some playing around there try sliding the tips of one or two fingers inside her waistband. Again, dont' go straight for the honey-pot, just tease.

By the time you actually get to KISSING her, she should be so wet you should be able to set a cold glass of water on her tummy and moisture will condense on the outside. Like, you can literally FEEL it when your hands get close to there. Even still, kiss her lips and around the neck...tease your way down to the nips, don't go for them right away. The nips are like the knobs for the faucet...tease them right and she will be creaming herself, DYING to let you in her pants. When you finally get in her pants, rub it a little bit through the panties first. (If she's wearing them!!) THEN work inside the panties/on getting the panties off.

Jesus, I can't talk about this crap online...I'm pitching a tent as we speak.

I need to get laid. :p

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Would you shut the fvck up, Squirrels?!?! Your post made me extremely horny, ROFL!

To the OP: It might be a good idea to initiate a massage. Start with her neck and shoulders, then work your way down. Squirrels really explained how to escalate it all, I'm just suggesting a different starting point (instead of "spooning up", start massaging her neck and work your way from there.)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA
dammm thats some great advice the last couple of posts...holly hell im seriously going to re read that like 8 times before Saturday so i remember it


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Die Hard said:
Would you shut the fvck up, Squirrels?!?! Your post made me extremely horny, ROFL!

To the OP: It might be a good idea to initiate a massage. Start with her neck and shoulders, then work your way down. Squirrels really explained how to escalate it all, I'm just suggesting a different starting point (instead of "spooning up", start massaging her neck and work your way from there.)
You don't have to "spoon up", but when you sit down on the couch, lay in a way that you're making physical contact...you can put your arm around her shoulders, but an arm around the waist/draped across the hips works better. A hand on the hips tells a woman, "this is mine". :D

Or if she's sitting across from you, sit in a way that her legs are up on your lap or crossed in with yours. You can then enjoy what a girl's legs feel like, all soft and smooth and delicate.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada.
I will tell you the secret you've asked for.

Start by playing with her hair. Then move down to hear ears. Massage those for a while. Tickle her neck a little bit as you do this...kinda behind her ear and down. Also, right at the very top of her back (near the bottom of the neck) is very sensitive...you can tickle here a little bit too. This will warm her up a little bit (dont move too fast..especially when going from hair to skin). Then you can work your way to kissing her neck a little bit (be VERY gentle) and then her ear. She WILL NOT be able to resist this...unless she has it in her mind there is NO way she wants to have sex with you..even then, there is a good chance this will work for you. Just take is slow..and be VERY VERY GENTLE!

If a woman will let you kiss her ears (and breath slowly/heavily into them) she will let you **** her...this is a FACT!

Good luck.